I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 168: I'm going to be exposed, what should I do, wait online, urgent!

The strong deserve to be the strong! This kind of feeling can be called the sky! Chen Mo felt that perhaps he could no longer be invisible here, there were too many strong people, and he might have to be discovered by the feeling that he would be discovered!

   "Venerable Huo Yuan may have been too tired recently, how could someone sneak in here?"

  Huo Yuan nodded, and then the two walked away.

"No, I have to change another method! Since this is a banquet for the Saints and Heavenly Forbidden level powerhouses, it means that almost all powerhouses of this level will be here, and my invisibility may be affected by the flame demon. See through, after all, there is no hint of ignoring grade and ignoring grade in the introduction of the flower-picking cloak..."

  To be on the safe side, Chen Mo needs to change his face!

  He went to a washing room, and then became the Venerable Huo Yuan! It just so happened that they were leaving, and it happened that the Flame Demon didn\'t know that they were leaving, so Chen Mo was safe to become him! The disguise of Caihua Illusion ignores grade and level, even the Flame Demon can\'t see through Chen Mo! So in this way can he be able to detect the true number of people clearly!

  At this time, a beautiful lady who resembled a maid walked in and paid a salute.

   "Venerable Huo Yuan, Lord Balrog is looking for you for something! Please come with me."

  Chen Mo "……"

  This Nima? Doesn\'t luck carry such a back? He just became this Venerable Huo Yuan, and then the Flame Demon looked for him?

  Chen Mo nodded, then followed her and walked into a beautiful room!

  In the room, a man was sitting there and just poured a cup of tea. He saw "Chen Mo" and suddenly smiled.

   "Brother Huo Yuan, sit down and sit down!"

  The flame demon rank sky forbidden, level 100...

   Very panic! Chen Mo swears that after this task is over, the test of his mood is probably sublimated!

  Chen Mo then sat there pretending to be calm. The Flame Demon poured a cup of tea for Chen Mo himself. It seemed that Venerable Huo Yuan had a certain status in the Flame Temple.

   "Brother Huo Yuan, it\'s a matter that the deity invites you to come alone."

  Chen Mo nodded slightly, then took a sip of tea.

  "Ding...your life value is permanently +500"

  Chen Mo "……"

  Nima? What kind of fairy tea is this? Drinking a sip permanently increases the health value by 500?

   Then he tried to take a second sip, but it didn’t work. This is normal.

This flame demon didn\'t doubt it, and he couldn\'t possibly think of it at all, and then he said seriously, "That\'s it, the news came from the eyeliner of this deity placed in the Linfeng City of Human Race, that the emperor of the human holy jade empire has actually come personally. , She will have a certain impact on our capture of Linfeng City, but it is not a major problem, but the deity wants to know whether it is only her or only a few of them. If human beings make big moves, perhaps we should be alert. Therefore, please After you finish this banquet, go to Linfeng City to find out! How?"

  This monster race actually has an eyeliner in Linfeng City!

   Then Chen Mo nodded calmly, and deliberately lowered his voice, "Naturally, no problem!"

The Flame Demon was slightly surprised, and asked, "Brother Huo Yuan has studied another special pill and failed? Why has this voice changed a little, and a lot of hoarseness? Do you need the deity to invite my sister to heal you? "

  Chen Mo shook his head and said, "Ah...this is normal, so there is no need for trouble, little things, little things, as for Linfeng City, you can go now."

  "No, no, no rush, go out for the banquet first, and then go after the banquet!"

  Chen Mo nodded and walked out!

  Nima? Who can stand this? Fortunately, good luck. It seems that Venerable Huoyun often fails in alchemy, causing him to have some abnormal phenomena. They are used to it, and fortunately so!

  Chen Mo went out and swallowed a mouthful of gulps as he looked at the densely packed and laughing strong men in the entire hall.

  This adds up to no less than 300 people, right? The size of this hall is unimaginable, and the number of these powerhouses is unimaginable!

  The flame demon came out.

   "See Lord Balrog!"

   "I have seen Venerable Huo Yuan."

  Everyone saluted!

  The flame demon smiled, and then said, "You don\'t have to be polite, take a seat!"

  Everyone sat in their seats.

   "Brother Huo Yun, you are also seated."

  Chen Mo didn’t sit because he didn’t know where to sit. When all these people sat down, the Balrog also sat down and pointed to his side. Only then did Chen Mo know that the position beside the Balrog belonged to him! Then he sat down!


The flame demon held the wine glass and said, "If there is no mistake, there will be 8 million monster warriors who will take down more than a dozen human cities at the same time tomorrow. The purpose of holding this banquet today is to inform everyone of one thing, my deity. Hearing that this human female emperor came to the Wind City, it is unknown how many other strong people are there. Therefore, for the sake of insurance, tomorrow\'s battle will require you to **** you. If there is a strong one, kill it!"

"Hahaha, Lord Flame Demon, I can hear that the Saint Yao female emperor of this human race is a rare beauty in thousands of years. If Lord Flame Demon can lead me to capture the female emperor tomorrow, wouldn’t it be beautiful? !"

   "Hahaha, what the Poison King said is very true, if the human emperor Saint Yao can kiss Fangze, it will be worth her death, hahaha!"

   "Old Tiger King, are you willing to die?"


  All those people laughed.

"OK OK!"

The flame demon said, and then said, "This deity didn\'t joking with you, this saint Yao female emperor is not a vegetarian, and the deity does not necessarily have a chance of winning a battle with her, so this kind of existence can kill or kill, and it must not stay alive. , But there are a few who like corpses, and her corpse can be reserved for a few!"


  There is another laughter~www.novelhall.com~ Venerable Huo Yuan, say something, Venerable Huo Yuan usually makes some slightly detailed plans for us! "

  The Poison King looked at Chen Mo and said.

"Yes, Venerable Huo Yuan gives us some suggestions. It is best to assign tasks to me. Tomorrow, where to go and what to do. I and others are all vulgar people, and I hope to destroy a few by one person. The city, but since there is the Empress Saint Yao, that can’t be the case. I don’t understand the others. Venerable Huo Yuan can give us some advice."

"That\'s right, Lord Balrog doesn\'t allow me to wait until I directly enter the human race. Then I can\'t wait for the so-called eighty-six tactics of mankind to fight with soldiers. Although humans are all ants, they are still somewhat stronger, and there are many. There are some powerful artifacts, if you get caught in the trap, it will be difficult to get out."


  For a time, everyone\'s attention was on Chen Mo.

  It can be seen that this Venerable Huo Yuan may still hold an identity similar to a military commander in this flame temple.


  Chen Mo "???"

  Chen Mo was panicked. He was surrounded by bigwigs, and Chen Mo felt that he was about to be exposed.

How to do?

  Wait online!
