I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 169: 1 key, everyone can't get it

Two seconds later, Chen Mo recovered and coughed twice.


   Then Chen Mo said, "The old man has failed in alchemy recently, so this voice is a bit hoarse, no wonder everyone!"

  After speaking, Chen Mo took a sip of wine.

  "Ding...your mana is permanently +500"

That’s right, Chen Mo didn’t want to eat or drink, but he was moved by adding 500 blood to the sip of the tea before, and he had to eat all kinds of fruits all over the table, just in case the attributes skyrocketed. What? The food between these big brothers is all god-level!

   "Of course, I\'m used to it too, as long as Venerable Huo Yuan, you don\'t make yourself dark as before!"

   "Yeah, that time really scared me to wait!"


  These people were talking, Chen Mo silently held the various fruits in front of him, and put them into his mouth seemingly casually.

  "Ding...your power is permanently +10"

  "Ding...Your spirit is permanently +20"



   Earned money! Earn money this time!

  These are all permanently added attributes! Although it\'s not too much, who still dislikes it?

  Chen Mo said at this time, "Actually, it is not difficult to deal with these humans. Tell me, where is the difficulty of these humans?"

"Venerable Huo Yuan, you said before that there are more humans, and they are actually more unified than our demons. Moreover, there are also many strong human races, and their combined combat power is no better than our demons’ top ten demon temples. Weak, but their human natures are timid. Even though there are many strong ones, no one has dared to lead them to fight back against our monster clan. This has led to the gradual encroachment by us and other monster clan. The difficulty is that... ! Also, they are cunning and well-versed and know a lot of strategies! This is also the experience of this group of human beings from wars from ancient times to the present."

  Chen Mo nodded pretending to be very pleased.

"Yes, it is true, but think about it, at this critical juncture, the human emperor Saint Yao came in person, and she came alone? Naturally not, there are a few or more than a dozen powerful people who follow? Why did she come? ? It’s actually very simple. They know that my monster race wants to attack Linfeng City and other cities, and needs the strong to sit in. So they came, knowing that they have the strong coming, why should we come forward? So in fact, I and Master Balrog The second attitude!"

  The flame demon listened carefully, and then nodded, "Brother Huo Yun continue to speak."

  Chen Mo began his journey of flickering.

"Let’s think about it, what’s wrong with knowing that they’re here? If we don’t show up, they will never know what we are doing. These people are the Empress’s people. They can stay here every day? Impossible! Wouldn’t it be beautiful for them to leave and launch a real attack? There are many artifacts of this human race, and there are many strong ones. If I wait to come and fight them head-on tomorrow, it’s not a good way. It’s a human territory. Are they here in advance? There is an ambush there, and there may even be a big formation, but I never know it, so I think I must avoid it!"

  Everyone heard Chen Mo\'s words and talked with each other.

   "Venerable Huo Yuan said that! What if we get caught in the trap?"

  "Master Balrog, this matter may need to be considered in the long term!"

"Yeah yeah."


   When Chen Mo said this, they were really scared! Before, they looked like they didn\'t put the human race in their eyes, but in fact, they are of course strong men who fear the human race!

  The Flame Demon looked at Chen Mo and said, "In your opinion, what should I do?"

"We do what we should do. The monster beasts will also suspend their offensive tomorrow. After all, we know that there are so many powerful monsters, even if there are tens of millions of monsters, they will die. We only need to gather in the distance and put pressure on them. Remove the monster group, wait until they mistakenly think that we have cancelled the action and leave, and then launch the general attack! This way, it is at your fingertips! Even a lot of their time and energy will be wasted! Fighting is about psychology and game! It\'s just pure force! There is no need to go head-to-head, and may even fall into a trap. Then the deity will go to Linfeng City to inquire about the news at the end of the banquet, and then discuss the long-term plan after the news inquiries are over!"

  Chen Mo just wanted to store them all here tomorrow, and the woman led people to kill them all at once, and if they entered the battlefield and separated tomorrow, it would be difficult to start! Believe, that woman also hopes that the Flame Temple can be there, none of them can run away!

  The flame demon nodded, "If this is the case, then according to Venerable Huo Yuan, tomorrow\'s action will be cancelled, everyone eat and drink! I am not afraid of that human race, just to win a higher victory with the smallest sacrifice!"


At the end of the banquet, Chen Mo\'s mission was completed. There was no danger. It was quite exciting. He even cancelled the action of the Flame God Temple, although it may be revealed when the real Venerable Huo Yuan returns. , But that is also something before dark tomorrow, and maybe Chen Mo told the woman that she could catch the Venerable Huo Yuan in Linfeng City!

Everyone returned to their bedroom one after another. The Flame Demon left temporarily. Chen Mo wanted to go back, but when the Flame Demon left, Chen Mo sneaked into his room to see if he could find anything against the sky. Artifact or something!

The door could not be entered, and there was even some kind of barrier blocking it. This barrier was so powerful that Chen Mo tentatively released the space and jumped and couldn\'t get in. Then he suddenly thought that he had entered this room before, and Kong Huan Shi... The woman said that the empty magic stone can even ignore the barrier.

   Then Chen Mo took out the empty magic stone with a large rice grain. The empty magic stone disappeared, and Chen Mo was secretly speechless.


   Doesn’t it mean that this rice-sized empty magic stone can achieve a space jump of tens of thousands of kilometers? Why did he cross a barrier, and disappear after entering a door? really?

  Fortunately, the room came in. It would not be a loss if there were artifacts, but Chen Mo was disappointed that there was nothing. It is estimated that he took the precious things with him.

  At this moment, the Eye of God discovered a mechanism. Chen Mo walked over. There was a secret compartment on the bedside. Chen Mo opened the secret compartment, and it turned out to be... a button! ? Yes, the buttons are particularly modern!

  "This button..."

  Chen Mo feels very magical~www.novelhall.com~ A room surrounded by such a strong enchantment, or the room of the Balrog, and this button is still in a secret compartment... What will happen if I press it?

   Then Chen Mo pressed it!


   "Ding...you are dead."

   "Ding...Because you are guarded by a guardian angel, you have been resurrected."

  When Chen Mo was resurrected in place, he was stunned!

  The Temple of Flames...what a chance!

  That’s right, the Flame Temple instantly turned into nothingness, and instantly disappeared like an atomic bomb!

  And the countless strong people in the Flame Temple...

  Chen Mo swallowed and took a look around. He saw some powerful men emerge embarrassingly from the ruins, and the blood bars were mostly lost!

  Those who came out were...the Heavenly Forbidden-level powerhouses, and there were very few Saint Destroyers, and Saint Destroy...residual blood! But even the residual blood has hundreds of millions, billions of blood.

  The level did not increase, because it was not killed by Chen Mo, but...

  The Temple of Flames, it seems like it\'s impossible!

  The Saint Yao Empire came with countless strong men to destroy the Temple of Flames and kill countless strong men among them, and then... Chen Mo pressed a button to help them finish?