I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 134: He won't live long

When Lin He saw a figure coming out, he was stunned!

  How is he?

  Why is it him again?

  In Linfeng City, he can say that he is not afraid of anyone, but he is afraid of only one, because he has felt the horror of that person! Because that person is crazy!

  Yesterday they killed two of the Fourth Young Masters in Linfeng City. One was struck to death by lightning, and he was the only one who did not die! Today, I was thinking about finding a woman to send xie to him, and then he thought of this girl who he had coveted for a long time. Although she was not very good, she was just like it, and even he was lazy to continue to cultivate feelings. Strong use! Who knows that I have encountered this plague again!

  He is not afraid of others, but this plague **** actually killed his two brothers! Killed in front of so many people! Even now that there is no accident, how can he not be afraid?

  And the people around saw this scene, somehow they all felt it was a blessing!

  Although Chen Mo is indeed a killer, but compared to the killings of the few big and small in Linfeng City, his killing is for the people!

   "Kill him! Kill him!"

"kill him!"


  I don’t know who took the lead and shouted out. If there is one person taking the lead, there will be the second, the third, a group...

  Hearing this popular sentiment infuriated, Lin He felt cold.

   "Don\'t... don\'t kill me! Please don\'t kill me!"

  Lin He swallowed, and his heart was full of panic! It\'s really horrified! If Chen Mo hadn\'t killed him before, I\'m not afraid, but Chen Mo had killed Wang Family and Wu Family Young Master in front of him before!

   "Ding...You have triggered the mission to kill Lin He, the mission reward fame value +10000, the mission penalty is no."

   Killing Lin He. Because of the plagues caused by the Lin family in Linfeng City, this has aroused public anger. Please stand for justice for the people and kill Lin He!

  The system prompt that sounded suddenly made Chen Mo startled, but now he is too lazy to think, because he is really angry!

  He and Ye Qingqing are not friends, but he likes the siblings a lot. Their stubbornness, their desire for life, and their desire for life should not have suffered such pain.

  To what extent should a person hate him, so that everyone around him will call to kill him and kill him!

  Although he was met by Xiaoyuan, he estimated that he would only have one month to live, but how many sins would he commit in this month? do not know! Will he start with Ye Qingqing\'s sister and brother, yes! Moreover, killing him is even more venting!


  A sword without hesitation, blood splashed on the wall.

"it is good!"

   "Good job!"

   "The son is so good!"


  When everyone saw this scene, they applauded.

  "Ding...you complete the task and kill Lin He, you will be rewarded with a reputation value of 10000"

  Prestige value Chen Mo probably knows what it is. Some special tasks require a certain amount of prestige value to be eligible to receive it, but fame, to be honest, Chen Mo doesn\'t know it.

  Shui Shui and Xiao Yuan seem to be young, but they are all used to seeing this kind of scene, and they don\'t have too many scared expressions.

  Chen Mo then walked in, and the two little girls followed. The other people threw the vegetable leaves and eggs in their hands at Lin He\'s body!

And those players really admire Chen Mo. It\'s too real to kill people here. Firstly, this is a terrible thing. Secondly, he really dared to kill one young man again and again, really. It\'s invincible!

  They felt that it might be that Chen Mo had the ability to kill 10,000 people yesterday that he was not afraid of it?

   is not right, the cooling time of this skill must be extremely long! Anyone who understands games will understand!

  After Chen Mo walked in, Ye Qingqing raised his head and glanced at Chen Mo, his teary eyes dim, and pear blossoms were raining.


   Ye Qingqing knelt in front of Chen Mo for an instant.

  "Master Chenmo, please help Xiaoyu..."

  There is not much fluctuation on Chen Mo\'s face at this moment, he can see Ye Yu\'s blood bar, weak! Dying!

  The last time we met, his health bar was still about one-tenth, and now, one-thirtieth, it is estimated that today is not enough! One is the disease in his own body, and the other is the injury just now.

   "Shui Shui, you try!"

  Chen Mo said to the water channel.


  Shui Shui then obediently walked over, touching Ye Yu\'s head with a little hand, and then emerald green represented vitality, and the light of life flickered.

Ye Qingqing was wiping tears next to her. She didn\'t know whether Chen Mo could save Ye Yu. She really had no choice. She could only rely on Chen Mo. Even now, even if she took Ye Yu out for medical treatment, she had no money, a thousand gold coins. Definitely not enough! In fact, she begged Chen Mo for help, and more just wanted Chen Mo to lend her some money, and she wanted to take Ye Yu for medical treatment.

   "Brother, all right."

  After a while, Shui Shui silently returned behind Chen Mo.

  Chen Mo took a look, his blood volume has recovered a lot, which proves that his injuries have also recovered a lot, but...this may only have extended his life for a few days.



   Ye Qingqing hurried to hug him.

   Ye Yu slowly opened his eyes, looked at his sister weakly, and then glanced at Chen Mo and the others.


   "Don\'t...Don\'t talk."

   Ye Qingqing wiped his blood for him, then turned around and knelt down to Chen Mo.

  "Thank you Mr. Chenmo, thank you..."

  Her brother is her only sustenance, just like Lin Kexin\'s meaning to Chen Mo, and Chen Mo\'s meaning to Lin Kexin, but they must be deeper.

   "His injury may be fine, but he... won\'t live long."

  Chen Mo looked at them and said slightly.

   Ye Qingqing bit her lip...

Maybe he still has a week to go, plus this injury, maybe only three days, although the injury was cured by water ~ www.novelhall.com ~ but his illness can not be cured by water, Green Saint What he can only cure is traumatic and internal injuries, injuries, but his illnesses are not injuries, maybe only something like the law of life can heal.

Ye Qingqing picked up Ye Yu and sent him into the room to lie down, and then she walked out again. When she walked out, the tears that could not be easily held back rushed out again, and she tried to restrain herself by covering her mouth with her hand !

  "Sister, stop crying."

  Xiao Yuan gently tugged at the corner of her clothes, comforting her milky voice.

Chen Mo had no relatives in his impression, so he didn\'t understand this feeling very well. He was also very sad when his master left, and he also shed tears, but maybe he is a man, he is much stronger than a girl .

   Ye Qingqing wiped away tears, then shook his head.

   "No...nothing...thank you, Mr. Chenmo, thank you..."

  She doesn’t know how to repay, but she will definitely repay, even if her brother is still dying.

   "What disease can\'t be cured?"

  Chen Mo asked.

   Ye Qingqing shook his head.

   "It\'s not a disease, it\'s... a devilish energy."

   "Demon Qi?"

  Chen Mo frowned.