I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 292: Seal of love

Latest website: Ye Yuhan\'s small face quickly turned aside, and his voice said coldly, "It\'s okay."

"Couldn\'t you like Xiao Momo?"

Xiao Ruhan said with a smile on his mouth.

Chen Mo:? ? ?

Does she really want to introduce herself to someone? What is the picture?

This Xiao Ruhan, Chen Mo can be regarded as clear. It seems to be serious, but in fact it is very serious. It seems to be unreliable, but in fact it is also reliable. It seems that the IQ is not high, but in fact...this woman should be smart.

She obviously deliberately put her Chunxin Dangling hands with Ye Yuhan, and even Chen Mo felt that she put her and Han Jiangxue\'s hands together on purpose last time.

But why is she?


Ye Yu said coldly.

"Then why do you blush?"

Xiao Ruhan continued to ask with a smile.


Ye Yuhan is still the answer! How could she see her blushing with her veil on? Red ears do not mean that the face is also red.

However, Ye Yuhan couldn\'t understand why she had such a strange feeling that she had never had before touching this Chenmo?

Chen Mo silently took the three little girls and walked away, and stopped messing around with Xiao Ruhan.

"How is it? Feeling dissatisfied with Xiao Momo?"

Xiao Ruhan smiled and asked after seeing Chen Mo leaving.

"If you like it, go by yourself, don\'t take me."

After Ye Yuhan finished speaking, she sat on the stone bench next to her, pouring tea elegantly, with such a temperament, even if she encountered this kind of thing, she still recovered after a second.

"How do you girl talk to the elders? Besides, this fairy is his master!"

Xiao Ruhan leaned over, grabbed the teapot, and poured it upside down for himself, then drank it all, looking at Ye Yuhan unhappy.

"But Yuhan sees that you are so close to him. Since you are a master, why do you want to be so close?"

"Just because it\'s Master, what\'s wrong with this fairy being close to him?"

Ye Yuhan shook his head slightly.

"Yuhan doesn\'t know how to say it. In short, Yuhan thinks it is better to pay attention to the image, otherwise it will cause misunderstanding from the outside world."

"This is the purpose of your coming, isn\'t it?"

Xiao Ruhan hooked the corner of his mouth.

Ye Yuhan was taken aback.

Is she a quilt?



Ye Yuhan shook his head, then took a sip of tea and said quickly.

"Then you want to try to be a friend with Xiao Momo first? I\'m very satisfied with him, this kid, it\'s not as simple as the surface, how long have you learned the reincarnation light moon?"

Ye Yuhan said: "Sixth."

"He half a day."

Ye Yuhan: "..."

Only by really learning those techniques created by Xiao Ruhan, can you truly understand its difficulty and intensity! She had experienced it, and knew that this martial skill that Xiao Ruhan said was only a weak and weak martial art was not easy.

Is she not talented? Nonsense, if she can\'t, no one can.

Quite surprised.

"I haven\'t had time to teach him other martial arts in the past few days. Why don\'t you stay for a few more days? Are you here to teach?"

Ye Yuhan shook his head: "Master let Yuhan not stay longer."

"Whatever you want, let\'s get to know you, I don\'t think this kid may be inferior to the one from Xianzong in the future."

Ye Yuhan glanced at Chen Mo, who was playing with a few little girls not far away, and said, "At least I can\'t learn the reincarnation light moon in half a day."

Xiao Ruhan glanced at Chen Mo and nodded, and said, "Wait and teach him other things. If you can cultivate in a very short time, then it is a real evildoer. Go, go and communicate with him, maybe right. You still have help. Wouldn\'t it be better if a life-long partner were found like this?"

Xiao Ruhan said with a smile.

Ye Yuhan said, "You should know the love marks in Yuhan."

Xiao Ruhan patted his forehead.

"Almost forgot this, you are the chooser of the Seal of Ancient Love, what\'s the situation now?"

She shook her head: "The other one has not yet been born, Master said, the ruins of the love saint will appear in the near future, in the Holy Yao Empire, perhaps another owner of the love seal will be born there."

The love saint, the strongest in ancient times, this love saint is not the other love saint. He has existed for a long time and is recognized as one of the strongest existences. Perhaps you can say that anyone can compare to him, but you can never say that there is Who can surpass him! I am afraid that only the third generation of Shura, who has slaughtered hundreds of millions of people in the world, can surpass him, but no one is sure. The status of this love saint in people\'s hearts is difficult to surpass, and it is on par with Shura.

He was the first person of the Human Race in the Tianlin Continent that year. When the Human Race was invaded by all the continents and all races, he saved the Human Race by one person. It is the opposite of Shura, but why is it called the Love Saint? Later generations named him. It is said that he fell in love with an alien woman at the time, and the human race suffered an alien invasion. The alien woman finally chose to help the human race resist other alien races, and was eventually taken away by her family. , Executed in Tianlin Continent.

The love saint entered the Dao because of love and became Shura. Yes, he is the love saint and the first generation of Shura!

He unconsciously killed a lot of people, it was the life of that woman\'s continent. Everyone admired him because he guarded the human race and repelled the alien race. Perhaps it was also because he was the only Shura of the three generations to slaughter and not the human race.

In short, he is a special Shura, and the world is more willing to call him a love saint than Shura.

The seal of ancient love is his power, but not Shura\'s power.

"The Love Saint Ruins were born, I\'m afraid it will attract countless strong people to come here."

Xiao Ruhan sighed slightly.

Then she looked at Ye Yuhan and said, "Forget it, since you have the seal of love, I won\'t introduce Xiao Momo to you. I\'ll introduce it to Jiang Xue. She is not much worse than you."

At this time, Chef Zhang walked in with a few people carrying food.

"Seventh Elder, Yuhan Girl, the food is ready!"

Xiao Ruhan stood up directly, his eyes bright.

"Fragrant, worthy of being a god-level ingredient, is incense."

Xiao Ruhan\'s saliva was about to flow out.

The food that has been coveted for several years is finally going to reach her.

Chef Zhang is about to cry!

A dish of delicious food was placed on the stone table~www.novelhall.com~ Three little loli rushed over pretty lively, staring at the little stars with big eyes full of them, and Chen Weimei was afraid that they could not help from those people\'s hands. Just grab it and eat it.

"Okay, it\'s all here, please take a long time."

Chef Zhang said, and then wanted to walk away.

"Ai Ai Ai, Chef Zhang, have you forgotten something? What about the pot of Xianqiong Stuff? How can there be no drinks for others to eat?"

The corner of Chef Zhang\'s mouth twitched suddenly, then he took out a hip flask and threw it to Xiao Ruhan, then walked away with a black face.

Chen Mo came over.

"Xiao Momo, I will give you a taste of what the top wine in this world is like. It is your blessing to follow this fairy." Xiao Ruhan patted Yuhu and laughed.

(End of this chapter)