I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1274: Fourth heaven

Chapter 1265

Time slowly passed, and with this boss, Chen Mo basically understood the situation in this universe!

That emperor turned out to be the son of the lord of the heavenly temple, and the lord of the heavenly temple is a bit like the status of the emperor in the TV series, but this power is greater, basically one person has the power alone.

But now, what Chen Mo has the most headache is the way to get to the Ninth Horizon!

Normally a slightly smarter person can just wait for him at the place of assessment, so that place is forbidden for Chen Mo!




Chen Mo has the illusion of picking flowers! This flower-picking phantom can change his face at will. He doesn\'t need to worry about this, his face and breath will change, even if he passes in front of them, what can he do?

So, thinking of this, Chen Mo didn\'t worry anymore.

"Well, thank you boss."

Chen Mo nodded.

"It\'s okay, it doesn\'t matter, what else does Young Xia want to know?"

Chen Mo shook his head, "Basically nothing, thank you."

"no problem, no problem."

"Then say goodbye!"

Chen Mo gave a fist and walked out.

After walking out, Chen Mo found a place where no one was there, and put on the flower-picking phantom. In the next instant, his appearance and aura changed completely!

"This assessment should be at least not too difficult in the front."

Chen Mo felt his own strength. He felt that he was really strong. It might not have reached the level of the so-called fairy, and there would be a big gap, but Chen Mo felt that the double heaven and the triple heaven could enter it? The previous requirements should not be too big, this should be to encourage some people to enter back and forth, should not be regarded as blocking!

"The first and second horizons should be dangerous, but as long as I can leave the first few horizons in a short period of time, at least I can get them to focus more on this side in a short time. "

Chen Mo then raised his speed and sprinted towards the place the boss said!

No plane, no train, no high-speed rail, I feel so uncomfortable!

His speed is not very fast!

Although there are monsters, but with Chen Mo\'s ability, it seems that he can\'t go to certain places with this kind of monsters. Those are things that some big families can have, and it was difficult for him to see them in the first few heavens. .

"Everyone is watching, check the disguise, disguise, and remember the previous look, right?"


"Well, I\'m all optimistic, this is a direct order from the Heavenly God Temple, it is very important, and even a top powerhouse will come here for a while!"

A man said.

"Captain, what kind of character is this? There will be such a big battle. Is it a certain top wanted criminal?"

"Don\'t ask if you shouldn\'t ask, I don\'t know about it, just do it!"


At this time, an old man appeared next to him, and he said lightly: "This person has harmed the interests of the Heavenly God Temple and caused the emperor to be furious. I won\'t say anything that shouldn\'t be said, just know it in my heart!

"I have seen Venerable Tianning!"

"Well, look forward to it, if you catch it, you will be directly ranked in the fairy class!"

Upon hearing this, they showed expressions of shock and excitement!

Catch it directly into the immortal class? This terrifying reward...

"I\'ll see it later!"

And Chen Mo has come here!

He probably knew after seeing a battle here, the news should have come!

It\'s that Ditian, is he there? It looks like it\'s not there!


Chen Mo took a deep breath!

To be honest, it was nervous and scared.

This is inevitable, because this is no longer the world in the game, nor is it the world of Sky Blue Star that Chen Mo can bear, but a brand new top world view!

Here, Chen Mo is not only his own physical body, but also his strength is definitely not enough. What he can rely on is something in the sky!

Fortunately, Chen Mo is holding an empty magic stone in his hand, this thing can at least protect Chen Mo\'s life! I believe those people are unexpected too!

Thinking of this, Chen Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked over.

"Venerable Tianning, do you dare to appear in such a place if that person made such a mistake?"

"Whether you dare or not, keep an eye on me day and night!"


Chen Mo walked to them.


Chen Mo said.

They looked at Chen Mo.

how to say?

When a person does not wear a mask, does not pretend to be himself, or has no special eyes, they will dispel a lot of suspicion. The kind of people wearing masks are important targets for investigation.

However, because Venerable Tianning is here, and it is the news that he has just received, they are very active and active one by one.

"Please cooperate with our routine inspection first!"

Chen Mo nodded.

Then those people searched Chen Mo in a modest manner.

The Venerable Tianning glanced at Chen Mo, but he didn\'t look much. It was not that person.

And there is nothing wrong with his eyes!

This is that Chen Mo\'s psychological quality is strong enough, don\'t watch too much, don\'t watch randomly.

"Well, let\'s start the assessment! As long as your strength can hit three thousand here, you can enter the second heaven."

One person said to Chen Mo.

"Let me try!"

Chen Mo then condensed a lot of power with his right fist and hit the instrument with one punch.

The digital representation is six thousand three.

"So high? It\'s time to go to the second day domain, and there is no big problem to go to the third day domain. This is a token, take it, and go.

Hearing what he said, Chen Mo probably knew in his heart!

Is the third day domain okay?

Then he hasn\'t used his full strength yet, maybe he can go to the fourth horizon, right?

This is not important. What is important is that Chen Mo really didn\'t use other powers. He was just his own power. In other words, the improvement that this Asura Third Rank brought him was really exaggerated!

Chen Mo nodded; "Thanks a lot."

Then he took the things and walked in.

I have to say ~www.novelhall.com~ The effect of this flower illusion is really strong!

Chen Mo feels that as long as he enters the fourth day of heaven, he is basically safe, as long as he is not too high-profile! At least their greatest focus is on the first horizon! The further you go, the less attention will be!

After that, Chen Mo successfully came to the fourth day domain!

It was quite successful, mainly because of the great things of Tianlin, otherwise Chen Mo really didn\'t know what to do.


Chen Mo lives in an inn.

"Even if I find a place, according to what those people said, the immortals here are not something I can fight against, let alone stronger ones."

Chen Mo is a little jealous!

He can\'t be blind!

(End of this chapter)