I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 220: What a miserable player

Chen Mo took them and a group of people away!

Here is a plain, ten kilometers. I don’t know what the old man said about it for the time being, but it’s a pity that Chen Mo forgot to steal the old man’s big move, but I don’t know if he can meet the release of the big move. time.

The players behind    don’t know anything else, they only know that they can follow the Great God Chenmo, just follow the command, and then they can complete the task and get rewards!

   "Brother Chenmo, there seem to be many people in front of him."

  Zhao Yingmeng\'s eyes were sharp, she saw something, and then she leaned to Chen Mo\'s side and said.

   "More than that, it seems to be still fighting."

   Chen Mo said.

  In front is a small hill, and you can probably see a lot of people standing on the hill. As for why they are fighting, because Chen Mo seems to see light, all kinds of lightning, fire, and the like.

  "It\'s players! Those are players!"

  Someone called out!


   A loud noise came from the front, and the small hills were directly flattened. Those players... instantly!

  "Let me go! Boss???"

  Someone said in shock!


   A roar came, and then a red dragon rose from the sky!

   "It\'s Sheng Mie Yan Jiao! That must be Sheng Mie Yan Jiao!"

   "There is actually a Saint Mie Yan Jiao who has arrived here. Could it be that she sneaked here to attack the little princess of the Saint Yang clan?"

   "Then we have to protect? If we don\'t protect, what if our mission fails?"

   "But... can\'t beat it! Ask God Chenmo what it means!"


  Chen Mo looked at a saint slaying fire sacred fire slaying player in the distance. Naturally, his grade would not be lower than Shenhuang, he couldn’t beat...

  It is estimated that the Shengyang clan will not panic even if they see foreigners coming here, they may wish they all come, because it happens that the rioting power of the little princess of the Shengyang clan can destroy them all.

  But... this monster doesn\'t necessarily want him to fight!

  At this time, Chen Mo said a few words in Zhao Yingmeng’s ear, Zhao Yingmeng’s beautiful eyes lit up, and then he gave a smirk.

   Then Zhao Yingmeng turned back, and the thirty or forty thousand players who followed him quickly stopped.

   "Ahem, everyone, be quiet!"

  Everyone fell silent.

"You have also seen that there is another group of players in front of you who are fighting with a monster. It is probably those people led by our previous sand sculptures. This is what we did not expect. Now we want to approach the little princess of the Shengyang clan. We have to pass by this holy flame flood, so we have to kill it!" Zhao Yingmeng said.

   "But... But the lowest is the beast of Shenhuang? It\'s so far away from us, and we feel its power, how could we have been able to fight?"

   "Yeah, yeah, isn\'t this going to die? I don\'t dare anyway!"


"be quiet!"

Zhao Yingmeng then yelled, and a big sister shouted, "We have nearly 40,000 players here, don’t forget, we also have the Great God Chenmo, don’t forget how many powerful God God Chenmo has released before Skills, don’t forget that he even killed the Forbidden Beast for the first time. After a while, the Great God Chen Mo will lead everyone to charge and fight against the monsters. Maybe everyone can get the first kill of the Beast of Gods. There is also experience and equipment. What? Everyone, even if you don’t believe in yourself, should you believe in the Great God Chenmo? If you don’t want to, then now, split your way and do your own things! Those who are willing to charge with the Great God Chenmo stay, and those who don’t want to, go now. We will not stay either!"

  After thinking for a while, everyone talked a lot.

   "Yes, let\'s just follow the Great God Chenmo? Great God Chenmo is the creator of many records!"

   "And we are here to follow the Great God Chen Mo to complete the task together? Obey orders, obey orders!"

"Yes, yes, yes! Now that we are here, we have to choose to unite and work together, mainly because we have the Great God of Chenmo! Since he dared to fight, there was a reason! And I remember when he was fighting against the monsters, Sister Shui has a wide range of healing skills, right? Let\'s listen to the great **** Chenmo!"

   "Kill!! Let\'s kill!"


  For a time, this group of players were all bewitched.

   Then Chen Mo sacrificed the sword of calamity and shouted, "Everyone, the target Saint Mie Yan Jiao, full firepower!"


   "Charge! Follow the pace of the Great God Chenmo, charge! Kill the beast of Shenhuang! Right in front of you!"

   "For the Great God Chenmo, for the first kill, for the mission!"


  For a time, thirty or forty thousand players rushed up like chicken blood! They seem to trust Chen Mo... too much.

Chen Mo just stood there and didn’t move. The players rushed forward and instantly surrounded the huge Holy Flame Flood Dragon, and then all unbroken mandatory 1 damage was on the top of the Holy Flame Flood Dragon’s head. Densely appeared.

  And then...

  Then the group of players was killed by the Saint Mie Yan Jiao casually with one attack...

   "It\'s miserable."

  Zhao Yingmeng can\'t bear to watch those players a bit, a big scene, and the key is that people are still in a sharp increase in fighting spirit before they die, they believe in the great **** Chenmo! However, Chen Mo, Lin Kexin, Zhao Yingmeng, Qingcheng and the others did not even go forward...


  With thirty or forty thousand players attracting the attention of this holy flame fire, a few of them can quietly go around and go to the mission target.

Obviously, they did it. The Saint Mie Yan Jiao here is surrounded by tens of thousands of players, and it should be able to hold it for a short time, unless the Saint Mie Yan Jiao directly uses its big move~www.novelhall.com~ Clear players in a large area.

  Chen Mo and the others have quietly passed by.

  After a few minutes, the player is almost dead. Someone has discovered something at this time.

   "I\'m going! Where\'s the Great God Chenmo? Have you seen Great God Chenmo fighting?"

   "Okay...it doesn\'t seem to be there! Where is the Great God Chenmo?"

  Then those people looked for Chen Mo and the others one after another. Only then did they find out, fuck! This Chenmo didn\'t participate in the battle at all! Look at them again, Nima! It\'s over! The equipment all over the floor are all the brothers who died before, and they are dead.

  The most important thing is, Nima! Where is Chenmo? What about taking them to fly? They are all going to die! You somehow let Sister Shui give a blood boost, can you show your face! They want nothing more!

  At this moment, Chen Mo and the others saw a cage in front of them!

  It\'s not so much a cage, but a huge enchantment! In the oval enchantment, a pure white dragon is lying prone at the moment in the enchantment, as if sleeping.

  This enchantment, the old man said that he could go, but he couldn\'t get out after he got in, so they couldn\'t get in either! But just put the food in the space ring.

   "The Great White Dragon!"

  Shui Shui suddenly shouted.