I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 291: What is this woman doing?

This Venerable is about to cry!

  This is his baby! The seventh elder, fuck!

  "This food and drinks must be available. After all, he is a disciple of the Lord Moon God, and we can’t lose face in Weiyang Palace. Then trouble Venerable Zhang?"

  Xiao Ruhan clicked the corner of his mouth to look at Venerable Zhang.

  Venerable Zhang\'s mouth twitched.

  I t...

  Who provoked whom?

   "Venerable Zhang, I\'m tired."

  Wei Yunhai also said, although he feels distressed for this venerable as well as him, but...Xiao Ruhan seems to be right.

  Venerable Zhang nodded.

  Xiao Ruhan clapped his hands and stood up, "Well, girl Yuhan, you should come to Weiyang Palace for the first time. It must be no better than Moon God Palace, but it also has its beautiful scenery. I will take you to visit it first."

   "Trouble you, Elder Xiao, predecessors, seniors, Yuhan, let\'s say goodbye."

   "Well, you guys go and visit first."

  Then the two walked away.

   "Sect Master, Sect Master! You talk about these seven elders, he is simply blackmail!"

  As soon as they left, Venerable Zhang couldn’t help it!

Wei Yunhai walked over and patted Venerable Zhang’s shoulder, and said earnestly, "Do you still understand this girl? But she does have a long way to go, and I really want to entertain her in Weiyang Palace. What we have lost this time The countless training resources of the Moon God Palace can continue to cooperate. My Weiyang Palace is about to rise again. Venerable Zhang, please give some! The sect will remember you!"

   "That\'s the hard work of the old man\'s life!"

  Venerable Zhang tears are about to shed.

   "I know, but with the help of the Moon God Palace, you can get more from Venerable Zhang in the future, believe this deity!"

   "Hey, that\'s all, it\'s all about eating, and it\'s worth it for them to eat. The few talented and enchanting girls, the seven elders, are so annoying!"

   "Yes, yeah, my eighth-order pill was also stolen."

  The four elders said bitterly.

  Wei Yunhai shook his head secretly.

  My family is unfortunate.



  Out of the country, Ye Yuhan just said a word, and Xiao Ruhan said, "It\'s called a fairy enchantment."

  Ye Yuhan "..."

   "Sister Fairy."

  Xiao Ruhan laughed, "That\'s right."

  Then the two people walked around in Weiyang Palace.

   "Say, what are you doing here?"

  Ye Yuhan said, "Master asked me to come over and cooperate with Weiyang Palace. Master does not want sects like Weiyang Palace to weaken."

"anything else?"

   "No... no more."

   "That woman is so kind?"

  Xiao Ruhan can’t believe it.

  Ye Yuhan said nothing.

   "By the way, what is your realm?"

  Ye Yuhan whispered, "I will immediately hit the Super God Rank."

  Although she was talking to Xiao Ruhan, her tone was still very light and cold. This is because of her pure personality.

   "Tsk tusk."

  Xiao Ruhan secretly admired.

"You are only twenty-four years old, and you are about to hit the Super God level. Your talent is probably the first person in the ages. People have cultivated to the Super God level for hundreds of years. You...twenty years, this day. The number one on the list is really exaggerated."

  Ye Yuhan said, “It\'s all based on the teacher\'s teaching and the countless training resources of the Moon God Palace, otherwise it will never be possible.”

   "The effect that the training resources can achieve is based on the situation where your talent itself is against the sky, but..."

  Xiao Ruhan pondered slightly.

   “It’s not a good thing to improve your realm too quickly. After you’re promoted to the Super God level, take a while not to practice, and consolidate your cultivation.”

   "Yuhan understands."

   "By the way, you don\'t have a partner yet, do you?"

  Ye Yuhan "..."

   "Yuhan is concerned about the safety of the human race, and does not consider the love of the children."

Xiao Ruhan shook his head. "That\'s not going to happen. It’s important to have a long relationship with children here. You are not too young anymore. You can consider finding a life-long partner. You can practice with you or travel to the mainland. It’s a good thing, compared to cultivating all day, go out on tasks, consider yourself appropriately, and relax yourself."

  "A matter of feelings, freedom is determined."

   "It\'s also, there is really no one on this continent who can be worthy of you, even if the Saint Son of Xianzong has been pursuing you, you can\'t look down on it."

  Ye Yuhan did not say anything.

   "How about... let me introduce one for you?"

  Xiao Ruhan smiled at the corner of his mouth.

  I guess this girl graduated from Matchmaker Academy, right? How can you keep introducing someone to others?

  Ye Yuhan? ? ?

  "Don’t get me wrong, let’s introduce you to each other, what if you two become it?"

   "No need."

   "Go around, follow me, and introduce to you."

   Then Xiao Ruhan took her hand and ran to her yard.

  Ye Yuhan was dragged by her the whole time.

  In the yard, Chen Mo was lying on the lawn, with three little girls running around chasing butterflies.

   "Xiao Mo Mo Xiao Mo Mo."

  Before seeing this person, Chen Mo heard Xiao Ruhan\'s noise outside the wall, and the two entered the yard.

  Chen Mo sat up and looked at the woman wearing the veil!

   is a cold woman, like Han Jiangxue, but he is not familiar with it.

  Ye Yuhan looked at Chen Mo.

  Wearing a mask, but she knew that this must be Xiao Ruhan’s disciple!


  He seems to be next to Xiao Ruhan, the only new opposite **** that has appeared recently.

   Could it be him?

  Impossible, he is just a disciple of Xiao Ruhan.

   "Come and come."

  Xiao Ruhan walked over and pulled Chen Mo up, and then held Chen Mo by the arm and pulled him over.

   Ye Yuhan and Dai\'s eyebrows suddenly frowned.

  Hand in hand, even she was holding his arm!

  It\'s him!

   Even if you are a master and apprentice, you can’t be so close, right? Men and women do not kiss, and normal hands cannot be touched deliberately, and they... seem very natural.

   "Yuhan, this is my big apprentice, Xiao Momo, Xiao Momo, this one is Yuhan."

   "Good meeting."

  Chen Mo nodded slightly.

  Ye Yuhan also owed slightly.

  Xiao Ruhan held Chen Mo\'s wrist, and then held Ye Yuhan\'s hand, putting their hands together, just like the scene between Chen Mo and Han Jiangxue.

  "In the future, you will be good friends~www.novelhall.com~Xiao Ruhan smiled.

  Ye Yuhan remembered that this was the first time he had touched a boy other than his father!

  Yes, it’s so exaggerated, not holding hands, not shaking hands, just touching hands.

  And then...

  Then she bit her lip, her face flushed.

   is not ashamed, but...

  This is Chen Mo’s left hand!

  Chen Mo suddenly realized something, so he quickly withdrew and looked at Xiao Ruhan.

  What is this woman doing?

  Grass! On purpose, she definitely did it on purpose! Suddenly recalled that it seemed casual, but Xiao Ruhan just held his wrist and took it over, proving that she was actually defensive and did not touch his hand. He deliberately wanted his spring heart to rippling hand and Ye Yuhan hand to touch. together!

  Damn! What is she going to do?

   Ye Yuhan was shocked.

  What happened to yourself?

  Is it because I have basically never had any contact with boys, so I have such a reaction when I touch her?

  Impossible! impossible.

   "Huh? Yuhan, why are your ears so red?"