I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 255: Now, jelly beans!

Xiao Ruhan was forced.

  How did you learn it?

  You must know that she is the creator of this martial art. She is more aware of the difficulty of this martial art. Tianzong Wizards is still conservative in a week, basically it takes a few weeks, a month! This is not a martial art for a small fight! And then by this fellow... finished learning in less than a day?

  She can\'t accept it, so is the martial arts she created so useless? Is it so easy to learn?

   "come again!"

  Xiao Ruhan then released another force, and was still beaten away by Lin Xuan\'s reincarnation and Qianyue.

  Xiao Ruhan? ? ?

  One time may be a coincidence, two times may also be a coincidence, she released a third time, and then she found that Chen Mo had really learned!


  Chen Mo asked.

  Xiao Ruhan walked over, rubbing his delicate chin.

   "Well, so-so, so so, not bad."

  "Didn’t you say that Tianzong Wizards can learn in a week? Then what am I?"


Xiao Ruhan "cut" and said, "That fairy lied to you. It gave you a goal and gave you a bit of motivation. This martial art is very simple. Even a fool can learn it in a day. You spend most of the day. That\'s it."

  Chen Mo pondered slightly, really?

  I don’t really believe it.

   "What? You don\'t believe it?"

  Chen Mo said, "I believe, of course I believe."

   "That\'s it. You have no right to be proud of. It\'s a very simple martial art. Let\'s rest and rest today. I will teach you a little bit better tomorrow!"

  She still doesn’t believe it. It’s definitely a blind cat who has a dead mouse. Tomorrow, I will teach him something serious, so let him study it for a month.

   "Xiao Momo, I\'m hungry."

  Xiao Ruhan then touched her flat belly with aggrieved expression, and looked at Chen Mo with big eyes like water.

  Chen Mo? ? ?

  No, he is a disciple, shouldn’t he be hungry and ask Xiao Ruhan where he can eat? Why does it seem to be reversed?

  And...this girl is full and sleeps, is it a pig? But the figure is still great.

   "There is nothing to eat."

  Chen Mo shrugged and said.

   "Beep 嘁嘁...I am so miserable, there is no food left."

  Xiao Ruhan sucked her little nose and looked at Chen Mo aggrievedly. Chen Mo, who looked at her with big water eyes, felt that she was aggrieved, but... can\'t believe it, is this not alive?

   "There are things I want to ask you."

  Chen Mo looked at Xiao Ruhan and said.

   "No answer, I\'m hungry, I don\'t want to say, unless there is something delicious."

  Chen Mo secretly stroked his forehead.

   "I will go down the mountain to buy it for you."

   "Forget it then."

Xiao Ruhan laughed, "There must be Huang\'s family waiting for you to die. I don\'t want my little Momo to die outside. Wait for me for a while. Let\'s eat and talk. You can find those three girls by the way. Come, they have been playing for a day, and they haven\'t cultivated. You, brothers, have to watch."

  After finishing talking, Xiao Ruhan walked out of the yard humming a small song while shaking his hair.

  Chen Mo contacted Shui Shui and Long Xiaorou with thoughts in his mind. After a few minutes, three little girls smiled and ran in.

"Big brother."

   Then another person hugged Chen Mo in one direction, and surrounded Chen Mo.

   "Are you naughty?"

  Chen Mo asked with a smile.


   After Chen Mo asked, he saw them blinking wide eyes and did not answer. Chen Mo suddenly "cocked" in his heart.

   "Just... I went to eat something delicious."

   Shui Shui said with a silly smile.

"what did you eat?"

   "Jelly beans!"

   Xiaoyuan Qiaosheng\'s answer.

   "Jelly beans?"

   "Hey, big brother here!"

   Then Xiao Yuan took out a handful of "Jelly Beans" from his pocket.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Fifth-Rank Blood-Returning Pill-grade Tier-Five Pill, health value immediately increases by 2000 after taking it without cooling. The use of nc can greatly heal trauma.

  Fifth-Rank Hui Ling Pill grade fifth-order pill, the mana immediately returns to 2000 after taking it, without cooling, it can greatly increase the spiritual value when used on nc.

  The body-tempering pill grade five-level pill, which can be used to temper the body after taking it. The physique is permanent +50, and it can only be taken once.

  The highest grade detoxification pill grade fifth-order pill, immune to poisoning effect within one hour after taking it.

  Chen Mo "……"

  This is jelly beans?

   "How much did you take?"

  Chen Mo twitched the corner of his mouth and asked.


   Then one person grabbed a large handful from both pockets and put it on the table, another large handful, another large handful...

   Then...then the whole table was covered, and the three little girls seemed to feel like they had done something wrong, standing in front of Chen Mo with their little heads lowered, as if they were at the penalty station and waiting for Chen Mo to be punished.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Chen Mo couldn\'t help laughing, then he took a body tempering pill and ate it.

   "Ding...your physique +50"

  It’s just such a thing, the health value has been increased by five hundred, and the defense has been increased by fifty. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reuse it.

  Not to mention, sweet.

   "I will steal from now on... No, just take the good ones, do you hear?" Chen Mo said with a smile.


  The three little Lori raised their heads and clicked happily.

   "Big brother, how do you know that it is good?"

  Long Xiaorou asked timidly.

  "Well...the less is good. You see that you take so many of them. They are all duplicates. It proves that they are not too rare. Rare is more expensive. In the future, catch the less."

"alright, I got it."

   "Take it away!"

  Chen Mo then gave them a lot of pills, and asked them to put a handful of them in their mouths just like eating jelly beans.

  This is too extravagant, right? ? You need to know ~www.novelhall.com~ Tier 5 pill, it may not be rare to look at the super power, but the Tier 5 pill is precious among the first-class power! Just such a Five-Rank Returning Spirit Pill is priceless!

After a while, Xiao Ruhan walked in staggeringly, and then muttered, "It\'s weird, this fairy didn\'t go to the alchemy pavilion to steal the pill of the fourth elder, so she furiously said that I would take him when she saw me. The small half of the pill alchemy pavilion has been stolen, so there is nothing wrong with it, huh!"

  Chen Mo "……"

  The three little girls blinked their eyes. They didn\'t steal it. Well, they took jelly beans instead of pills, so they didn\'t care about them.

  Thinking of this, they took out a handful of pill and placed it in their mouth silently, crunchy, delicious.

   "Come on, girls, eat delicious!"

Xiao Ruhan jumped to the stone table and waved her hand, and a table full of delicious food was placed there. She sat there beautifully, took out a jug of wine and poured a few sips, refreshing yuppie !

  The big eyes of the three little Lori flickered, and then ran over happily.

  Chen Mo "……"

  Where did she steal the food?

  At this moment, Chef Zhang is standing at the door of the kitchen and looking at the looted kitchen. He feels that he has nothing to love.