I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 1273: Tianyu situation

Chapter 1264

For this boss, this is the biggest deal he has ever made in his life, an artifact! Even he has only seen the artifact from a distance, but now, someone bids one million gold coins to give him this artifact. Tell me, how exaggerated is this?

Now he can give up everything on hand to do it.

Chen Mo changed his clothes, it should be no big deal, and then sat face to face with the boss.

The boss quickly poured Chen Mo a cup of tea.

"Young man, please use tea."

Chen Mo nodded.

"Young man, there are half a million here, and the remaining half a million will take a little bit of time."

Chen Mo took the bank note and said, "No, the remaining 500,000 will be treated as a hush fee."

"Hush money?"

The boss showed a puzzled expression.

"That means if someone asks you about the origin of this sword, including news like me..."

"Understood... Understood! Understood!"

The boss nodded quickly!

Five hundred thousand changed a magical tool, so he shouldn\'t be too excited, what did Chen Mo ask him to do, of course he would do it!

And he also understands that many people\'s artifacts are unknown, or that each of them has many enemies, and it is also very important to ensure their identity.

"There are still things I want to ask you."

Chen Mo said.

"Young man, please."

"You also know that I just came here and I am not familiar with everything here, so I hope you can tell me about everything here."

The boss thought for a while, and said, "Young man, this is a long story. I\'ll go get some snacks and buy a bottle of wine. Let\'s drink and talk, how about?"

Chen Mo: "Hurry up."

"Okay, young man, wait a minute!"

In about ten minutes, the boss brought several bottles of wine and put them on the table.

"Come on, I toast you!"

Two people touched a drink.

"Chen Shaoxia, this Tianyu looks like this. It\'s actually a bit similar to the world you came up to, but it can be said to be completely different. Tianyu has nine heavens, and here is one heaven, so you see There are a lot of ordinary people here, because the more powerful people want to go to higher places."

"Nine Heavens."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

It feels like it will be a long journey.

"In our universe, because it is a stronger plane, the first few days may not be considered big, but there are really a lot of monsters and evil creatures. Outside of the place where we live, all of them are monsters, evil creatures. In places where evil spirits often enter our city, this is the point that young heroes must pay attention to when the time comes. It is best not to run around until you have insufficient strength, and try to stay within the range of human activities. ."

Chen Mo nodded.

"In addition, what else I want to think about... Oh, yes, thousands of people be careful. They are basically glamorous and beautiful women, but this kind of people is fine whether they are monsters or normal people, but they do But it’s not a good thing. They will seduce a man to a certain place, and then **** his essence dry, not necessarily soaking dry, may save a life, this is fateful."

Chen Mo nodded.

"You should ask me, Young Xia, if I say that, I really don\'t know what to say."

Said the boss.

Chen Mo took a bite of the dish and said, "This nine-layered heaven, how do you get up to each layer?"

"It\'s like this. Every heaven has a magic weapon and a dedicated assessor. As long as they can pass their assessment, they can go to the next heaven. The standard for every heaven assessment is basically power, of course. Now, unless you are an aboriginal in every other world, you can live there casually, but you can\'t go to other places unless you pass the assessment!"

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

This is not good!

If those people, including the Ditian, knew that he was here, he must also know that he was in the first heaven now, and he knew better that he would go to the second heaven, the ninth heaven!

So what is the easiest way for him?

Just wait for yourself at each level, that is, the assessment point! Don\'t worry about the others! Just wait for him to come!

So, this is not good news!

"Is there only one way?"

Chen Mo asked.

"This...I don\'t know what Chen Shaoxia actually means??"

"Is there any way to go to other heavens without going through there."

Chen Mo asked.

"This one……"

The boss thought for a while, and said, "To be honest, it\'s not true. You will know when you go to that place. There is only one portal. Only through the portal can you enter the second heaven. So, wait, there is another way, that is the monster race!"

Chen Mo frowned.

"This monster also has a complete teleportation system. We can travel back and forth in the nine heavens, and so can the monster! But the specific rules of the monster are not known, but ah, human The relationship with the monster clan is extremely bad, let alone asking for help from the monster clan, even if it appears and is seen by the monster clan, the consequences will be dead."

Chen Mo frowned.

"What is the situation of this monster race?"

"Yaozu? It is nothing more than various races, very powerful, and of course there are weak ones. There is a monster **** in every heaven. That is the strongest person in every heaven of the monster. The higher the heaven, the stronger the monster god. of!"

"What is the division of human forces?"

The boss took a sip of his drink and said: "What else can you go to, the higher the place, the more the strong, the stronger the spiritual power of heaven and earth, the highest power ruler in the heavens is the Temple of Heaven, and there is nothing in the Temple of Heaven. They are true gods. They maintain the order of the heavens. Of course, at the same time, they are also the symbol of the highest authority. If they can get a group of immortals in the Temple of Heaven and succeed, then they will definitely be a great achievement in the true sense!"

"Also, the place where the Temple of Heaven is mainly in charge is Shangsantianyu~www.novelhall.com~ If you are not an aboriginal, if you want to enter the seventh heaven, you must have the lowest level of immortal strength!"

Obviously, listening to what the boss said, it seems that the person who soared up from the sky blue star is actually not the so-called immortal or immortal, it seems that there is still a certain gap with the immortal.

But this Chen Mo doesn\'t care.

"Then have you heard of Jiutian Temple?"

"Have heard that, in the ninth heaven, one of the temples of the Heavenly Temple."

"The Ninth Heavenly Domain."

Chen Mo pondered slightly.

The highest place.

How do I go by myself? How long will it take?

To be honest, Chen Mo can\'t stay here for too long, right? Is that a bit bad? There should be no such thing as a day in the sky and a year on the earth, right?

(End of this chapter)