I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 135: Amnesty

Latest website: Ye Qingqing wiped away his tears and slowly calmed down.

"Master Chen Mo sit down."

She brought chairs to Chen Mo and Xiao Yuan, Shui Shui, and then poured tea for them. After that, Ye Qingqing sat there in a daze with tea in both hands.

After a few seconds, Ye Qingqing came back to his senses, looked at Chen Mo, and then quickly said: "Yes... I\'m sorry, I\'m lost."

Chen Mo shook his head.

After that, Ye Qingqing bit his lip and said: "If Xiaoyu is just sick, no matter how difficult it is, I will have to raise money to help him treat his illness, but his body is getting weaker and weaker, but his body has been eroded two years ago. Corroded by devil energy, it is the devil energy that gradually erodes his body, and it can only be recovered by pushing the devil energy out.

This Ye Yu may be just a mortal body, even if it weren\'t for him, he wouldn\'t be strong. If he was corroded by the devilish energy, it would be fatal!

No, if the demonic energy erodes, he would have died long ago, let alone insist on two years!

Either this is not devilish energy, or... he is special!

"Since it is a devilish energy, should you be able to ask the strong to force it out? It shouldn\'t be difficult."

Ye Qingqing shook his head.

"No, I asked. I once took Xiaoyu to seek medical treatment. I met an old grandpa outside Linfeng City. He could see Xiaoyu\'s strangeness at a glance. The old grandpa is very powerful. If it weren\'t for him, Xiaoyu would have died. However, he can\'t heal Xiaoyu. He said that this is a very special devilish energy. Forcing it out will only accelerate Xiaoyu\'s death. He can best help Xiaoyu alleviate."

Chen Mo frowned!

"He said that there are two ways to save Xiaoyu in this world. The first way is to find a strong demon clan, who is proficient in demon energy, and he can safely treat Xiaoyu, but... No one knows where..."

The Demon Race, that is already another continent, although it may also belong to Heaven, but on the plane, it does not belong to the continent where these five empires are located.

But Chen Mo knew, Chen Mo only knew it not long ago!

"anything else?"

Chen Mo asked.

"Also...there is also a kind of elixir called Demon Flame Flower. Just put Demon Flame Flower next to Xiaoyu\'s pillow, Demon Flame Flower will slowly and gently attract the magic energy in Xiaoyu\'s body, but Demon Flame Flower I only grew up in the demons...I..."

Ye Qingqing couldn\'t help her tears as she said.

What she despairs most is not Ye Yu\'s condition. The most desperate thing is that she knows there is a way to treat him, but she can do nothing!

"Magic Flame Flower?"

Chen Mo frowned.

"Ding...You have triggered the branch task [Rescue Ye Yu] of the five ultimate hidden tasks of Tianlin [Amnesty World], branch task reward: unknown, task penalty: none, currently has been forcibly taken, current total task progress: 0/ 3."

The sudden system prompt stunned Chen Mo!

Five ultimate hidden missions of Tianlin?

Chen Mo knows the five ultimate hidden props of Tianlin, he now has two, and he also knows exactly how heaven-defying this ultimate hidden path is! Wasn\'t the five ultimate hidden missions at the same level as the five ultimate hidden props?

Guards task of the same level?

Amnesty the world?

That\'s right, the name of this task is [Amnesty World]. A total of 3 branch tasks are gathered into the entire ultimate hidden task. [Rescue Ye Yu] is the first branch task. When this task is completed, the next one will be triggered. But the task reward is unknown, but obviously don\'t think about it. The five ultimate hidden tasks that are side by side with the five ultimate hidden items, the task rewards after completion must be unimaginable!

And Chen Mo noticed one thing, the name of this task is called [Amnesty in the World], not [Amnesty in the World]!

What is the difference? Tianxia Amnesty is to forgive the world, and Amnesty for the world is... he forgives the world!

[Amnesty for the world], suppose a king can destroy the world with his hands raised, but he forgives the world without sin, and hundreds of billions of creatures can survive!

The world amnesty is based on the overall situation, and the world amnesty is based on one person. Only when the emperors amnesty the world is called the world amnesty!

In other words, is this task related to the survival of the world? If it is a task of this level, it is definitely worthy of the word ultimate!

In other words, if he does not complete this task, the world will be destroyed in the future! And is the person who ruined the world related to Ye Qingqing and Ye Yu?

Ye Yu must be dead, it can\'t be him! Ye Qingqing?

Chen Mo glanced at the weak Ye Qingqing. It is hard to imagine that such a girl will become that kind of existence in the future. It may not be her. After all, there are two branch tasks behind.

Chen Mo could see from the eyes of the two of them that there are some differences between the two, but he really didn’t expect that they could trigger tasks of this level from them. Does that mean that they are indeed different? Average!

Chen Mo must have taken this task!

"You mean, as long as there is a demon flame flower, there is no need to do too much, just put the demon flame flower there and he can recover, right?"

Chen Mo asked.

Demon Flame Flower...

Everything may be destined, he happened to find a magic flame flower in the corner of the room of the ancient demon seal, and he happened to collect the magic flame flower abruptly. He didn\'t know where it would be used in the future. , Just keep it for now, but I didn\'t expect it to trigger the five ultimate hidden missions, saving one person, no, two people!

Chen Mo stretched out his hand, and a black flower appeared in the palm of Chen Mo\'s palm. The flower seemed to be a burning flame.


Chen Mo handed the Demon Flame Flower over.

"Master Chen Mo, is this?"

Ye Qingqing looked at Chen Mo suspiciously, her eyes still red.

"Magic Flame Flower."

Chen Mo said lightly.


The cup in Ye Qingqing\'s hand fell to the ground without force, and it was smashed to pieces, and the tea slowly flowed on the ground...

And Ye Qingqing looked at Chen Mo in disbelief.

"It\'s the Demon Flame Flower~www.novelhall.com~ I accidentally picked it from the Demon Sealing Historic Site. Although the Demon Sealing Monument is not a demon clan, it is full of demon energy and it also supports the growth of the Demon Flame Flower!"

Tears silently slipped down Ye Qingqing’s cheeks...

Tick, tick—

The teardrops dripped into the water stains on the ground and melted with the tea...

In the next instant, Ye Qingqing wanted to kneel down for Chen Mo again, but Chen Mo held him back.

"Take it to your brother first."


Ye Qingqing wiped away her tears, and that "um" contained the grievances and fears that I didn\'t know in the past few years, and how much longing for the future, longing for her excitement, and feelings for Ye Yu.

Ye Qingqing held the magic flame flower in Chen Mo\'s hand with both hands and walked into the room inside.

(End of this chapter)