I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 187: Money, I want a lot of small money

Chen Mo took a sip of tea comfortably, and after Qin Tianyun was scolded three sentences, he never returned!

  Then this incident was talked about by everyone immediately. Chen Mo not only set multiple records, but is now the first person in history to censor Qin Tianyun through the National System Announcement. A bit invincible!

  Now, the Fengshen Sect is established, but the establishment is the easiest and easiest step! Next, what he needs is the powerful Wind God Sect.

  "Ding...Tianlin Ultimate Hidden Quest: Fengshenzong climbs to the top. Tianlin branch mission is established. Fengshenzong is opened, mission reward is unknown, mission penalty is none, mission deadline, none, of course the total task progress is 15"

  Establish Fengshen Sect, please find somewhere to establish Fengshen Sect!

  Chen Mo rubbed his chin!

  The establishment of Fengshen Sect is a bit perverted! How magnificent the sects of those Xianxia TV series are, and his future Fengshen Sect will also be like this, but before that, he has to build the Fengshen Sect, which is completely different from the player’s guild headquarters, at least the first point. , He needs to find a place with more spiritual power in heaven and earth, and only that kind of place is suitable for starting a school!

  Second point, money!

  The establishment of Fengshen Sect, manpower, material resources, and financial resources are all against the sky! Hua Guo, the construction of a high-rise building costs tens of millions, hundreds of millions, he builds a sect, the early money... how to do it?

  Money, a lot of small money.

  Wait...Who said he couldn\'t get it?

  If you can’t get it all at once, you can do it several times. The most indispensable in this world is the rich! And the money of the rich is so good! Chen Mo rushed to his heart.

   Then Chen Mo glanced at the bonus of the first guild!

  The first guild bonus is very simple, 300 points of health, 300 points of mana and 50 points of attack power! But you must know that when these three attributes are added together, the attributes of a silver artifact are added for nothing! Joining the guild, can get these bonuses for nothing, why not?

  Player Chenmo

  HP 8790

  Magic value 4080

   Attack power 1525

  Magic Attack Power 60

   Defense 450

  Movement speed 195

  Critical rate 100

  This is the attribute of Chen Mo now! Very exaggerated!

   Then Chen Mo glanced at the Fengshen title he had won.

  The master of Fengshen Fengshen Sect is Fengshen, Xianzong Fengshen, who travels the sky. The passive effect ignores the level, ignores the rank, all attacks received have a 10 chance to dodge!

  Chen Mo "……"

  It\'s a bit...awesome!

  As the first branch task reward of the ultimate hidden task, the reward is definitely very strong! This effect is very powerful! In other words, from now on, even if a monster of the Heavenly Forbidden level attacks him, there is a 10 chance of iss!

  Such a permanent passive skill, coupled with ignoring the level, ignoring the level, 10, is a very high altitude! The reward for this second branch task is unknown, but it must be good too!

  Chen Mo drank all the tea in front of him.

  Now the task is very clear, find the treasures of Feng Shui, then make money, build a sect, not just build a guild! Then look for Ye Qingqing\'s sister. This is another branch mission of the ultimate hidden mission, and... Find the Twelve Rules! Upgrade your level and have powerful abilities to take revenge!

  In fact, if he can strengthen the Fengshen Sect, then the so-called tens of millions of players’ guild is really nothing.

  Feng Shenzong, Chen Mo does not plan to recruit players, maybe he will only let his friends join, but more importantly, nc! Chen Mo wants to build a sect of the nc camp! Use nc against players and against super guilds, this is the strongest! It is impossible for you to use the player\'s ability to fight the emperor-level forces of Xianzong! People randomly produce a god-brilliant, super god-level, holy annihilation, and even heaven-forbidden-level. When they raise their hands, they will die tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, how can the Feng Shenzong become the top power in the mainland?

  "Ding...the player\'s mother-in-law woman asked to talk to you, do you agree?"

  Connected to the communicator, Zhao Yingmeng’s voice came from inside!

   "Brother Chenmo, Brother Chenmo! Wow!"

  Zhao Yingmeng’s voice was extremely excited.

  Chen Mo silently moved the communicator away from his ear.


  Zhao Yingmeng excitedly said, "Brother Chenmo, you have established the first guild!"

  "Not established, just grab the name of the first guild!"


  Zhao Yingmeng calmed down, and then asked, "Big Brother Chenmo doesn\'t plan to expand and develop Fengshen Sect?"

"talk later."

   "Why didn\'t Brother Chenmo sell it, two billion? Even if you have an enmity with the temples, you can sell it to other guilds! Those people are very rich." Zhao Yingmeng asked very puzzled!

   Actually how to say it, it is not surprising, after all, they were willing to spend 10 billion to buy Chen Mo\'s Heavenly Forbidden equipment, he did not sell it! Anyway, Zhao Yingmeng thought he was a strange flower, a clear stream in a muddy world, and he did not do those tacky things, which was also something she admired very much.

  "The second gang building token, that is, how much money can the second guild sell?" Chen Mo asked.

"Um... if it is auctioned, the tokens of the first guild must be more than one billion, but if the first piece falls in the hands of a super guild, the second piece will be greatly reduced in price, but you are not a super guild, Brother Chenmo, then The value of the second piece will still be extremely high!" Zhao Yingmeng said.


  Yes~www.novelhall.com~ The way Chen Mo wants to make money is to get a second token and auction it! He has an absolute burst rate that no player has! As long as the golden boss has the possibility of exploding the building token, if it is lower than 1, it can also explode 100!

   "Brother Chenmo, I am on my way to Fengcheng, and I should be there tomorrow."

  Chen Mo; "..."


   "Then... that Yingmeng will stop disturbing Brother Chenmo, bye."

Afterwards, Zhao Yingmeng hung up the communicator, and she stopped asking Chen Mo if she wanted to expand the guild. She also knew very well that even if Chen Mo\'s Fengshen Sect had millions or even tens of millions of members, it was still unbearable. If other guilds attack by that time, those players will have more choice to quit!

  Chen Mo closed the guild membership application, took a look before closing, there were...320,000 applications for membership.


  It’s only a few minutes?

   But since he decided to become an nc camp, almost all of nc\'s sect, Chen Mo would not let these players join!

  The next thing is very clear, kill monsters! Find the golden boss and explode the second token to build a gang!

  Chen Mo looked at the two girls in front of him who were concentrating on eating delicious food, and smiled, "Shui Shui, Xiao Yuan, bring food, we are going to fight!"