I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 188: Future chief appraiser

Outside Linfeng City, a beautiful and noble white tiger gallops in the distance, looking for a map where the golden boss may exist!

I have to say that the burst rate of this build gang token is low. In one day, until night, Chen Mo brought two girls back to Huasheng’s residence to let them rest. They found three golden bosses for so long, to be honest. , Is already very good, there is no special map, it is really difficult to find the gold boss, the three did not explode to build a gang token, it is also Chen Mo\'s expectation!

  There is also a ghost-level combat boots on his body that has not been identified.

It was already nine o\'clock in the evening when it was offline. Chen Mo fumbled and came to the table. On it was the dinner sent by Lin Kexin. It was already cold. In the afternoon, Lin Kexin told Chen Mo through a game to cook for him and bring it over. I also said where it was delivered. Although Chen Mo couldn\'t see it, Lin Kexin just thought Chen Mo was very good, so he put the things on the table and went home in peace!

  The simple bento is cold, but Chen Mo is also used to it. After eating, he rubbed the bento box and placed it next to the sink!

  It doesn’t seem to be great to have a big home, but Lin Kexin can be very convenient, and it is indeed comfortable to live!

  I went out and walked for an hour, just walking around in the community. After returning, I continued to practice until Lin Kexin brought breakfast in the morning!

  To be honest, if there is no Lin Kexin, maybe Chen Mo can only eat instant noodles every day and eat some simple things!


   "Ding...Welcome to Tianlin."

   Brightness again appeared in front of his eyes. Chen Mo left the two little girls here for the time being, let them rest, accompany the Flower Saint, or go fishing, and Chen Mo came to Linfeng City alone.

  "Attention, Chenmo has entered Linfeng City. Attention everyone, prepare to gather!"

  As Chen Mo entered Linfeng City, countless players came from inside and even outside the city, and they were jammed not far from the city gate! It does not hinder the city, but also catches Chen Mo in the first place!

  Chen Mo didn’t know what was going on outside after he entered Linfeng City, not just this door, but the back door of Linfeng City too! There are no less than 20,000 players gathered at the two doorways, so just stay here and don\'t do the shit!

   After all, Chen Mo angered Qin Tianyun, and Qin Tianyun has the highest power in the temples. With a random command, these players will definitely come, and it\'s a big deal!

Their approach is very simple. A large number of players guarded the front and back two city gates and put Chen Mo into the city. The city did not dare to do it because he would be arrested, but Chen Mo would definitely leave the city, or he would never leave the city. Don\'t go to the level, or he has to rush out! And can he rush out?

  Unless he still has the skill that can kill 10,000 people in one move, it is obviously impossible! Everyone knows that this level of skill will either be used twice in this life, or there will be half a month, even one month, or even longer cooling time! If the cooling time is short, they really won\'t play the game! That\'s unfair!

  They can wait, but change shifts back and forth! They didn\'t believe it, Chen Mo really didn\'t go out!

  At this moment, Chen Mo came to Ye Qingqing\'s place. Ye Qingqing sat at the counter in the doorway, squeezing his chin with both hands, in a daze.

  I haven\'t seen Chenmo for several days, and the inexplicable will always be thinking, did he leave? Did you leave Linfeng City? Why didn\'t you say hello to her? She hadn\'t even had time for Ye Yu to thank Chen Mo.


  Chen Mo walked in, and put the Thunder Boots on the counter.

  "Are you free? Help me identify it."

   Chen Mo said.

   Ye Qingqing was taken aback! This voice... she suddenly recovered, and then raised her head to look at Chen Mo.

   "Dust... Young Master Chenmo!"

   Ye Qingqing looked at Chen Mo excitedly.

"what happened?"

  Chen Mo glanced at her.

   "No...it\'s okay, I just thought Master Chenmo left Linfeng City."

  Ye Qingqing said with embarrassment after taking the Thunder Boots of the Storm.

   "I have to say something to you even if I leave."


  Although she knew that Chen Mo would definitely leave, she was still very disappointed. Once separated, the world would be so big that she might never see it again in her lifetime, but... she was very comforted when she heard Chen Mo\'s words.

In fact, Chen Mo deliberately invited Ye Qingqing to join the Fengshen Sect. This girl was even just an adult but was able to appraise ghosts and mysterious artifacts at 100. Those who can identify ghosts and mysterious artifacts are old men, not necessarily at 100. 100 appraisal, that Ye Qingqing\'s appraisal technique is at least fairy-level! The future is unlimited, she can become the chief appraiser in the wind!

  Yes, now is the time for Chen Moguang to recruit talents! But... he doesn\'t have the Fengshen sect and hasn\'t established yet, so even if she invites her to join, even if she agrees, there is no place for her to live! Therefore, the premise is to establish Fengshen Sect!

  Money, location!


  The blue thunder in front of Ye Qingqing\'s arm was entwining Ye Qingqing\'s arm, but it did not cause any harm to her. A trace of sweat leaked out of Ye Qingqing\'s face, and then the thunder gathered in the boots again!


  Ye Qingqing wiped his sweat, and then handed the Storm Thunder Boots to Chen Mo.

  "Young Master Chenmo~www.novelhall.com~ has been identified."

  Chen Mo took it!

  Ghost thunder boots of gust of wind, all types of occupations are required to be used at level 25, attribute health value +2000, movement speed +200, and lightning damage received by 30 are reduced.

The movement speed of the    Skill Wind Walk will increase by 1000 in the first second, and then it will be kept at 200 for one minute. The cooling time is ten minutes.

  Thunder pedal jumps up and will produce thunder at your feet, you can step on the thunder and continue to jump to the level of almost walking in the air! The duration of the thunder pedal is five seconds. The cooling time is twenty minutes.

  The attributes of the boots are not as powerful as the armors, but the ghosts and mysterious weapons are after all the ghosts and mysterious weapons, and the storm boots are very powerful in both attributes and skills! You can even walk in the air! Although Chen Mo can fly, the concept and actual combat effects are completely different. These gusty thunder boots can bring more possibilities to Chen Mo!

  But it takes 25 levels to equip it, which is one level short! Chen Mo put it away and looked at Ye Qingqing in front of him!

   Ye Qingqing is still disguising. Although the four major families are gone, she is still used to being very careful.

   "Qingqing, there is one thing I want to discuss with you."

  Chen Mo sat down, put a thousand gold coins on the table, then looked at her and said.