I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 275: Fight 2 ghost beasts

Raising evil monsters, this sounds a bit scary! But this is real, and it\'s not a lot! Some evil sects will do this, because monsters or evil monsters are generally stronger than warriors of the same level, and they may usually have some special abilities, or they may be able to achieve some special effects!

The evil spirits have one thing in common, that is, through some shortcuts to achieve rapid ascension or a certain aspect, it is many times faster than normal cultivation. It is also for this reason that some evil arts or evil factions will be attracted. A lot of people who are unhealthy.

   "It\'s over! We are about to fall into the city forever! Run! Hurry up and call the family!"

   "What are you afraid of? Isn\'t there a person from Weiyang Palace? As a superpower, can these things be unstoppable?"

"But... that\'s the seventh elder of Weiyang Palace. Of course it\'s okay to deal with the few ordinary wolf spirits in the city, but... against so many demons, there are even a dozen wolf spirits that have completely evolved and completely existed, and the seventh elders Is the strength... really enough? Just a few of them!"

   "Then... Then run for your life!"


Although Chen Mo and the others did help Yonglaicheng to eradicate all the wolf spirits in the city, they also let them breathe a sigh of relief, very grateful and admired, but seeing this dark and oppressive scene, they completely lost their confidence. ! Even the famous disciples who came to the Weiyang Palace, they can rest assured, Seventh Elder...

   didn\'t understand her, but the rumors, how she wasted, how unreliable, etc., made them inexplicably lacking confidence.

   "Can Birth and Death Wolf Emperor deal with it?"

  Xiao Ruhan asked Chen Mo.

  "One might be fine, two might be fine too."

  Hearing what Chen Mo said, Xiao Ruhan was slightly surprised.

  The birth and death wolf king of the evolution of the wolf spirit is at the ghost mysterious level, and this Chenmo has not reached the strength of the ghost mysterious, even those two girls are still far away, he can actually say that he can deal with two?

  "Well, you go to attract two battles, and you can also improve yourself by the way, just leave the rest to me!"

  Xiao Ruhan stretched out his hand, and a wooden sword appeared in his hand.

  Is this girl really selling her saber for a drink? It\'s too "frustrating".

"is that OK?"

  Chen Mo glanced, she Xiao Ruhan alone had to deal with ten thousand wolf spirits and about ten birth and death wolf kings!

  Xiao Ruhan laughed.

  "This fairy is the seventh elder of the super power. If you can\'t even do this, it would be really shameful, but you, surely no problem? The strongest thing about the wolf spirit is not its physical destructive power, but the soul impact."

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "Well, let this group of evil creatures not get close to Yonglai City for half a step, go!"


   Then Xiao Ruhan jumped, and in the dark, her figure turned into a purple light and rushed into the group of monsters!

   "Xiao Yuan, stay here and don\'t walk around."

   "Hmm, Xiao Yuan got it."



   Then the water turned into the body, leading Chen Mo and Long Xiaorou to jump forward, rushing up!

  This scene made the people and the lord Wang Yonglai pay their respects.

  Originally worried that Yonglai City would be slaughtered to death, although there is still this worry, but they saw only four people rushed into the group of tens of thousands of monsters, they admired and thanked.

  Xiao Ruhan\'s figure was swallowed by the wolf spirit group, but you can see the purple light flashing constantly, and those wolf spirits based on the group were killed by Xiao Ruhan in seconds.


  Chen Mo remotely shot the two ghostly-level birth and death wolf kings a few times, pulling the hatred of the two, and then Shui Shui took them, attracting the two birth and death wolf kings to the other side of the battlefield!

  This birth and death wolf king is actually a huge wolf-shaped monster, about seven or eight meters in length. It is black and extremely strong. The most peculiar thing is the birth and death wolf king’s eyes, with two pupils in the eyes! And it\'s blue and red!

Birth and Death Wolf Emperor Grade Ghost Profound, level 27, HP 1.900000, evolved from wolf spirits by devouring a large number of soul bodies. It belongs to a stronger monster with mediocre combat power, but the most terrifying thing is the spirit of this race Soul destruction ability.

  Skill Ground Break releases a powerful force. Ground thorns will appear on the ground without warning, impacting the target, causing huge damage and knock-up effects. 30 seconds cooldown,

  Death Claw speed increased by 150, locked on a target and rushed over, suddenly shot the claws, causing great damage to the hit unit. 30 seconds cooldown

  Soul impact on the spot releases a powerful soul shock wave with a large range. The closer the distance, the stronger the effect, the farther the distance, the larger the range, causing huge damage to all units hit, and being stunned for at least ten seconds. The cooling time is one minute.

When fighting spirit smashing against birth and death wolf king, the most taboo is to collide with his eyes and look at each other, because you don’t know when, birth and death wolf king’s special eyes will suddenly release power without warning, and control your spirit and Thought, but when fighting with it, eye contact is inevitable. The effect of birth and death wolf emperor releases mental smash for ten seconds. During the release period, he will look at him, and he will be controlled by his mind. The duration is uncertain. As for what he will do, he controls birth and death wolf emperor. The cooling time is one hour.

  Weak spot light

  When Chen Mo saw the attribute of Birth and Death Wolf Emperor, he understood why it was so dangerous! From the last two skills!


  The two strongest skills are ineffective against Chen Mo! Because he is immune to any control effects! This soul shock and the mind control of the smashing of the spirit are all real control effects!

  Fighting two ghosts is quite stressful.

   "Shui Shui, Xiaorou ~www.novelhall.com~ long-range attacks, remember to try not to look at the monsters in the eyes, just release your skills!"

  Chen Mo finished speaking, holding the sword of calamity and directly greeted the two wolf kings of birth and death, maybe...can it be crushed?


  The ground cracked, and Chen Mo directly pierced the ground thorn!

  Unlimited jumps, easy to avoid ground thorns!

   "The Might of the Holy Dragon!"

  The powerful force was directly released, and the two Wolf Kings who had just released their skills were stunned by the power of the holy dragon, although only for three seconds! But can do a lot of things!

   "The meaning of Shura!"

   Chen Mo\'s powerful body burst out! There was a black stream of light lingering around his body, but Xiao Ruhan was fighting seriously, and he could not see or perceive it, Chen Mo\'s attack power also soared to 6220!


   Then Chen Mo rushed to one of them, and the attack fell on the birth and death wolf emperor like a storm.

  18660, 18660, 18660

   "Nine-day explosion of three pedals!"

  55980, 55980, 950000

   "Ding...you have kicked the artery of Birth and Death."