I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 329: You are the beginning and the end

Chen Mo has a map. He looked at the location of the Moon God Palace. It was tens of thousands of kilometers away. If he passed by himself, would it be the year of the monkey? But with the help of the flying sacred beast ice sculpture, it should be able to reach tens of thousands of kilometers in a few hours at its speed.

   "What are you doing?"

Xiao Ruhan frowned when he heard Chen Mo\'s words, and then said, "Do you know that the strong men of the martial arts now see you as a thorn in the flesh? Let alone you, even someone of the same level cannot slap them. Slap, let alone you? They can\'t wait to kill you. It\'s too dangerous for you to go out. I will help you if there is anything."

  You can’t tell Xiao Ruhan about this, she will definitely think he is crazy.

   "Just go find a friend and have something to do."

   "Where is your friend?"

   "The Moon God Palace."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "I\'m going? Do you still have a friend like the Moon God Palace? Something, Xiao Momo!"

and many more!

  Xiao Ruhan suddenly thought of something.

  This little Momo released the Taixu Xingchen Jue. She asked that person last night. She has never taught anyone else the Taixu Xingchen Jue. As for several other people who know Taixu Xingchen Jue, she also asked, no! So she was even more surprised, where did Xiao Momo\'s Taixu Star Art come from? Now Chen Mo said that he had a friend from the Moon God Palace, and that might be the key.

   "Who, let me hear it, maybe I know it."

  "Do you still know people from Moon God Palace?"

  Xiao Ruhan has a proud face.

   "Why? You think this fairy has been a fool for these years? Don\'t be afraid to tell you that the people I know have gone to the north and south, let\'s just listen."

  Chen Modao “just a new disciple.”

  New disciple?

  Xiao Ruhan frowned slightly, the new disciple couldn’t be too imaginary, he learned it secretly? It\'s impossible! How can this kind of martial arts be learned secretly?


   "I won\'t tell you."

  Xiao Ruhan then curled his mouth, hugged Chen Mo\'s arm, and dangled like a baby.

   "Good Momo, just tell me, she is such a fairy, she will definitely not talk nonsense, maybe she can introduce him to masters and teach her, okay, okay."

  Chen Mo; "..."

   "Seven elders... I am a little bit..."

  Wei Yunhai opened the door of the yard. He saw this scene halfway after he had spoken, and his eyes widened.

  What\'s the situation?

  Are the master and disciple flirting?

  Xiao Ruhan didn\'t think there was anything, and didn\'t let go of Chen Mo\'s arm.

   "Sovereign, what\'s the matter?"


  Wei Yunhai coughed dryly and said, "I said the seventh elder, pay attention to the image."

"Leave me alone?"

  Weiyunhai "……"

   "Fine, you guys talk first, and come to the hall to find me later."

  Will Yunhai also helplessly, he left!

  This Seventh Elder, isn’t he a disciple of his own? What style is that?

  Chen Mo shook off Xiao Ruhan’s arm and said, “I’ll talk about it later, can I borrow the snow sculpture?”

   "It should be okay, then tell me which palace you are going to the Moon God Palace first?"

  Xiao Ruhan really wants to find out where Chen Mo learned the Taixu Star Art, it seems that he still doesn\'t know what it means.

"you do not need to know."

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

  "I am your master, don’t you know?"


  Xiao Ruhan then smirked.


"Lord...mainly, there are 108 houses in the Moon Shrine. The scale of this house is the size of our Weiyang Palace. The 108 houses are scattered from the sky to the ground. There are even some. Still in an enchantment, illusion or a small world, you may not be able to walk through the 108th house for ten days in total. I will see which one you are going to see if I know if I know, let you go less, less Take a moment, this fairy is so kind that you don\'t appreciate it, oh... oh, oh."

  Xiao Ruhan looks aggrieved.

  Chen Mo pondered slightly.

  Not to mention, it is really needed.

  Although Chen Mo has a map of the Moon God Palace, what the map shows is the area of ​​the Moon God Palace. As for the location of the Moon God Palace, I really don’t know where it is, I am afraid it will take a lot of time to find it.

   "Yueling Palace."

   "Yueling Palace?"

  Xiao Ruhan frowned.

  Will anyone in Yueling Palace know how to be too imaginary? impossible! Never possible! In this world, there will be no more than ten people who are too imaginary star art, no, only five! The palace lord of Yueling Palace, and even those old monsters, would not.

  However, Yueling Palace is a special existence in Moon God Palace.

   "Well, I happened to know Yueling Palace. You only need to go to Duanqing Cliff. Yueling Palace is located on Duanqing Cliff. If it is flying, it will be easier to pass."

   "Okay, thanks a lot, that snow sculpture..."

  Xiao Ruhan thought for a while and said, "Snow sculptures should be fine. I\'m just worried about your safety. Let me go with you. Anyway, I\'ll be free."

  Xiao Ruhan follow? Chen Mo didn\'t want to.

   "No, I can do it myself, and don\'t worry about my safety. I can fan the old monster with my bare hands. Is there any danger?"

   "Then can you still do it now?"

  Xiao Ruhan saw through everything and asked.


"I do not believe."

  Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

  Woman, it\'s really troublesome!

   "I\'m leaving, the three girls trouble Master Fairy to take care of me."

   "Cut, don\'t bring it if you don\'t bring it, you men are all virtues, you always give up in chaos! Bah!"

  Chen Mo "……"

   "Why did I start chaos and finally abandon?"

  "Isn’t the beginning of chaos and the end of abandonment? How easy to talk when you need this fairy, and kick it when you don’t need it!"

   "That is not the beginning of chaos and the end of abandonment."

  "Go, go, hurry, I\'m sorry for you!" Xiao Ruhan said aggrieved, and then turned around, looking as if he didn\'t want to care about Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo then walked away directly.

  After a few seconds, Xiao Ruhan slowly turned around.


   "Wow! This little Momo is really gone! Bah! The scumbag! Xiaoyuan, Xiaorou still have water. You can\'t find a partner like your brother in the future, scumbag."

  The three little loli squatted there to play games, and then blinked their big confused eyes to look at Xiao Ruhan~www.novelhall.com~ What is a partner? "

   Xiaoyuan asked confusedly.

  "It is the boy that the girl will fall in love with in the future, who will live with him all her life, and that boy is the partner."

   "No, Xiao Yuan will be with her elder brother forever, not with other boys."

   "Yeah, so does Xiao Rou."

   "There is still water."

  Xiao Ruhan? ? ?

   "Hey, hey, you guys can\'t think so."

   "No, Xiao Yuan will not leave the big brother, Xiao Yuan must always follow the big brother."

  Xiao Yuan said seriously.


  Xiao Ruhan stroked his forehead secretly.

  Well, just as they don’t understand.


Not following doesn’t mean that she won’t know what happened. Then Xiao Ruhan showed a sly smile. She wanted to see who the little Momo wanted to see and what she wanted to do. Anyway, there was nothing to do. Wave, a mirror image appeared in front of him, which was Chen Mo\'s entire live broadcast. She was sitting there making tea and watching leisurely.