I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1319: Xiaoyuan's life experience

Chen Mo frowned!


He knows that Xiaoyuan is definitely not easy!

But why?

Why did Xiao Yuan suddenly leave at this critical time? In fact, this is not what Chen Mo is most concerned about. What Chen Mo is most concerned about is what happened to the strange look in the eyes that Yue Qianyao said when Xiao Yuan was leaving?

"Did she say nothing?"

Chen Mo asked.

"No, didn\'t you say that Xiaoyuan is the daughter of disaster? You said... Will there be any problems?"

Chen Mo shook his head; "I don\'t know, but if she really awakens something, she must be in no danger. I will hang up first, and I will find it soon."


Chen Mo hung up the communicator, the wind was blowing under his feet, and he galloped forward.

The sun candle is here.

As for Xiaoyuan... Chen Mo doesn\'t know what\'s going on. Now he can\'t do anything. He must first give the things in front of him to last night.


Suddenly, the situation changed...

The place of Chen Mo was dark, and in front of him, a terrible purple light lit up the sky.


A purple lightning seemed to tear the sky and landed on a distant location. In an instant, the wind and clouds changed and the mountains turned upside down.

Chen Mo\'s pupils shrank slightly.

To be honest, in this Tianlin, he has almost seen the strongest power in the entire Tianlin, whether it is the monster, the demon, or the human, but... he swears that he has never seen such a terrible power!

This power surpassed anyone Chen Mo had encountered before! Is any one! And beyond the unimaginable degree!


A purple light fell from the sky.


Immediately afterwards, a painful roar trembled around!

"Should it be a sun candle?"

Chen Mo showed a surprised expression.

He was referring to the person who heard this painful roar...

It really seems to be a sun candle!

In the distance, a flame gradually extinguished!

"Is it possible that these days I am chasing the sun\'s light. The sun\'s light is not hiding from me, nor is it looking for something, purely because... the sun\'s light is avoiding someone else\'s pursuit?"

Chen Mo suddenly thought of this possibility, and everything in front of him seemed to say this too!

Who the **** is it? Who can make the sun candle light so miserable, who can hunt him down like this?

Chen Mo increased his speed to the extreme and rushed over!

There, a pit of tens of thousands of meters appeared in front of Chen Mo, and the dust slowly dissipated. In the pit, a dragon had turned into a corpse. It was really a corpse. It died like this, and this dragon is Sunlight!

Chen Mo\'s gaze fell on a purple light at the other end of the deep pit!

Between them is this huge pit!

Too far too far! But Chen Mo felt that he was alone! Chen Mo couldn\'t see clearly, all he could see was the purple light.


Chen Mo shouted.

He didn\'t know what it was, but he always felt that he was getting closer and closer to the many secrets of this heaven! Including Xiaoyuan\'s sudden disappearance, Chen Mo always felt that he was also approaching the truth of something.


Chen Mo rushed over!

A few minutes later, Chen Mo fell there!

The purple light appeared there, and she did not leave.

"who are you?"

Chen Mo looked at her.

The figure slowly turned around.

Chen Mo\'s pupils shrank!

"Xiao Yuan!?"

Do not! !

She is not Xiaoyuan!

"It\'s you!"

Chen Mo frowned!

This is not a small fate! This is definitely the girl I met in Xinshou Village who looks exactly like Xiaoyuan!

"long time no see."

She looked at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

"Who are you? Who is Xiaoyuan? She is leaving now. Is it related to you? What are you going to do? Why did you kill the sun candle?"

Chen Mo has too many things to ask her.


The girl pointed her finger at the corpse lit by the sun in the deep pit, and slowly said: "He is that person\'s pet, so I must kill him before that, otherwise, if it gains greater power, it will be even more powerful. Tricky."

"Who? Whose pet?"

Chen Mo was secretly shocked!

Whose pet is this sun candle?


Chen Mo:? ? ?


"It\'s not you, it\'s the real God of Shura."

Chen Mo frowned.

God... God of Shura!

The girl raised her finger to a direction in the sky.

"Where is he……"

Chen Mo looked up and couldn\'t see anything.

"I can\'t see it."

"Of course you can\'t see it, but maybe it won\'t take long for you to see it. He is already awake."

Chen Mo frowned.

"The Shura you mentioned is not one of the three Shura on this continent, right?"

"Of course not... They can\'t even count as the real Shura, so what is the **** of Shura?"

"what happened?"

The girl said lightly: "Let me tell you a story..."

Chen Mo stood there quietly.

"Millions of years ago, the vast universe experienced a catastrophe, which emptied the known universe by one-tenth of the planet."

Chen Mo\'s pupils shrank.

This is the universe...not the continent!

"What caused this catastrophe is a **** beyond the gods, God Shura, no one can stop him! The catastrophe of the universe, the entire universe is facing destruction and rewashing, but in this catastrophe is about to come to a beautiful blue planet , Now called the Sky Blue Star... At that time, a **** far away in the universe, he took a total of three partners, Taiyin Youying, Sunlight and Taihuang Yongye, fighting against the **** Shura, in the end, the battle was about to end. They were about to fail. The Sun Candle rebelled for life, but in the end, they still won, and the consequence was that they lost their lives!"

Chen Mo frowned!

"Too Huang Yongye, are they who they are now?"

"Accurately speaking, they are reincarnations, but now they are not as strong as one in ten thousand before."

"and then?"

"Then...then the universe died down."

Chen Mo frowned.

"But, what happened to Xiaoyuan?"

"Xiaoyuan... is my sister~www.novelhall.com~ This Chen Mo is not surprised, after all, they are exactly the same.

"But she... is special, because the **** Shura once was our mother."

Chen Mo:? ? ?

"We were created by our mother!"

"So, you have millions of years..."

"You can say so...but Xiaoyuan...no, she is not called Xiaoyuan, well, since you call it that way, then call it that way. She lost herself because of this incident and became the so-called disaster. My daughter, she will only bring disaster, I will seal it up until now, until the day comes... But now, it is normal for her to leave, because her mother has awakened, she went to find her."

Chen Mo: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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