I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 12: Heavenly Forbidden Beast

The name of [Nine Days Explosion Three Pedal] caught Chen Mo\'s special attention.

   [Nine-day explosion three pedals]: Requirements: No, from a very mysterious self-created skill. It is said that with this **** level kicking over the mainland, I don\'t know whether it is true or not. Effect: Jump up and pose, the body will ignore the laws of physics and lock onto a target within 30 meters. The lock will imprison it within three seconds, and then it will come to the target in an instant, causing it to fly into the sky. , Causing damage of 3* current attack power, while teleporting twice in a row, it can be kicked out from all directions again, the damage is the same, if the target hangs in the middle of the tripod, you can choose another target! Each foot has a 5% chance to kick the target artery, ignoring the level, ignoring the grade, and causing 50% of its maximum health damage! Mana consumption: 1000, cooling time: ten minutes. Can be upgraded, current level: 1.

   Chen Mo: "……"

   Is this a skill stolen from a bucktooth? This is... too exaggerated!

Three-legged, three times the attack power of each foot, and it is a teleporting posture, arbitrary choice of direction, the method of landing, the opponent can not catch at all, and even locked it will be imprisoned for three seconds, and there is a distance of 30 meters Ah, the most exaggerated thing is that there is a 5% chance of kicking the middle aorta and dropping 50% of the maximum health damage...A 100 million blood volume triggers 50 million...

   This is a half-death effect! It is even a skill that can be upgraded!

   It’s a bit of a lot, no, it’s a lot!

   Then Chen Mo\'s eyes fell on the rabbit who had just let him steal this skill!

   This is not a bucktooth rabbit! After Chen Mo paid special attention to it, he discovered that this rabbit was twice as small as a normal bucktooth rabbit, that is, a little bigger than the skyblue star ordinary rabbit. At first, Chen Mo thought it was just a baby bucktooth rabbit.

   Then Chen Mo released the discovery technique!

[Space Rogue Rabbit]: Grade: Sky Forbidden, Level: 15, HP: 1500, I don’t know where it comes from a special creature, gender, male, what I like most is to pretend to be cute Let the girl hold it in her arms and take the opportunity to do some bad things. It seems that there is an unimaginable power, but it seems to be sealed.

   Skill:? ? ?

   Chen Mo: "……"

   What the hell? This novice village is really not easy! First, Xiaoyuan, then Chen Siniang, and this spatial rogue rabbit. Is this still a novice village? Wait, Heaven Forbidden Level? This little rabbit is a sky-forbidden boss? Are you kidding me? Heaven forbidden level 1,500 blood? Chen Mo rubbed his eyes and saw that he was right. It is really a sky-forbidden level. Is there a bug in the game?

   "There is a little rabbit! Fuck him!"


At this time, the five players noticed the rogue rabbit in the space and rushed over while holding a weapon. Chen Mo watched the next scene all the way, and they couldn\'t move on the way, they were still surprised, and then Chen Mo I saw that within a dozen meters away, the little spatial rogue rabbit jumped and disappeared into the air, appearing in front of a player teleportingly, kicking to death, and the damage reached 300 points. Now ordinary players The blood volume is not that high.

   In just a second, it appeared in front of five players, kicking five people to death! The power of this space makes it terrifying!

   Then it landed calmly, placed a P that could hear the sound of a few players where they had hanged up, and then swaggered to eat the grass.

   Chen Mo was secretly speechless, this should be his nine-day explosion three-pedal skill, but it seems more powerful, it should be an upgraded version.

   At the beginning, many of them didn\'t notice this little rabbit eating grass among the bucktooth group. When they noticed, they felt that it was just an ordinary juvenile bucktooth rabbit. It was easy to kill! But who would have thought that this little guy turned out to be a BOSS!

   Detection technique cannot detect units higher than level ten, and Chen Mo is just able to detect.

   However, this guy made Chen Mo very curious. He has a blood volume of 1,500, and it can beat other players but can\'t beat him with one kick. Sky Forbidden? Chen Mo doesn\'t care, anyway, he knows that this product has only 1,500 HP! Kill it first!

   "Nine days of explosion and three pedals!"

Chen Mo chose the spatial rogue rabbit over twenty meters away, locked it, and imprisoned it. The rogue rabbit felt that he was locked by a particularly familiar skill, and he could feel the panic in his eyes. Then Chen Mo Zong jumped, his body suspended in the air, and the next moment he came directly to the rogue rabbit.



   kicked his tiny body with one kick, the next moment Chen Mo appeared in the air, behind the rogue rabbit, another kick.


   appeared again, another kick.

   "Ding...you kicked the artery of the space rogue rabbit."


   The whole process, two seconds! These nine days of explosive three-pedaling are so abnormal! It can appear three times in a row without warning, and instantly appear anywhere next to a target with the power of space, and the opponent is still in a state of imprisonment~www.novelhall.com~The blood volume of the rogue rabbit is almost emptied, but it still cannot move , Because three seconds have not arrived! Chen Mo landed and slashed over.

   "Ding...you killed [Space Rogue Rabbit]."

   "Ding... Your level is increased to 6, with health +20, mana +20, and ten points can be assigned freely."

   "Ding... You killed the ten most forbidden-level calamities in the "Skyfall" [Space Rogue Rabbit], gain reputation: 100,000, gold coins +100,000."

   "Ding... Congratulations on killing the Forbidden Boss for the first time. The system will issue a worldwide system announcement. Do you hide your ID?"

   Chen Mo: "……"

what? This is really a Sky Forbidden boss, isn\'t it a BUG?

   But, with a blood volume of 1,500, he died with a three-legged kick and a sword. How could he be a Sky Forbidden BOSS? Didn\'t it mean that the blood of a Sky Forbidden BOSS exceeded 100 billion?

   Chen Mo couldn\'t figure it out, but he knew it was going to cause a sensation!

   "Don\'t hide, besides, broadcast it ten times, please use accent when broadcasting ID."

  System: "……"

   "Ding... Players from all over the world, please be aware that the 9999 Novice Village player in Huaxia District [Chen Mo] (stress) kills the banned BOSS for the first time, hereby is an announcement."




   Everyone really stayed where they were. Some people were stunned by the level, and then killed by the monster. After resurrection, they were still confused at the resurrection point!

   First kill forbidden-level BOSS?

   What about nima eggs?

   What is the Heaven Forbidden Level? The highest-ranking BOSS in the entire "Sky Pro" has the lowest blood volume of tens of billions. Then, just a few hours after the game started, was the Tianban-level boss killed for the first time?