I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1293: Demon sky

Chen Mo then told the dwarven patriarch of his intentions.

The dwarven patriarch smiled and said, "Young Master Chenmo, there is nothing to ask for such a trivial matter. The forging of this God-killing Cannon is to defend Young Master Chenmo against foreign enemies, thanks to the spar of Young Master Chenmo. Otherwise, this god-killing cannon cannot be forged at all!"

   "Kill God Cannon!"

   Hearing this name, Chen Mo feels very impressive!

The head of the dwarf clan nodded; "Yes, after all, we also know that Young Man Chenmo still has a lot of enemies outside. It just so happens that this god-killing cannon is a spirit that has never been built among my dwarves. Because there has been a lack of spar, spar is enough, we are also the first to start building the cannon of the gods!"

   "How is the effect?"

   "The effect is very exaggerated, even the top Sky Forbidden powerhouse once ordered by the power of the God Killing Cannon, it will be instantly turned to ashes!"

   Chen Mo took a breath!

   "Can more enemies attack?"

   "Yes, as long as there is enough energy, the God Killing Cannon can be activated all the time. The current power is enough to activate the God Killing Cannon continuously for about one minute. As for how many enemies can be killed in this minute, it depends on the situation at the time!"

   Chen Mo pondered slightly: "As long as he is swept, he will die?"

   "You will die if you hit the spot, you can\'t die with arms or legs, but you will definitely lose your combat effectiveness!"

   Chen Mo nodded; "Okay, then I\'ll take it away first!"

   "Of course it\'s okay, I\'ll take Xiao Xia Chen to get it!"

   Chen Mo nodded.

   "By the way, patriarch, is there any other powerful weapon that can kill the enemy?"

   "Yes, yes, but not so powerful!"

   Chen Mo said: "Enough!"

   The God Realm is definitely not as good as Heaven. Chen Mo\'s spirit weapon that can quickly kill the Holy Destruction will be enough to dominate the heaven!


   Chen Mo walked out in the sky.

   Those two beautiful girls are still playing chess here.

   "Miss Moon is really superb in chess."

   Xueyao said in his heart!

   "Fortunately, Senior Xue\'s chess skills are superb. The juniors are trapped there, and have nothing to do all day long, so they will be able to study and boil time."

   Yue Qianyao Road.

   "Well, if there is nowhere to go in the future, just stay with the deity."

   "Thank you, Senior Xue, for your kindness, but... the junior will follow him, and the junior will go wherever he goes."

   "That\'s not necessarily a good thing."

   Xueyao said lightly.

   "The younger generation knows in my heart..."

   "You are actually a time bomb by his side."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "I know..."

   "It\'s up to you, your business."

   Chen Mo came over at this time.

"what\'s the topic?"

   Yue Qianyao smiled and said, "I\'m talking about chess, do you want to play two games with Senior Xue?"

   "Forget it, he won\'t."

   Chen Mo; "..."

"I will."


   Xueyao glanced at Chen Mo with beautiful eyes.

   "That\'s a plate."

   Before Chen Mokong came down to play with the flower god, Xiaorou\'s grandfather, Long Xu, and learned a lot.

"it is good."

   Chen Mo then sat down.

   More than ten minutes later, it failed miserably.


   Xueyao said lightly.

   "Ahem -"

   Chen Mo coughed dryly, and Yue Qianyao next to her smiled.

   "You go down."

   "It\'s running out, it\'s getting late, let\'s go rest."

   Xueyao got up.

   Chen Mo then asked: "When will the war start?"


   "Will there be war tomorrow?" Chen Mo then said, "I have some spiritual weapons here."



  The next day...

   When Chen Mo and Yue Qianyao walked out of the room, many people stood on the island!

   "Hey, isn\'t that the same person before? I said eldest sister, why? I\'m hiding in your place and don\'t want to let it go? Tsk tusk."

   The woman in the blue skirt smiled and looked at Xue Yao\'s heart!

   "Stop talking nonsense!"

   Xueyao berated her heart.

   "Wait, this is not..."

   She saw Yue Qianyao with her eyes, her eyebrows frowned!

   "Yue Qianyao?"

   Yue Qianyao owed a little: "Your Excellency should be Senior Blue, fortunately meeting."

   "It\'s really you? Are you out?"

   Lan Xin was surprised.


   "It\'s quite surprising, is the Temple of Heaven so useless now?"

   Lan Xin groaned slightly.

   "Stop talking about this, are they all here?"

   Lan Xin nodded; "The fourth heaven is here!"

   Another girl came over: "The fifth heaven is here!"

   "The sixth heaven is here!"

   Xueyao nodded her head; "Go."

   "Sister, that person in the seventh heaven has become his dog leg."

   Xueyao nodded her head; "As expected, let\'s go."


   Chen Mo looked at Yue Qianyao, and said, "You stay here, and I can go over."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Be careful."

   Yue Qianyao sorted out the clothes for Chen Mo.


   Because if Yue Qianyao passed by, she was easily exposed, and staying here is definitely the safest.

   "Take this one."

   Chen Mo handed Yue Qianyao some empty magic stones.

"I do not need."

   "Take it, if there is any emergency, this can save my life, I still have it."


   Chen Mo then nodded; "Then I will go first."

   Then Chen Mo followed Xue Yaoxin and the others.

   "What you said last night is all right?"

   Xueyao glanced at Chen Mo casually.

   "Well, seniors don\'t worry!"

   "Well...then our odds of winning are much bigger!"

   Xueyao said slightly.

   "In fact, even if there is no such thing, seniors must have a good chance of winning~www.novelhall.com~ Otherwise, it is impossible to do it, right?"

   Chen Modao.


   Xueyao stared at the front and said, "After all, he has the law of destruction in his hands."

   "Senior... did you fight for the law?" Chen Mo asked.

   "No, if the law can be obtained, you can take it, and there is no way you can\'t get it."

   "Thank you, senior."



  Sky Demon Palace...

   This is a very magnificent place, but it looks very dark!

Above the void, even the thunder flickered, dark clouds were densely covered, it looked like the end of the world, especially after the thunder flickered, it illuminates the huge Sky Demon Hall, flashing the outline of the Sky Demon Hall and several monsters and crowds in front, It\'s even more terrible!

   The monster beasts in front of the Heavenly Demon Hall have small heads, some tens of meters as large, and even fly in the sky, several heads...


   A woman knelt down in front of a man!

   The man shook the wine in his hand.

   "Are they here?"


   "Hmph, Xueyao\'s heart, as expected, her wings are stiff, so she dare to kill the deity!"

   His eyes condensed!

   To tell the truth, fear is still fearful, otherwise he would not face Xue Yaoxin\'s armed attack with this kind of battle.

   "Sir, there are three heavens to support her."

   "It\'s okay, how about thirty? Evil King!"

   Another man appeared here.