I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 180: Amazing 4 seats

There are more and more players around   , surrounding them in a group, and at the same time giving them about two hundred square meters of space. These players are like natural guardrails, which form a natural competition venue.

  The outer layer is the people, but there are too many players, and the people nc can\'t see the situation inside!

   "Let one give way, give way."

  A figure squeezed in from behind the crowd.

"Hello everyone, this is Lou Xiaoqian. Today I will broadcast the live broadcast of the rookie Chenmo and Wannian\'s Eleven of Luan Wuchen. Everyone knows that although Luan Wuchen is eleven all year round, it is true. The strong, among hundreds of millions of players, eleven shots are taken all the year round. It is impossible not to be strong, almost equal to the top ten strong, and Chenmo has been in addition to Gongzimo’s return is the biggest heat. Everyone wants to know what Chenmo’s actual combat ability is. Today, you can see the difference. Remember to brush the gift. Now Lou Xiaoqian is in front of their k venue. It means that the two are facing each other head-on, and they are about to start k!"

This Lou Xiaoqian can be regarded as super dedicated. Every time she has something to do with Chen Mo, she can always be there. It can be said that Chen Mo has made her alive. A few live broadcasts by an ordinary anchor who has followed less than 100,000, follow Reached more than seven million!

  The barrage is rolling wildly! Too many people are paying attention to this matter, yes! What is now controversial is whether Chen Mo is really strong or fake!

  Fighting with monsters is actually not particularly intuitive, you must fight with strong players to be intuitive!

   "This Chaos Wuchen has finally done something. We just want to know what Chen Mo\'s strength is, so he came to provoke Chen Mo."

   "I don\'t know who can win. If Chen Mo wins, he will be a complete testimony to God!"

   "Although Luan Wuchen is not in the top ten, the eleven of the year round are also peak-level powerhouses! It is just that the character is not good!"

   "Chenmo has high-grade equipment blessings. This battle doesn\'t explain much, right?"

"Don\'t forget, that chaotic and Wuchen has a hidden occupation, which can basically explain the problem! If Chenmo can\'t beat him, then we really overestimate him, even if we have played with powerful skills, we are also overestimated. He is!"


  The hidden class that is chaotic and dust-free is called the Spirit Sword. Even the weakest hidden class, it must be far stronger than the ordinary class.

   "Chen Mo, say it in advance, your skills are great, and my skills are not weak. Fighting skills are nothing. None of us will release skills to decide the outcome! What do you think?"

"as long as you are happy!"

  Chaos Wuchen gave a sneer in her heart.

Although he said so, he has watched many videos of Chen Mo. Chen Mo\'s skills are indeed amazing. Can it be compared? He is a bit b-number. In order to determine the maximum victory, his skill is obviously. The best choice for him!

   "Three, two, one, start!"

  After the chaotic and dust-free road, the figure holding the sword rushed towards Chen Mo at an extremely fast speed.

   "I\'ll go! So fast!"

  "Hidden profession is indeed a hidden profession! This attribute is definitely not low, I always feel that this year, this chaos and dust may break through the shackles of his ten thousand years 11, and may hit the top ten!"

  "Let’s see if Chenmo can stand it!"

   "Holding skills is the best way to tell whether a player is strong or weak, at least in terms of combat! This chaotic and dust-free is a well-known strong, then look at Chenmo!"


  Most players may not be able to perform those operations and do not have those strengths, but they have seen more battles with the strong. When a person reaches what kind of level, most of them can know that they are not hanging by looking at it! Obviously, his chaos and cleanliness is recognized by everyone. In addition to his character, his strength is very impressive. In addition, he has hidden professional bonuses in the early stage. The speed and momentum he shows now has made everyone admire. Envy.


  Chen Mo also moved, without a run-up, he directly moved the sword in his hand.

   bang bang bang,

The swords of the two were colliding at an unimaginable frequency. The sound made everyone\'s heart surging. One after another, what made them open their mouths was that Chen Mo didn\'t help, so he shot directly, but the moment he shot , Has not been suppressed, has not taken a step back, you must know that the opponent rushed over at a very fast speed. You just stood there and did not move the sword. Normally, even if you are not attacked, you must be parrying Back again and again! But Chen Mo did not back down at all!

  The two figures fought faster and faster, flashing in such a small two hundred square meters, attacking, avoiding...

   What shocked Luan Wuchen is that Chenmo’s sword skills are above him! He can do nothing!

  Even at this moment, he wanted to take back what he had just said! With just over ten seconds of fighting, their two swords collided no less than a hundred times, and he already felt that Chen Mo... is a master!

   However, he has been practicing swords since he was a child, and he has been able to compare with him in the top ten. How could a little-known kid be able to compare with him?

  The most shocking thing is the players watching the battle or watching the live broadcast!

  They can\'t see it anymore, and they can feel that Chenmo and Chaowuchen are five or five different, then it really shows that... Chenmo is amazing! Not just relying solely on the suppression of equipment attributes!

  Chenmo, is a master! His fame is not accidental! Not relying solely on skills and equipment!


   Chaos and dust rushed over again!

  This mess is something, but in Chen Mo\'s eyes, it is nothing! Why does he want to fight this chaos for ten seconds without ending the battle? Just to shut up the players who refuted him~www.novelhall.com~ Then why not kill them? Because it’s too fast, those players can’t see clearly, can’t understand, and can’t understand it. Slowly, at least after the battle is finished in a 50-50 situation, everyone will have an understanding that Chenmo is better than Chaowuchen. !


  A huge crit damage came out of Chao Wuchen\'s head, and at the same time he quickly backed away, staring at Chen Mo vigilantly, with a shocked look! pain! The place where the waist was attacked by Chen Mo hurts! It\'s really like being cut by a sword!

  Then he thought...has he made a mistake? Nothing!

   Then why in the first ten seconds, hundreds of tricks had no choice but to win anyone, but just that moment, he was attacked by Chen Mo?

  The surrounding players called out! Fortunately, this chaos and dust-free has more than four thousand blood, otherwise it will be killed by a spike!

  Sweat oozes from one side\'s forehead, while the other side is calm!

   "Wow! Big brother is amazing!"

  Shuishui and Xiaoyuan are Chen Mo\'s two little fans. Seeing Chen Mo attacked him, they happily bulged their little hands.

  Chen Mo bowed slightly, ready to rush over to solve the battle directly!

"and many more!"

   Seeing that Chen Mo wanted to do something, Chao Wuchen suddenly shouted.