I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1315: Zijia

Early the next morning, everyone was dressed up.

Ying and An Yixi are back.

The rest, Zhao Yingmeng, Zhao Yingluo, Lin Qinghan, Chen Mo, Lin Kexin, Xiaomeng, Yue Qianyao, and Zi Qingcheng are all on the same plane, because they all go to the imperial capital and their homes are Imperial capital!

A group of beautiful girls got on the plane, you can imagine how exaggerated the attention they attract.

Fortunately, a few girls have discussed it. Basically they have brought sunglasses, which can be considered as a slight cover for their appearance.

Originally, they could charter flights, or let private jets pick them up, but recently, aviation is too cumbersome and private jets are not allowed to fly, because major mistakes are likely to occur.

"Brother Chen Mo, you went to Sister Zi\'s house to celebrate the New Year, right?"

Zhao Yingmeng asked.

Chen Mo nodded; "Well, I will bring Kexin and Xiao Meng over..."

Lin Kexin hurriedly said, "Brother Chen Mo, it\'s fine for you to go by alone. Kexin, Xiaomeng and Sister Yao are going to Yingmeng\'s house."


Chen Mo looked at them suspiciously.

"Brother Chen Mo came as a son-in-law during the Chinese New Year. We were not so good in the past. Anyway, they are all good friends during the Chinese New Year. You can also go to Yingmeng."

Lin Kexin said.


Chen Mo touched the tip of his nose.

"That\'s fine too."

"Yeah, we can get together again on the first night of the Chinese New Year and have fun."

Zhao Yingmeng said.

Indeed, Chen Mo needs to go to Zi\'s house as a son-in-law, which is a bit restrictive!

Mainly, if Lin Kexin and the others don\'t mind, it doesn\'t matter. It will be fine if they all gather in the Zi family, but they are worried that Chen Mo will be affected, so there is nothing to do.

But think about it, it\'s the Chinese New Year, and it should be a trip to get someone\'s excellent daughter. This is responsible for Zi Qingcheng and also responsible for myself.

Chen Mo nodded: "Okay, let\'s say so."


"But Yingmeng, will it be troublesome to go to you?"

Lin Kexin asked.

"Hey, Kexin, you think too much. With so many good friends of yours, my parents are dying happily. My parents want me to take my friends home for the New Year."

Zhao Yingmeng said.

"That was thinking about taking my boyfriend home."

Zhao Yingluo smiled helplessly.

"It\'s all the same. Anyway, so many beautiful friends, they must be very happy. My parents are very nice!"

Zhao Yingmeng said.

"You can tell, otherwise you won\'t be able to give birth to these two sisters."

Chen Mo said abruptly.

"Ha? Brother Chen Mo, what do you mean?"

Zhao Yingmeng pursed her mouth, then sat up and looked at Chen Mo who was sitting in front.

"it\'s okay no problem."

Just chatting, a group of them came to the imperial capital.

It has been a long, long time for Chen Mo to come here, and the last time I came here was for Lin Kexin. Except for that time, it should have been for several years...I just haven\'t been here since the accident happened in my own eyes.

After the airport, they separated.

Chen Mo followed Zi Qingcheng, and all the other girls followed Zhao Yingmeng.

"Then let\'s go."

Zi Qingcheng smiled and took Chen Mo\'s arm.

I was still very happy in my heart. Chen Mo was still willing to go back home alone with her to celebrate the New Year for her. Of course he was in a good mood when seeing the parents. The point is... the other girls are so beautiful, especially Yue Qian who came back. Yao... he still followed himself, um... still very conscientious.

"I haven\'t prepared anything yet."

Chen Mo said.


Zi Qingcheng looked at Chen Mo suspiciously.



Zi Qingcheng laughed, and then said, "No, my parents don\'t care about this. For my parents, it\'s better to take your boyfriend home, whatever it is."

"Although I say that, but when my boyfriend is a guest, how can anyone not bring a gift?"

Chen Mo said.

"Well, my father likes to drink, my mother\'s words... like handsome guys."

Chen Mo; "..."

"Then go buy some bars first."

I bought some drinks and the like, anyway, they were all very valuable. Chen Mo also knew that he didn\'t seem to be sincere, but it could only be so. Then they went to the Zi\'s house.

The Zi family is a very large manor, but the entire Zi family is so large, there are so many populations, so many families, and everyone has their own family. New Year does not mean that the entire Zi family is gathered together, such as those in Zi Qingcheng. The father also has his own brothers and sisters, and his brothers and sisters also have their own families. It\'s not that everyone in the Zi family wants to get together!

No, Chen Mo and Zi Qingcheng went to a bustling villa group in the Imperial Capital!

"My parents live here. Grandpa should also be here for the Chinese New Year this year. In addition to grandpa, there may be old friends of grandpa who come to celebrate the New Year together."

Zi Qingcheng said.

"I thought it was your parents."

Zi Qingcheng smiled and said, "Don\'t worry, do you still have no confidence in yourself? Although grandpa is quite powerful, he is still far behind you."

Chen Mo shrugged, and then followed Zi Qingcheng to the door of the Zi family villa.

The entire Zi family at this moment, no, it can be said that they are all those families that can be seen. Outside are red lanterns, all kinds of prosperous appearances, the richer the family actually cares about this aspect.


Zi Qingcheng knocked on the door.

Chen Mo looked nervous next to him.

This is true!

No matter what you do, you are nervous the first time you face it!

Chen Mo has never seen his parents as a boyfriend, so let\'s forget it, the point is... he has other girlfriends, which makes Chen Mo actually feel more... ashamed in his heart.


The door was opened, she was a beautiful woman who looked a bit like Zi Qingcheng, but was already very beautiful.

Obviously this is Zi Qingcheng\'s mother!

To be able to give birth to such a beautiful daughter, this mother is absolutely beautiful~www.novelhall.com~Mom. "

Zi Qingcheng smiled and said.

"You **** still knows to come back, right?"

"This Chinese New Year, how can you not come back?"

Zi Qingcheng changed some of his previous temperament, and sure enough, in front of the adults, he was always a good daughter.

Then she looked at Chen Mo.

They just heard about their daughter\'s boyfriend, but who is this boyfriend... To be honest, they really don\'t know who it is!

Zi Qingcheng didn\'t tell anyone about Chen Mo\'s identity, including her parents, because Chen Mo\'s identity was more sensitive! Even if they saw Chen Mo now, they didn\'t know who Chen Mo was, but it did look good.

(End of this chapter)

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