I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 13: Infinite ring, infinite jump

Question marks on the faces of players all over the world!

   "How is it possible? The first killer is forbidden? Did I get it wrong?"

   "I heard you right! Really, something went wrong in the system?"

"Gan Lin Niang! You gave me the first kill of the Bronze BOSS for half an hour at the beginning of the game. I can bear it. Now in the first few hours, you kill the Forbidden Grade BOSS for the first time. Do you have a skill called Bragging? You also got the system. Recognition?"

   "Chenmo? Chenmo again! Who is this sacred Chenmo?"


   Everyone was shocked, and the ID of Chenmo resounded through the entire virtual online game circle.

   Countless famous masters expressed their puzzlement! Then report to the Tianlin system!

"After system testing, this report is true and there are no BUGs. In addition, all players should keep in mind that there can never be any BUGs in Tianlin. This is a game that follows chance, destiny, and strength. It has unlimited possibilities. ,Special announcement!"

   People do have trust in this game, but the system prompt is too exaggerated, right? First kill forbidden boss?

   The ID of "Chen Mo" was remembered by countless people for a time. For a time, countless senior executives of studios, companies, families, and major guilds opened emergency meetings, and they tried to find this player! Because they know that if they get this player, they may be the first to stand up in a new game!

   The corners of Chen Mo\'s mouth rose slightly, did he report errors to the Tianlin system? It looks really sensational, isn\'t this what he wants?

   Gongzi Mo is a past tense, Chen Mo is back! He wants those who have stepped on him to completely fall under his feet, and never stand up!

   However, if these people know that the Heavenly Forbidden Boss has only 1,500 blood, level fifteen, then they will definitely not be shocked.

   A dozen things burst out beside the corpse of the rogue rabbit! Colorful! Chen Mo walked over.


   When he saw clearly what was exploding on the ground, he was a little surprised.

   [Widow Chen\'s red underwear], [Aunt Zhang\'s white underwear], [Grandma Li\'s colorful underwear].

   Chen Mo: "……"

  This thing...is it a beast?

   Even if Widow Chen’s, Aunt Zhang’s is okay, you stole Grandma Li...

   Yes, it seems that it is indeed a beast.

These things are of no use to Chen Mo. When they are exposed, they will think that he stole them and kick them aside. Apart from the explosion of a dozen underwear, this rogue rabbit has no gold coins, and neither will Chen Mo. Lack of gold coins, kill the BOSS for the first time to get 100,000 gold coins! The gold coin exchange system has not yet been opened. Although it cannot be exchanged in reality, it will definitely be able to be opened these days.

   Besides, there are three things!

   One is a ring, the other seems to be a scroll, and the last one is a token!

   Chen Mo picked them up one by one and probed their attributes.

   [Infinite Ring]: Grade: Shenhuang, Requirements: Recognize the Lord, Current Status: Unrecognized, a specially crafted ring, which has unlimited space for unlimited storage of items, but no living things.

   is a simple effect, but Chen Mo likes it very much!

   Players all have a player backpack with only fifty grids. That is to say, players can only put fifty things in the backpack. Expansion of the backpack is okay. You need to spend money to expand the novice village, and the limit seems to be only five hundred! It was enough for the early stage of the game, but maybe in the middle stage, five hundred grids were not enough. This infinite ring made Chen Mo need not worry about this.

   did not recognize the master because the rogue rabbit who recognized the master died, so he has not recognized the master! As for how to recognize the Lord...

   Chen Mo learned from those TV dramas and the plots in the novels. He used a sword to cut himself apart. Anyway, he only felt 1% pain and didn\'t panic.


   Then there was an injury on Chen Mo\'s head!

   This is very inspiring! You hurt so much with just a small hole?


   The drop of blood dripped on the ring of infinity.

   "Ding...The infinite ring is complete."

   Then Chen Mo put it on his finger.

   Chen Mo focused his attention on the scroll again.

  【Infinite Jump Skill Scroll】

   Although Chen Mo was unable to learn vocational skills, the NPC Xiaoyin at the time said that he could learn scroll skills, and that is how scroll skills were! So Chen Mo is looking forward to it!

[Infinite Jump]: Type: Martial Skills, Requirements: None. The most signature ability of Space Rogue Rabbit is its power of space. It is rumored that Space Rogue Rabbit can achieve tens of thousands of kilometers of instant teleportation with the help of infinite jumping, and it is extremely easy and effective. : Can be teleported arbitrarily to a place ten meters away, consumes mana: 1000, cooldown: 5 seconds, can evolve, evolution conditions are unknown. Current level: 1.

   Chen Mo does not need to look at this consumption of mana, because the secret disk makes him useless. The ten-meter teleport skill is a good thing, but the rogue rabbit can actually teleport tens of thousands of kilometers! That is to say ~www.novelhall.com~ this infinite jump that can evolve, if it evolves to that level in the future, can one achieve space jumps of tens of thousands of kilometers? It certainly can! Because this is the skill of that rogue rabbit!


   Chen Mo crushed the scroll.

   "Ding...you learned the skill [Infinite Jump]."

   It\'s a pity. Although this skill is very strong, it is not strong at present. Moreover, at present, this skill may not be too helpful for Chen Mo compared to combat skills.

   "Just now, the system prompts that the Space Rogue Rabbit is one of the top ten heavenly forbidden-level calamities in the Tianlin Continent? What is this calamity beast?"

   Chen Mo was very curious, but he didn\'t understand at all, because he couldn\'t see it, so he had never understood some knowledge about Tianlin.

   The third thing is also very special! Token!

[Demon God Order (10)]: Grade: None, in the Tianlin Continent, the Human Race and the Monster Race cannot coexist. The other races are watching. The Territory of the Human Race is increasingly occupied by the Monster Race. Among the Monster Race, there is a Monster Temple, which is shared by the Monster Race. In the ten temples, the demon gods in each hall have great appeal. This is the tenth temple of the demon gods. The original space gangster rabbit is the tenth temple of the demon gods. According to legend, every demon god’s order hides great power and secrets. , Those who get this order have the ability to call the Tenth Hall of the Demon Temple.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   doesn\'t know much about the game. Chen Mo doesn\'t know what the Demon Temple is like, but you can probably tell from this introduction!

  Perhaps this is a completely useless thing for him. Although the order can call the Tenth Hall of the Demon Temple, it is still uncertain whether to look at people or tokens! Moreover, Chen Mo represents a human player! It is the opposite of Yaozu.