I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 256: This spar is worth half the cost of your sect

"Come, come, Xiao Momo, you invited you to eat for the teacher yesterday, and today you eat, drink and drink for the teacher."

  Talking that Xiao Ruhan poured a glass of wine for Chen Mo, Chen Mo sat there in silence, and the three little girls had already started to eat.

   "It\'s delicious."

  Xiao Ruhan smiled and looked at the three girls.


Then she proudly said, "Wait, the master will take you to eat more delicious food. In addition to a few hundred-year-old dragon sacred fish in the backyard of that chef, he also has a god-level mount. If it can be roasted, it should taste Not bad too."

  Chen Mo "……"

   "Master, I want to ask you something."

   "What is it called? Master Fairy."


   Chen Mo said helplessly.

   Then Xiao Ruhan opened his eyebrows and smiled.

"Just ask."

  "Are you happy to stay in Weiyang Palace?"

   Chen Mo asked.

  "Happy, I have nothing to do, eat, drink, and don’t care about anything. I still have an elder-level salary, so comfortable."

  Chen Mo "……"

  Done! I still want to recruit her to Fengshen Sect. People are having a great time.

   "Elder-level salary? I haven\'t seen you have any money."

   "It\'s over."

  Chen Mo "……"

  This super-power elder-level salary should be exaggerated, right?

  Prodigal daughter!

   But does it mean that as long as you give her more, she can change jobs? I do not know.

   "You just want to tell me this?"

  Xiao Ruhan asked inexplicably.

   "No, I want to ask the little fairy if you know where there is a place with higher spiritual power in the world."

   "Why are you asking this?"


  Xiao Ruhan thought for a moment and said, "Yes, there are, but they are all dangerous places. You first say what you want to do, and this fairy will help you think about what might suit you."

   "Start a sect and establish a school." Chen Mo said.

  Xiao Ruhan "……"


  Xiao Ruhan couldn\'t help but laugh.

   "Start a sect? Just you? People start a sect, no matter how weak it is, it must be the strength of the fairy, you don\'t even have the strength of the ghost, how can you start the sect?"

   "Can\'t this be built? It will take time to build. When the time comes, my strength will rise."

  Xiao Ruhan calmed down.

   "Dude, are you serious?"

  Chen Mo nodded.

  Xiao Ruhan rubbed his delicate chin.

"There are more places suitable for the establishment of the mountain...there are more, you want to find the heaven and earth with a slightly higher spiritual power, but it is actually located in the Weiyang Palace, or the Lingjian Pavilion and other superpowers, and their heaven and earth spiritual power will be relatively strong. Because of this, there are especially many people in the city surrounding the superpower. If you want, you can choose to be around here. Now, that\'s not bad."

Xiao Ruhan pointed to the distance and said, "There is a wilderness, ten kilometers away from Weiyang Palace. There is a forest next to it. There are rivers and lakes. Oh, yes, that\'s where we saw the thieves before. If it’s leveled, it’s good to build it with them, and it’s easy to defend and hard to attack because it is backed by cliffs."

   "Then how can Zongmen ascend to heaven like Weiyang Palace?"

   asked Chen Mo.

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

   "Cauldron, you have been thinking too long. When you can reach the level of super power, you can think about this again."

  Xiao Ruhan smiled.

   "Well, then are you willing to be my sect elder?"

  Chen Mo threw an olive branch.

"I said Xiao Momo, this is the construction of the sect. You must be famous, have prestige, and have capital. The prestige and prestige will bring attention to your sect, and then people will come to your sect. Become a disciple, only with capital can you build it and protect it well, do you have it?

  Chen Mo rubbed his chin.

  "Fame and prestige are not in a hurry, anyway, construction will take a while, as for capital, fortunately, there will be more."

  Xiao Ruhan\'s beautiful eyes flashed.

  "Local tyrant! Local tyrant! It turns out that my little Momo is a hidden rich man! I am willing, I am willing to do anything!"

  She clutched Chen Mo\'s arm.

  Chen Mo "……"

"I\'m serious."

"What I said is true! Don\'t you know that this fairy was bullied and screamed in Weiyang Palace...every day with a bunch of bad old men, and they have to be squeezed out, blinded, screaming... so miserable, I I also want to get out of the sea of ​​suffering."

  Xiao Ruhan said aggrieved.

  "Well, if my sect is established, I invite you to be the great elder, and the salary will give you double the Weiyang Palace, how about?"

  Xiao Ruhan\'s beautiful eyes lit up.


  Chen Mo clicked the corner of his mouth!

  It\'s that simple, isn\'t this here?

   "But... can you afford it?"

  Xiao Ruhan\'s soul torture.

  "You first talk about the salary of your seventh elders."

  I have several billions in my body, and I have to earn later, even if I pay one million in salary? That\'s also affordable.

   "Let me think about it, there are three pieces of Supreme Yuan Lingjing, and one piece is worth about five million gold coins."

  Chen Mo? ? ?

Then Xiao Ruhan held his fingers there and counted, "Well...there are three Tier 6 pill, and each one sells for about 10 million gold coins. There are 20 Tier 5 pill, each in three. Around one million gold coins, and then another one hundred thousand gold coins, and..."


  Chen Mo felt that he had difficulty breathing.

  "Are you kidding?"

   "Let me go! What a joke, this is a super power, is it a super power if the elders can\'t tell you this?"

  Chen Mo swallowed.

  This fifth-order pill, is the sixth-order pill so valuable? Also, what is Yuan Lingjing?

  Chen Mo didn\'t understand, even if the sixth-order pill is a person on the verge of death, it can be rescued as long as there is no major danger.

  Chen Mo now understands how abnormal this super power is!

   However, although the value is high, there are specialized alchemists, so basically there is not much consumption, but Chen Mo does not!

  So, this corner seems to be harder to dig than imagined, without capital!

Two billion?

  Sorry, I can’t support one person, let alone a group of people,

  So, Chen Mo had to ask for something that doesn’t require salary and is satisfied only by control!

  But ~www.novelhall.com~ how is this possible!

   "Hey, hello, can you afford it?"

  Chen Mo shook his head "Can\'t afford it."

   "Then you still build power?"

  Xiao Ruhan smiled and said.

  Chen Mo took out a piece of pure sun celestial crystal.

  "How much can this sell for?"

  Xiao Ruhan took a closer look.

   "This should not be Pure Sun Sky Crystal!"

  Xiao Ruhan\'s mouth opened wide.

  Chen Mo nodded.

   "I\'m going! It\'s really Pure Sun Crystal! You never stole it from the Yangtze Palace? This is terrible, I dare not steal this stuff."’

  Chen Mo; "..."


   "Your own? How could it be? As far as I know, Weiyang Palace also has two pure sun crystals, and I still can\'t bear to use it every day."

  Chen Mo shrugged his shoulders and said; “It’s my own anyway, how much is it worth?”

  Xiao Ruhan "……"

  "It\'s worth half the cost of your sect!"

  Chen Mo "……"