I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 274: Wolf Siege

To tell the truth, this is Xiao Ruhan\'s real. Isn\'t it the first time I saw them shot?

  There was another time when fighting thieves, but it was not intuitive at that time, but now...

  Holy flame, holy light... these two girls are a bit powerful!

  There is also the kid Chen Mo who is powerful, he is their backbone, and he also discovered the existence of wolf spirits.

   "The Holy Sun Clan, and the Holy Light Skywing Tiger, the people who follow the existence of these two races will certainly not be bad, Xiaoyuan..."

  Xiao Ruhan looked to the side and clapped happily. Xiao Yuan jumped and fell into thought.

  The other two girls can at least see what existence, what race, and probably what strength, but she can\'t see through the little girl who seems the least powerful.

   just a very ordinary little girl?

Do not! Not!

She looks the most powerless, but she has an inexplicable aura that makes Xiao Ruhan jealous, like an illusion, but she does not think she will have an illusion, and her hand, her little Momo told her Qian Don\'t touch her hand, so Xiao Ruhan really didn\'t dare to touch it.

  Chen Mo silently put away the sword of calamity.

  Okay, it seems that he is no longer needed. He can find the wolf spirit, and leave the rest to these two girls.

  A dozen or so wolf spirits, even at the Golden Boss level, two girls, each with a skill is almost a second, and the second can\'t be lost, and they will be tortured by the holy light of the water, and then it will be a big deal to repair the knife.

In the distance, those unreliable City Lord Wang Yonglai and some people followed them silently. They didn\'t dare to come out, but when I thought about it, there are Seven Elders. Although it is very unreliable, they are at least super-power elders. On the contrary, it may be more dangerous for them to stay in the house! So, at the beginning, a few people led by Wang Yonglai followed, and some curious people came out to follow them silently, and gradually grew to dozens of people. After that, many people wanted to follow, but they were called away by Wang Yonglai. , After all, if there are too many people, what if it causes trouble?

  The very important purpose of their coming out is to see if the people in Weiyang Palace can do it. They really don’t believe it. Then what did they see? They saw the seventh elder Xiao Ruhan, and he really didn\'t do anything, sitting on the house drinking wine!

  They exploded their mentality! Really let a few new disciples and little guys do it?

  And then...

   Then they were dumbfounded when they saw this scene!


  They saw a wolf spirit being caught by two little girls in seconds! Then they found it wrong!

   "It\'s my eyesight, it\'s my eyesight! So they really have the ability to do it!"

  Wang Yonglai gave a long sigh.

   "Yeah, I really responded to that sentence. I can\'t look good. I apologize for what I said before."

  An old man sighed.

  Xiao Ruhan turned his head and glanced at the shocked people behind him, his mouth slightly raised.

   "As expected of my little Momo, he didn\'t shame this fairy, um... it\'s okay! But how did he discover the wolf spirit?


   Then Chen Mo took three little girls and continued to walk around the small city!

  The next situation is that from time to time there will be lights that illuminate the night sky flickering, and one after another wolf spirit is killed by them.

  About three hours later, Chen Mo stopped because all the wolf spirits he could find had been eliminated! The level is almost 27.


  For a time, thousands of people who don\'t know when they gathered, tens of thousands of people shouted.

   "Ding...your fame value +10000"


  Xiao Ruhan jumped down and landed beside Chen Mo.

   "Not bad."

  "Master Little Fairy, I\'m not sure if there are any wolf spirits left in this city."

   "No, I\'m curious, how did you find the wolf spirit?"

  Xiao Ruhan asked curiously.

"Want to learn?"

  Chen Mo asked with a smile.

   "Cut, who am I? I learned from you? Don\'t tell me to fall."

  At this time, Wang Yonglai brought a group of people to them.

   "Seven elders, Young Master Chenmo, thank you for saving Yonglai City. In addition, I apologize to you for the words before."

  Xiao Ruhan smiled; "You are right, your worries are in common sense, but I want to tell you that these four are all my Xiao Ruhan’s apprentices! Wow ha ha ha!"

  Bel has a face.

   "Yes, yes, the seven elders teach well, and the seven elders have the appearance of a great emperor."

  "Santo, Santo, it\'s not good! It\'s not good!"

  Several soldiers ran over in a panic.

   "Why is it so panic? The evil spirit has been eliminated by the Seven Elders, what else is wrong?"

  Wang Yong came to ask.

  The soldier pointed to the outside of the city and swallowed, "The city...there is a large number of evil congregations outside the city, and the darkness is overwhelming!"


  Wang Yonglai showed a shocked expression.

   "Quick, go quickly!"

   Then Wang Yong looked at Xiang Xiao Ruhan and the others, only to find that they had rushed to the gate of the city!

  At the gate of the city, Chen Mo and the others were surprised to see the black wolf spirit approaching! The soldiers guarding the city trembled with fright.

You know, this kind of inland, the city does not have too many guards, let alone this kind of small city. The main reason is that there will be no monsters attacking the city like Linfeng City. At most, a small amount of evil spirits sneak into the city to harm the people. That\'s all, but no one thought that there would be such a large number of evil spirits approaching a city in the inland! It\'s similar to a monster siege!

"What\'s happening here?"

  Xiao Ruhan obviously knows this too, obviously this scene is abnormal! Totally abnormal!

  It\'s normal to have evil spirits in the city~www.novelhall.com~ But this kind of large-scale siege phenomenon with tens of thousands of wolves together is almost impossible to exist! Moreover, she also saw no less than ten huge Birth and Death Wolf King!

  Under normal circumstances, this Yonglai City is flooded by them, and it will be overwhelmed in a very short period of time, and then more birth and death wolf kings will be born, and then go to harm other cities. There is super power! Even if a lot of people were killed, they were wiped out in front of the superpower.

"what happened?"

  Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan.

"Uncertain, but this is not a normal phenomenon. There are two reasons I can think of. One is that these wolf spirits are crazy. This is also possible. It is possible to attack the city without thinking about the consequences, slaughter the people, and strengthen itself! But This wolf spirit is a bit too much, and there are more than a dozen birth and death wolf kings, which makes me more inclined to the second possibility. Someone is raising wolf spirits and birth and death wolf kings in secret!"

   "Raising? Useful?"

  Xiao Ruhan showed a solemn expression.

"Of course, for the martial artist, in addition to physical cultivation, there is another point that is very important. Soul and spiritual strength. Even if your talent is against the sky, it is difficult to advance to a certain realm if the soul strength is not enough, and the wolf spirit will devour the soul. If you add some kind of ability that can swallow the powerful soul of the wolf spirit to strengthen your own soul, then... the strength of the soul will reach an unimaginable level, and it may not only be as simple as raising the realm!"