I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1318: Xiaoyuan leaves

Of course Chen Mo knew what Liu Shaoyang was thinking, and Chen Mo didn\'t want to say or do anything.

It is your right to like Zi Qingcheng, but if you want to step on me to prove yourself, then Chen Mo must be unhappy.

Therefore, if he wants to slap him in the face, then Chen Mo must make him feel embarrassed.

"Okay! Then I\'ll make a move!"

Chen Mo then condensed a powerful martial arts master\'s power!

Then Chen Mo must only release the power of the martial arts master, otherwise he releases a little bit stronger, wouldn\'t he want to scare these people to death?

"Sure enough, you are the martial arts master!"

Feeling Chen Mo\'s momentum, those people showed a surprised expression!

Zi Zhan, Zi Zai Tian and Zi Qingcheng\'s mother Wang Qingliu are satisfied!

At least the object that Zi Qingcheng was looking for had something, not a general one, even if it was just an ordinary martial arts master, it stood above almost all martial artists.

Next, they wanted to see if this kid was talking big words and defeating Liu Shaoyang, who is also the pinnacle of martial arts?

They think it is not realistic at all!

However, Wang Qingliu glanced at his daughter, she seemed to be very calm, wouldn\'t it be true? I don\'t feel that this kid\'s momentum is too strong.

Then Chen Mo rushed over and punched him!

Liu Shaoyang was already very cautious and didn\'t underestimate Chen Mo. When he saw that he was indeed a martial arts master, he knew no matter how difficult this person was. He was a martial arts master at this age. Can it be simple?

Then he met Chen Mo with a strong punch.


His body flew out directly.

The few people showed surprised expressions.


Then Liu Shaoyang got up from the ground with a look of disbelief!

why! Why can his power be so strong?

He couldn\'t believe it.

It is really impossible to fight, he can feel it with this game, there is a qualitative gap between them!


Zi Zhan\'s eyes lit up.

He doesn\'t believe anything else. He believes in his dear daughter, who can give his dear daughter to a man who has conquered, can it be simple?

Good guys! Awesome!

"Is it all right?"

Zi Zhan then looked at Liu Shaoyang.

At this moment, Liu Shaoyang\'s expression was ugly, but he still had to smile and shook his head.

"I\'m fine."

Then he looked at Chen Mo and said, "Brother Chen is really amazing, I admire him."


Chen Mo nodded and then turned and walked towards Zi Qingcheng.

"You really give me face."

Zi Qingcheng said with a smile.

"It\'s okay."

"Okay, that\'s it, the second in the game, the first in friendship, come back for dinner!"

The New Year\'s Eve dinner was finished comfortably, of course it was comforting to Chen Mo.

After eating, the Liu family also left.

Chen Mo followed Zi Qingcheng to her room.

"The situation in Tianlin...what are you going to do then?"

Zi Qingcheng nestled in Chen Mo\'s arms and asked.

"Let\'s go with the flow, in fact, as long as the sun candle is resolved, everything is almost there."

Chen Mo said.

"You have the ability to solve it?"

Chen Mo nodded: "It is reasonable to say that I can solve it, but it is estimated that this kind of BOSS should be immune to death. I am afraid that it will be difficult for me to be immune to death."

All Chen Mo\'s confidence is actually death! If nothing is dead, even if Chen Mo exploded with terrible combat power, with full firepower, with a stroke of tens of millions, even if it was a damage of over 100 million, what about?

For a BOSS of that level, the HP should be several trillions, right? And it should be immune to those who control it! Therefore, it is impossible for Chen Mo to kill him normally!

Therefore, Chen Mo does not have much confidence!

But... Chen Mo was never alone! He still has those friends! The combined power of them is terrible.

"Then you..."

Chen Mo said, "I want to find the sun candle directly and get rid of it. It should be a fatal blow to the Yaozu."

"Um... I support you."


A few days passed.

Chen Mo and the others returned to the place where they lived before, and everyone came back.

An Yixi directly took a long vacation.

She has discovered that although being a star is very beautiful, she also likes it, but now she has something more like...

She likes Tianlin and she likes to play with everyone.

"Ding...all players please pay attention, the battle between human race and monster race has officially begun! Please do your best to kill more monsters!"

Early that morning, players went online one after another to carry out this ultimate mission!

A terrible battle broke out between the human race and the monster race!

All the strong have come out, the Moon God has also come out, and the Empress Saint Yao even directly led a large army to attack the monster race!

And Chen Mo...

He also left!

He used the heavenly disk to deduced to the position of the sun candle, and then went alone.

I didn\'t bring anyone else because Chen Mo wasn\'t sure what was going on. Anyway, he wouldn\'t die at least. He would go there for the sun candle and then see the situation! In short, he must be solved! No matter what, there are Yingying and Ye, right? They will always be fine, right?

This battle lasted for seven days... For these seven days, the continent was in chaos, but fortunately, they placed the battlefield in the territory of the Yaozu, at least the people\'s life is still no problem!

And for these seven days, Chen Mo was really convinced! The sun candle light was locked by Chen Mo. Chen Mo directly activated Shura’s Heaven Punishment Lock. Even Haijiao Tianya can chase him, the kind of endless death, but it seems to be hiding from Chen Mo, wrong. , Anyway, I was running around, chasing Chen Motou.

Chen Mo couldn\'t figure it out. Why did he keep running under this sun candle?


"Sister, what\'s the matter?"

In the Wind God Sect, Yue Qianyao stood there looking into the distance, Linglong walked to her side and asked.

"I don\'t know, there is always a bad feeling."

Yue Qianyao said.

"Sister is so great, what can you do?"

Linglong puffed up her mouth.

"I don\'t know, I don\'t know..."

Suddenly, her gaze saw Xiaoyuan next to her.

"Xiao Yuan..."

And Xiao Yuan just turned his head and glanced at her.


In the next instant, she turned into a black light and disappeared where she was!

Yue Qianyao\'s pupils shrank...

what happened? Why is the look in her eyes just now ~www.novelhall.com~ so strange?

"Chen Mo!"

Yue Qianyao quickly sent a message to Chen Mo.

Chen Mo was still on his way to chasing the sun, and he was there soon.


"Something happened, Xiaoyuan ran away!"

Chen Mo frowned.

"what happened?"

She told Chen Mo the simple matter just now.

"Oh no."

Chen Mo knew that Xiaoyuan was not easy, but what happened?

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