I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1316: Liu Shaoyang

Chen Mo didn\'t know how to answer this question, and then he thought for a while and said, "Similar to Qingcheng."

Hearing Chen Mo\'s words, the eyes of both of them also lit up.

"Budo Master?"

They looked at Chen Mo.

Chen Mo nodded.


They took a breath.

For the entire Sky Blue Star, the younger generation has reached the master of martial arts. All they really know is their own daughter. She is quite special. However, because of the arrival of the sky, there may indeed be The realm of some young people has also soared in reality, but they still know some people. As long as you are better in the sky, then in reality you can also improve a lot!

However, they were very satisfied when they learned about Chen Mo\'s martial arts master.

"Not bad!"

They probably understand that why Zi Qingcheng is willing to choose such a kid, there must be something, it\'s definitely not as simple as it seems.

Chen Mo chatted with them. They also liked Chen Mo. After all, he was a young martial arts master and was chosen by Zi Qingcheng. Of course, they didn\'t have much opinion.


At this moment, their door was knocked.

"Who will come on New Year\'s Eve on this big evening?"

They were surprised, and then Zi Zhan walked over and opened the door.

"Uncle Liu."

Seeing the people, Zi Zhan opened his eyes and smiled, but he was still quite surprised.

"Hahaha, happy new year."

The talking was an old man, about the same age as Zi Zaitian.

Chen Mo felt outrageous, and the New Year\'s greetings on the night of the New Year\'s Eve were outrageous.

There is a man next to the old man. He is very handsome. He may be a little younger than Chen Mo, but he is only a few months younger at most. In fact, Chen Mo is very old, he has been eating. Tender grass! Just like Zhao Yingmeng and Lin Kexin, they are less than 20 years old, and Chen Mo is almost ten years old.

"I said Old Man Liu, you don\'t have a New Year\'s Eve dinner at home on the New Year\'s Eve, why are you running to my house?"

Zi Zaitian smiled and stood up.

"Old man Zi, you don\'t know that the few people in my family will not come back this New Year\'s Eve, so they are busy with work. I will stay at home with my grandson. Tell me, what\'s the taste of this? No, I\'m looking for you to come to celebrate the New Year, won\'t you be welcome?"

Wang Qingliu smiled and walked out: "Uncle Liu is welcome, of course, so are we. There are only a few mouthfuls in the family, and it is not too lively. This New Year\'s Eve dinner is just about a lively meal, sit down, and pour water."

Zi Qingcheng walked out, then Liu Shaoyang looked at her.



It was all this in his eyes.

"Qingcheng, long time no see."

Liu Shaoyang looked at Zi Qingcheng with a smile.

He has really liked Zi Qingcheng for many years. In nominal terms, Liu Shaoyang should be regarded as Zi Qingcheng\'s cousin. They can be regarded as childhood sweethearts. Since childhood, Liu Shaoyang has liked Zi Qingcheng.

It’s just that, Zi Qingcheng is too good. He didn’t express his love for her very much. He didn’t express his admiration for her until he grew up. However, being rejected by Zi Qingcheng is not a rejection. She said she is now. I put my mind on the Zijia and didn\'t have any ideas in those aspects.

No, tonight he specifically asked his grandfather to bring him over to celebrate the New Year, and by the way, have a New Year\'s Eve dinner together!

The relationship between the two of them is very good. Before Liu Shaoyang let his grandfather take a look, anyway, the Zi family likes his son-in-law very much, and the elders of the Zi family support him, so Liu Shaoyang will have more confidence!

Even today I came directly to propose marriage.

Even if you don’t mention your relationship tonight, you will still mention this matter a little bit. After all, Zi Qingcheng and him are not young anyway. Anyway, Liu Shaoyang always feels that he and Zi Qingcheng have been in such a good relationship since childhood. The chance is the greatest.

"Yeah, it\'s been a long time, let\'s sit down."


Liu Shaoyang nodded, only then did his eyes notice Chen Mo sitting on the sofa drinking water.

His brows frowned suddenly!


This big year, why does the Zi family have a young man about his own age here? What does this mean?

"Cousin, drink water."

Liu Shaoyang nodded, then looked at Chen Mo and asked Xiang Zi Qingcheng, "Qingcheng, who is this??"

"Oh... it\'s my boyfriend, Chen Mo."

Hearing what Zi Qingcheng said, Liu Shaoyang\'s pupils shrank.


Do not! He doesn\'t believe it!

How high is Zi Qingcheng\'s vision? He knew Liu Shaoyang too well, and she had no desire for a boyfriend at all, so why did she suddenly take a boyfriend home? Seeing the parents directly? This is too fast, could it be... She knew she was coming this year, so she probably found a shield? Or... Is she dealing with her parents and grandpa? After all, the Zi family is indeed urging her to find someone for all these years.

Ok! possible! It is absolutely possible.

"So it is!"

Liu Shaoyang smiled and stretched out his hand at Chen Mo: "Liu Shaoyang."

Chen Mo shook his hand: "Chen Mo."

"Brother Chen really surprised me. My cousin has a very high vision, and she didn\'t even think about finding a boyfriend. This Chinese New Year suddenly brought a boyfriend. To be honest, it\'s so fast. "

Liu Shaoyang smiled.

He also said this to Zi Zhan, and Zi Zaitian told Wang Qingliu.

I just want to tell them that this Chen Mo is likely to be Zi Qingcheng\'s pretending boyfriend who came to deal with you.

He knows that they are all smart people and should be able to hear it!

If they suspect or find evidence that Chen Mo is pretending to be a boyfriend, it doesn\'t matter if there is no evidence. As long as they suspect, then Liu Shaoyang will not come in vain tonight.

Zi Qingcheng smiled and said, "Does my cousin still know me? Although I have never been in a relationship, I still do things more vigorously. Since the fate has come, since I like it, it doesn\'t matter even if I confessed. See the parents This kind of thing... If I believe it, then I can see the parents the next day."

"Hahaha, what the cousin said is, but the cousin does not consider whether it is appropriate to consider this aspect?"

Liu Shaoyang smiled and said ~www.novelhall.com~ No need, don\'t I have any capital to decide this matter? If it is not suitable, then I will kick it away. Do I still need to worry about being thrown away by others? "

Zi Qingcheng smiled.

Chen Mo; "..."


Okay, well, since this is your Zijia, let\'s give you some face, he Chen Mo is slightly embarrassed.

"That\'s it."

Liu Shaoyang nodded.

Turned out to be Xiao Bailian? Hahaha.

Zi Qingcheng just thinks this year, it\'s so boring, so let\'s light up the smell of medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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