I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1286: Accidents, all accidents

Yes, of course she knew he was great! Very, very powerful. He was once the number one and strongest person in the universe. If it weren\'t for being conspired, if it wasn\'t because he believed those people too much, he wouldn\'t have anything to do.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

"Uncle must be fine."

Yue Qianyao stood up with her hands in front of her.

To be honest, she fully demonstrated the elegance of a woman. What is elegance? Her every move is called grace, her every move is the pinnacle of grace, her every move can make men fall in love with her, too graceful! Nobility ranks behind her elegant temperament!

Absolutely no woman can have her elegant temperament.

Her frowning eyebrows can make people worry to death. What is it that makes her frowning eyebrows? I really want to pay my life to share the worries for her, just want to see the calm look on her face.

"If he is reincarnated to another plane, I won\'t worry, but he has turned into a plane that is so difficult to practice. Even if he works hard, no matter how talented he is, it will not help. \'S plane is invincible, but here...anywhere, any person may kill him! Especially in this environment, I\'m afraid...he did not fall into the hands of Di Tian, ​​and would fall In the hands of some others."


She believes him, but...this is not his last life! He is no longer the strongest in the universe, he is just a mortal, and he is a mortal with restrictions on cultivation... How should he expect him?

There are expectations, but... the fact is too terrible, beyond the limit he should have.

"Miss, you must trust my uncle!"

"I believe him...but..."

She looked at the people outside.

"What if he comes here?"

She really didn\'t want him to come, really didn\'t want to! But she can\'t even convey the news now!

He doesn\'t blame the girl who gave Chen Mo news, everything is fate! There is providence in the darkness, but... she is afraid.

After so many years, she would rather not meet, just know that he is alive.

And now, it was obvious that Di Tian stopped searching, and he came directly to wait for him to come.

If he is a little stupid, what should he do if he really comes over?

He has no memory. He doesn\'t know anything about the terrain here. What if he didn\'t take this into consideration? What if he comes?

"The uncle must be able to beat those who beat them on their backs."

Yue Qianyao looked ahead worriedly.

"Miss, you have to think so, if my grandfather is cultivating well this month, come here to save you so that he can have stronger strength."

Yue Qianyao smiled upon hearing this: "Just you can talk."

"Hehe, please be relieved, miss, grandpa must be fine."


On the other side, Di Tian put on the noble golden armor, and in front of him was an army of millions, countless strong men, and no hundreds of people, all black!

An extremely majestic old man came over!


Ditian saluted!

"Well, when you grow up, you should sit in this position too!"

The old man patted Di Tian on the shoulder.

"Tian\'er will do its best to expand the Temple of Heaven and strengthen everyone!"

Di Tian said!

"Okay! Now, please take over the God Sword!"

Di Tian looked at this sword excitedly!

Then he stretched out his hands excitedly!

The sword fell in his hands!

"Now, the deity declares that the new emperor is on top!"

The old man yelled!

Then the Emperor raised the God Sword in his hand and raised his arms!

"See the god!"

"See the god!"

"See the god!"


You can imagine what a spectacular scene of millions of people shouting in unison! too exaggerated!

Di Tian glanced at the neat and tidy person below, and his heart was refreshing!

Finally, he finally sat in this position!

From now on, he will be the real first person!

Yue Qianyao!

Must get her!

"Okay! The emperor promises you that under the leadership of the emperor, the Heavenly God Palace will definitely move to a higher height, and the heaven will be ours, Yaozu, I think it will not be long before it will be in this place. Thorough news, we will swallow all the resources of the Yaozu, and strengthen you and me! Everyone!"

Di Tian shouted!

"The gods are mighty! The gods are mighty!"

The corner of Di Tian\'s mouth slightly tick!

"Okay, now listen to my order and raise the glass!"

Millions of people raised their wine glasses!

"Let us all work together to do this cup!"


After drinking a cup, Ditian wiped the corners of his mouth: "Everyone, start the banquet!"

Then he looked at the hundreds of top powerhouses behind him, these powerhouses are their Celestial Palace, the strongest supporter of the Celestial Temple, it seems that he is a Celestial God, but still needs these top-level support!

"Everyone, take a seat, we need a lot of support and help in the future!"

"Don\'t worry, God, this is something within my equal division!"

"Thank you!"

At this time, a strong man came quietly behind, and he said in an old man\'s ear, the old man frowned, and then hurried to Di Tian\'s side.

"Heaven, there is news that a certain boundary between the human race and the monster race has been destroyed, and the person who was destroyed is a top powerhouse of the monster race. He has the power of space, and he is worried about the monster The clan wants to move their hands and feet in the ceremony of the gods enthronement today, so I quickly reported it!"

Ditian frowned!

This is very sensitive! Exactly today, exactly on the day he was enthroned! Very wrong! He was also afraid of accident!

But if you think about it, there are so many powerhouses here, and almost the powerhouses of the entire Celestial Temple are gathered. It doesn\'t matter how many monsters they come to, they are not afraid!

But, don’t be afraid to return, if such a good atmosphere is disrupted, for Ditian, this good start is not good~www.novelhall.com~ He will be very angry and shameful!

Others will tell you what will happen to this new **** who has been enthroned.

Even if it is solved perfectly, it is definitely an unknown thing on this day!

"Give me a tight stare. If something happens before the banquet is over today, the Emperor will ask you for it!"

Ditian\'s eyes condensed and said.

"Yes, but the gods, that person has space, this is a kind of power that we really can\'t guard against, I\'m afraid..."

"The emperor said, something went wrong, just ask you!"

"Yes Yes!"

Chen Mo didn\'t know, it was an accident that he broke in and caused these people to feel so burdened, he didn\'t know either!

But now Chen Mo is asking about the location of the Nine Heaven Hall! But you can\'t ask too much.