I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 219: The little princess of Shengyang 1 family

Hearing the sound, Chen Mo turned his head to look at Shui Shui.

   "Do you know here?"

   Chen Mo asked.

  Shui Shui shook his head, "Looks like I\'ve heard of it, but Shui Shui has also forgotten a bit. I\'m not sure. I just heard that there are many islands in the sky. Shui Shui can\'t remember who said it."


  At this moment, a roar came from the horizon, everyone quickly turned their heads to look over, and then opened their mouths wide!

  On the horizon, I don’t know how many giant dragons are galloping and flying over. At the same time, there are many figures flying out of Dragon Island. Their figures transform into giant dragons when they are in the air, and then they rush to each other! A terrifying battle broke out in the air!

  The distance may be far, far away, and it’s not as far as it is to come up. Anyway, the line of sight can be seen, but the power that erupted from the battle between the two dragons is really terrifying, and the sky and the earth cannot be changed too much!

   "This special code is a group of monsters of at least the gods level fighting each other?"

"I finally understand why the recommended task level is 100, and there is no upper limit for the number of people. When fighting this kind of monster, we are all beaten by a spit of fire. How can we be beaten? Isn\'t this here to die? Even Chenmo There is no way, right?"

   "Obviously there is none!"


  The players swallowed and said in shock!

  A little flustered! Very panic.

  Don\'t say it\'s them, Chen Mo is panicked now!

  Should they experience this level of battle? Isn\'t that... a terrible death?

"who are you?"

   A voice came from behind, and then an old man walked over with a cane.

  Chen Mo turned his head away!

  This is an old man who looks very old, even his back is very serious, but...

   is all question marks! The more such an old man, the more powerful he might be in virtual online games! And it happens that he is here!

  Chen Mo clasped a fist and said, "We have heard that the Shengyang clan is in crisis, and we have come to help the Shengyang clan through the crisis.

   "You? Human race? Human race is okay, but you are too weak and too weak, you go back, this is not a place where you can help." The old man shook his head and said.

   "Senior, we are not afraid of sacrifice!" Zhao Yingmeng said quickly!

  "Are you not afraid of sacrifice? Are you not afraid of death?"

   "Of course not! If we are afraid of death, we won\'t come, don\'t we!"

  Zhao Yingmeng yelled to the people behind him!


  Everyone replied loudly!

  "Well, if you are not afraid of death, then there is just one thing to ask you to help." After speaking, a space ring appeared in his hand.

   "There is a lot of food in it, please send me the little princess of the Shengyang clan, let her eat, you are humans, she may not deal with you." The old man said.

  Chen Mo took the space ring, and then everyone looked at each other in a daze, that\'s it? This is the task?

Obviously not.

  Chen Mo pointed to the battle on the horizon, and then asked, "Senior, why is there a civil war in your Shengyang clan?"

The old man smiled helplessly and said, "You are mistaken. It is not the same clan who fought with my Sacred Yang clan. Perhaps it is too far away. You have not seen it clearly. It is the Flood Dragon clan, which is for the saintly destroying the Yan Jiao clan. The strength should not be underestimated. They live in the waters of the Dragon God’s Sea in the distance, and the reason they are fighting with my holy sun is because of my holy girl, little princess!"


"In the past few years, the Shengyang clan has been maintaining relief to all races. The Shengmieyanjiao clan was also the race that my Shengyang clan pulled up tens of thousands of years ago. However, they did not expect that they would even get the Abyss Demon due to their rapid development over the years. The support of the dragon clan has now been combined to become a threat to the existence of my holy sun clan, especially with the monster dragon of the abyss demon dragon clan, and even have some power immunity to my holy sun clan, so this battle It\'s so difficult to fight." The old man sighed.

   "Then why is it related to the noble little princess?"

The old man sighed, "Because my little princess of the Sacred Yang family has the strongest bloodline in history, but this bloodline is coveted by the Abyss Demon Dragon Clan. This Abyss Demon Dragon Clan is the top three existence in the Demon Temple of the Demon Race. The Abyss Demon Dragon Emperor wanted to obtain the power of the little princess, so we swear to protect the little princess, but at this time, the little princess accidentally went out and was hit by the Abyss Demon Dragon. Her power rioted, and even all members of my holy sun clan It’s hard to get close to her, and even her life is in danger. We can’t control our consciousness. We have to shut it down with a powerful spirit device. This food is her favorite. Among them, I put some things to calm her down. Things, but the difficulty lies in getting her to eat soberly."

The old man paused and said, "Now the bloodline of the little princess is extremely sensitive to my holy sun clan, the abyssal dragon clan even wants to get rid of us with the hand of the cataclysmic bloodline power of my little princess. In the long run, my holy sun clan will be slowly wiped out, and even the little princess will die because of a prolonged burst of power. Even if we are a few kilometers away from her, she will riot, and you are a human race, maybe Do it."

   "No, grandpa, the Shengyang clan is the super powerful race in the entire Tianlin Continent? Why can\'t the whole clan control a little princess?" Zhao Yingmeng asked puzzled.

  The old man said helplessly, "You don\'t understand the power in the little princess~www.novelhall.com~ The power in her body is... hey, forget it, can\'t tell you! Are you still willing to try it now?" the old man asked.

  Chen Mo nodded "Yes!"

  "Okay! If you can calm the little princess, and unite the power of the whole family, we will also be grateful to you!"

  The old man saluted after speaking!

  Hearing this sentence, everyone was surprised!

  The reward of the power of the whole family, I rely on? The Shengyang clan may not know them too well, but with so many masters, this Shenhuang artifact, super artifact, etc., won\'t they just take it at will? Invincible, invincible! This mission is truly invincible! It must be done! Great God Chenmo, please, it must be done!

  The players are praying in their hearts.

   "Where?" Chen Mo asked.

The old man pointed in a direction and said, "It\'s about ten kilometers over there. The little princess is imprisoned in Wanyin Sky Prison. You can\'t get out of it, but you can get in. Remember to be careful so that the old man won\'t go there. It’s too dangerous. If the little princess perceives the old man’s breath, it will be bad if she breaks out again!"

  Chen Mo nodded, and then led Zhao Yingmeng and the others to walk over there. The thirty or forty thousand players behind him quickly followed!

  What will happen later, no one knows.