I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1285: Yue 0 Yao's worry

What Chen Mo was worried about really happened!

He was really regarded as a monster.

It makes sense!

But now, Chen Mo has to break through and rush in!

He has an empty magic stone, but the effect of the empty magic stone is to make him return to a place he once set foot. That\'s right, even here is the effect, not to say that it is only in the game! This matter was confirmed by Chen Mo from Xue Yaoxin.

Of course Chen Mo cares about this matter. After all, the empty magic stone is his life-saving thing!

wrong! You don’t have to rush in!

This enchantment seems to be unable to pass through directly by himself, it seems as if he has to break through directly!

But Chen Mo suddenly thought of something!

The ultimate front!

The Peak of the Perfection possesses extremely sharp power, and at the same time it is the nemesis of the barrier. All barriers can be torn apart directly by touching it!

Therefore, Chen Mo doesn\'t need to face them head-on, slip away first, change a place after slipping, and use Zhi Zhen Feng directly to tear the barrier and go in. Isn\'t that enough?


Then Chen Mo released the power of the empty magic stone and disappeared in place!


Seeing this scene, those strong men looked at each other in surprise.

"Space force? Is it a space weapon?"

"It\'s not so good, he actually holds a spatial spirit weapon. This means that the monsters of this monster race came prepared, and there may be some kind of conspiracy. Is it... knowing that today is the ceremony of the new king\'s enthronement, to make trouble of?"

"It\'s a coincidence, it\'s definitely purposeful, it should be so! Send my order and be on guard! Don\'t let anyone in!"


"Venerable World."

A strong man came over.

"Can this space force penetrate our barrier?"

He asked.

"In a sense, as long as the space is strong enough, it can penetrate the barrier!"

"Then it\'s useless for us to guard here. We must tell this abnormal news to the Heavenly God Temple. If our negligence causes a major event, then it\'s over!"

"it is good!"

On the other hand, Chen Mo didn\'t know where he was. It wasn\'t too far anyway. After all, Chen Mo had to jump to somewhere with his own speed rather than the space of space, but Chen Mo didn\'t want to drag it anymore!

Chen Mo didn’t know what was going on in the Nine Heaven Hall. He had been dragging on for a long time, one month, and Chen Mo had promised Xue Yao’s heart that he would definitely go back and help her within half a month. Chen Mo doesn\'t know what the situation is. He doesn\'t know how far the road is and what\'s in the middle, so Chen Mo would rather take a little risk instead of spending more time going further, just bypass those people and rush in directly. Up!

Anyway, when the time comes, Chen Mo can disguise casually, even invisible! There shouldn\'t be any problems!

This God Realm is certainly powerful, but Chen Mo feels that there is still a certain gap with Tianlin\'s world, that is to say, the strongest person should be incomparable with Tianlin\'s side! If Sky Blue Star is the lower plane and Tian Lin is the upper plane, in Chen Mo\'s eyes, this **** realm and heaven should be the middle plane!

But it\'s not necessarily true, maybe the strength of the top powerhouse will not be much worse! For example, Xueyao\'s heart, the kind of temperament that she exudes between her gestures, her aura and some seemingly simple and casual things that she can do, it is really the level of the top power in the sky.

Chen Mo took out the ultimate front!

"Should all be useful!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

After telling Chen Mo through many previous facts, they are all effective! And basically the effect is exactly the same as Tianlin!


Chen Mo used his consciousness to control the Supreme Front!

It can really be controlled like Tianlin! And it\'s very easy!

Because this Zhi Zhen Feng has been very compatible with Chen Mo, and the control in the game actually consumes Chen Mo’s energy and soul power in reality. Here, the same is true, but here, the consumption is more real. !

Chen Mo could feel the consumption of soul power and mental power, but it was very small.

This is also why his realm soared!


This enchantment does not know how many miles it stretches, it should be divided into several sections, but at least Chen Mo\'s side is a huge one. When this huge enchantment is broken by a small opening, the result is that the entire enchantment is completely destroyed!

Special shock!

But Chen Mo didn\'t have the mind to appreciate this shock here, and he rushed in with a sudden mention of speed!

"The barrier is ruined! The barrier is ruined! It\'s from the monster race just now!"

"It must be him! This... he actually has the power to directly destroy this barrier? Who is it? You know, there are very few people who can easily destroy this barrier."

That\'s right, there are very few powerhouses that can destroy this enchantment, which is why this enchantment is a guaranteed existence!

And now ruined...

"Quick! Send the news to the Heavenly God Temple as quickly as possible, the big thing is not good, this time even the top powerhouse, maybe the existence of the demon **** level! Quick, the demon race has huge moves!"


However, the strong are rejoicing, what are they rejoicing? Fortunately, I didn\'t do anything when I saw that person, otherwise, maybe they were already dead!


In the Temple of Nine Heavens...

Yue Qianyao sat there, but she looked a little uneasy.

She rarely has some emotional fluctuations, but now... it really doesn\'t feel good!


It has been a month since he came to this heaven, and there has been no news for a month...

Although she is sure, he must be fine! Because if Ditian succeeds, he will definitely come over, he will definitely not kill him, or if he can\'t kill him in a hurry, he will bring him over and ask her to intercede!

Because Ditian knows ~www.novelhall.com~ If threatened by life, this is definitely her weakness! Yue Qianyao also knew that Ditian would be like this!

It must be like this!

But Ditian didn\'t come here, proving that he didn\'t succeed, but if he didn\'t succeed, it didn\'t mean it was good news!

"Miss, don\'t worry too much. Auntie has an extraordinary destiny and must be fine."

A girl poured a cup of tea for Yue Qianyao and comforted.

Yue Qianyao frowned slightly, then looked outside!

Obviously, the outside of the Nine Heavens Hall has increased the number of strong men guarding them, and has even increased several times! These people are more hidden in the dark, these, Yue Qianyao can see! But she can\'t do anything! It is even more impossible to spread the news, nor to let their own people spread the news, because now they will die as soon as they go out!

"Hey... what I worry about is... he is in danger in other ways."

Yue Qianyao\'s beautiful eyes flashed with worry.