I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 181: move

Although this chaos and dust is disgusting, his appearance is also good for Chen Mo. Since I don\'t want to be low-key, since I want the world to know whether he is strong or not, is this chaos and dust just a contrast? Defeating him is enough to explain something, and it is enough to block some people\'s mouths.

  He is at least valuable to Chen Mo now! That\'s why Chen Mo took the time to compete with him, and even deliberately didn\'t take him in seconds!

   "What are you going to do with this mess?"

   "I can see it anyway, let alone anything else, Chen Mo is better than him in purely using a sword! In other words, Chen Mo has at least reached the top eleven level!"

   "And this mess and dust is a hidden job! Did you notice the speed just now? Chenmo is faster than him!"

"In short, Chen Mo proved himself and broke the criticism. As for whether he can make it to the top ten, that depends on the future! I am a fan of him anyway! There are not many who have become famous this year. Chen Mo is the stepgongzi Mo. The second one after this! Did you find out? He really has a similar momentum to the fame of the former son Mo!"


  Chaos Wuchen has an ugly face, he knows if he can beat him! Moreover, this Nima\'s attack power is too abnormal, right? And why is it a crit!

  He took advantage of this little time to restore his blood crazily!

   "Chen Mo, Ben Shao made a mistake just now that made you attack a bit, but it didn\'t matter."

   "Oh? So you delay the time to beat the blood?"

  Chen Mo chuckled lightly.


  Hearing what Chen Mo said, the people around burst into laughter.

   "Chaos and dust, get out! Don\'t be ashamed!"

   "It\'s really shameless! Don\'t fight! You have already lost!"

  "I wanted to step on Chenmo, but Chenmo stepped on the soles of his feet, tusk tusk!"


  Everyone laughed.

  Cleared and gritted his teeth, maybe I am used to it! Then he pointed to Chen Mo and said

"Chen Mo, as a player, what\'s the point of fighting without skills? The top ten players have no doubts about their own combat power, but which one is not known by skills? Especially the magician profession, so next, use skills Fighting is the real battle!"

  After that, his body released a blue light.

   "My young master wants you to see my true strength!"

  Everyone is really contemptuous of Chaos and Wuchen. It is him who says that he does not use skills. Now he is reluctant to admit defeat, and it is him who says that skills are used!

   "Chen Mo, destroy him! It\'s disgusting!"

   "Yes, Chen Mo, we believe you are stronger than him! Kill him for us!"

   "Destroy him!"


  Use skills?

  Chen Mo\'s mouth rose slightly!

   To be honest, with skills, he really is not afraid of anyone!

   "Let you see and hide the power of the profession! Bengtian cut!"

  Chaos Wuchen jumped, the sword in his hand burst out with golden light, the momentum was surging, the hair and clothes of the surrounding players were flying, obviously this trick is not weak!


  The power of horror fell, smashing the ground into a big hole! The ground shook suddenly and dust was everywhere.

   "This move can lock the player, you can\'t move, and you can\'t avoid it. The power of this move can give you three thousand blood in seconds with my attack power! You, it\'s over!"

  Chaos and Dust sneered through the dust!

"is it?"

  A voice came from the dust, and everyone looked at it. The dust slowly dispersed, Chen Mo...full of blood!


  Large mouth in a mess! How could it be full of blood?


  In the next instant, several sword shadows appeared in front of Chen Mo, rushing towards him.

  0, 0, 0

  Everyone opened their mouths, what is this operation?

   Chaotic and dust-free is also forced! What is this operation?

  Thorn protection is active for five seconds, absorbing up to 10,000 points of damage. When the absorbed damage value is full or five seconds later, the force will burst, causing all units within ten meters of the surrounding area to cause fixed damage equal to the absorbed damage value. The cooling time is one hour.

   is actually very simple, it\'s just the skill of the armor of thorns!

  However, in the eyes of other players, it is invincible!


  In the next instant, power burst out suddenly.


  A high number of damage appeared above Chao Wuchen\'s head, and then... he turned into white light and disappeared in place!

  And Chen Mo was too lazy to take a look, and walked away with the two little girls!

  The mood of the players around is more one after another!

  They... seem to have witnessed the birth of a legend in the future!

  Of course, it’s just possible, but for now, Chen Mo has broken all previous criticisms against him by the outside world. What should he do next?

  Step on the top ten strong! Then he will truly become famous!

  Some people call him the second son Mo! But some people still think there is nothing!

  Time will tell you everything!


   "Shadow Dream Woman, Shadow Dream Woman?"

  In the living room, Zhao Yingluo shook Zhao Yingmeng, and she recovered!

  Yes, I’m stuck watching the live broadcast!

   "I\'m going! What\'s the matter with your eyes full of little stars? I gave it away?"

  Zhao Yingmeng smiled idiotly, and then said, "Zhao Yingluo, now do you really believe that Brother Chenmo is a real master? His swordsmanship, I think he can fight Grandpa Sword God!"

"Don\'t talk about it, no one in this world can compare to the sword **** grandfather, you are... the lover has Xi Shi in the eyes of the lover, but there is no doubt that he is really amazing! Definitely practiced. Yes!" Zhao Yingluo muttered to herself as he watched the live broadcast on the tablet and watched the scene of Chen Mo walking away with two little girls.

   "Huh-I\'m online now, I am still six hundred kilometers away from Linfeng City! Come on, I will be there soon!"

  This Chinese realm has once again set off a discussion on "Chen Mo"! Many people are watching the scenes of his battle with Chao Wuchen repeatedly. Those who understand naturally understand, and they all know that Chenmo has something! But it\'s hard to say how far he can go and whether he can maintain this in the middle and late stages.


In the afternoon, Chen Mo didn\'t go to the level, and took two girls to go shopping, eating delicious ~www.novelhall.com~ and sent them to Huasheng in the evening, and then Chen Mo went offline and cooked. Ordering noodles, Lin Kexin knocked on the door before long, then opened the door with the key and walked in!

   "Brother Chen Mo, the house has been found by Kexin, shall we move now?"

  Lin Kexin looked at Chen Mo expectantly and asked.

   "Well, now, are you looking for someone?"

   "Hehe, I\'ll make a call and I will be able to move over in ten minutes. Ke Xin helps Brother Chen Mo clean up first."

   "Thank you."

  Forty minutes later, they came to a beautiful community. Lin Kexin helped Chen Mo into the first floor. She helped open the door!

  At this time, the door of the neighbor opposite them just opened. A beautiful girl wearing slippers with a lollipop in her mouth came out to take out, abnormal spicy chicken wings

   "Are you new to move here?"

  The beautiful girl saw large and small suitcases, guessed what the bags were, and asked.

  Lin Kexin turned her head and glanced, the two girls were amazing, because they were very beautiful.

   "Well, my name is Lin Kexin, please show me more!"

   "My name is Zhao Yingmeng, and I will be my neighbor from now on, so please show me more."

  Zhao Yingmeng said with a smile.