I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 111: Crowd gathering

Chen Mo doesn’t want to spend much energy and time on this task and kill how many monsters. Of course, if there is a boss, it is still possible to grab two, not much, he prefers to watch the show! Because he is honest, there is no shortage of places to spawn monsters, he wants to spawn, he has so many more places than other players to spawn monsters! Not bad this one! All he needs is the mana beads after completing this task, to complete the task of Linfeng City City Lord, this is the key!

  As for the golden weapon reward...

Now he has a gold warpants and a gold boot. After the identification is completed, the equipment is basically a gold set. After completing the task of the city lord, he will also get a gold weapon, so Chen Mo does not want to spend more than a few hours. Time to fight these monsters, but there is a premise, the boss is still happy to kill! One golden boss is worth brushing hundreds of ordinary monsters! After all, the battle of 100,000 vs. 100,000 does not want to end in a few hours? too difficult.

Behind   , batch after batch of players appeared, it is estimated that it will not take long to reach the 100,000 level! The real army is heading here quickly from several cities.

   "I\'m going! Have hundreds of thousands of monsters in such a big city sealed in this city?"

  "Too exaggerated, right? This is a large copy of 100,000 people who just came out of Novice Village, I\'ll go!"

   "Let\'s treat it as a leveling, but I really want to thank Chenmo for triggering this dungeon mission for us!"

  "For the golden weapon, flush ducks and ducks!"

   "I don\'t know if there are any handsome little pots that can be used to help others get the golden tools, others... others can do anything."


  They don’t know, every one of them is Chen Mo’s wage earner!

  Chen Mo led the two little girls silently down the road circling the cliffs. Everyone followed in Chen Mo\'s footsteps. Everyone knew that you can enter the city, but you must wait until everyone is there! The mission is very clear. There are hundreds of thousands of monsters inside. If they don\'t wait for hundreds of thousands of players to gather in, they will be served in an instant! Not to mention completing tasks, gaining extra experience, gold coins, and even golden tools! For them, gold objects are possible, and silver objects are more likely, but even bronze objects are satisfied!

To tell the truth, at this stage, it is good for five out of a thousand players to have a bronze tool, and one out of 100,000 players to have a silver object is not bad. At present, it is probably the case. .

  In this case, everyone is very wary. For the golden weapon, although there are so many people, they are basically ordinary players. Can they be better than ordinary players? Some strength, some luck, and the value of gold objects are millions, which is much higher than the lottery.

  At this moment, the dusk of the gods, that is, Zhang Tianlei just spent tens of thousands of gold coins before coming out of the sky prison, his face was sullen!

This afternoon, it was supposed to be the time for Chen Mo’s trial. However, Chen Mo triggered such a large mission. The Golden Weapon now also has a great temptation for those peak powers. At the same time, he received news from Qin Heyu. You can leave it alone, but the task of the golden weapon must be solved! You must get the golden tool! He Qin and Yu are now fighting in Novice Village. If they can have one or even a few pieces of gold once they leave the village, they can instantly make up for the price and disadvantage of being killed back to level zero and re-registering!

Humiliating Chen Mo is inevitable, and in his opinion it can be done easily, but it is only humiliating Chen Mo. For himself, all he gets is the comfort of his fragile soul, and it is important to improve himself. Thing! With his strength, he can trample on Chen Mo with his own hands. Wouldn\'t it be better?

  So Qin Heyu changed his mind!

  Isn’t Chen Mo Level 18? Isn\'t that high level very high? Early humiliation is also needed. When the time comes, let the temples kill him a few times, but now that such a task is given, the golden artifact must be obtained by someone, and it is more likely to be from his temples, because there is also a strong one here. Zhang Tianlei! When he leaves the village, he will use the golden weapon of this mission to trample Chen Mo back to Novice Village! This is the most venting!

  If there is no such task and no golden weapon, Qin Heyu would naturally not think so! But he felt that this seemed to be an opportunity God gave him!

  But Zhang Tianlei really didn’t want to wait for a moment. He even said that taking advantage of this gathering of players and a large number of members of the Temple of Gods, he happened to humiliate Chen Mo at the Demon Sealing Historic Site. Wouldn’t it be convenient?

And Qin Heyu is obviously not an idiot, his meaning is very clear, there is the temptation of such a task, and the temples have not yet had a help order to gather everyone, in this case, in the task location, the people of the temples are definitely not Want to do something on Chen Mo! If there is no such task, it is certainly possible in the outside world, but in the task location, it is different! Everyone is worried that they may hang up, and the price of hang up is not just a drop in grade, they may think that if they don\'t hang up, they can get a golden tool, can sell for millions, and they will be gone!

  Because of this idea, there must not be too many people agreeing!

  So Zhang Tianlei gathered everyone and quickly went to the ancient site of sealing the magic.


At this moment, there are more and more players in the historic sites of sealing demons, exceeding 10,000, and Chen Mo doesn\'t like such noisy occasions. He and two little loli are sitting on a relatively large rock in the distance outside the city~www .novelhall.com~ Chen Mo packed a lot of delicious food in front of me. The one that two little loli ate was called a relish.

  Chen Mo turned his head and glanced at the players who are constantly gathering here, there should be no fewer than 30,000 now! They are not stupid, and there are a few leaders. When the number of people is not reached, they are not afraid to enter the city, for fear that it will cause catastrophe after entering, after all, everyone wants to fight for the golden weapon! Silver artifacts are also fine.

   "One hundred thousand and one hundred thousand, can you win?"

  Chen Mo is thinking about this!

  Under normal circumstances, the strength of the same number of players is better than monsters, because people have their brains here, but what if monsters have a lot of bosses?

  Chen Mo is not sure.

   "Hall Master!"

   "Hall Master!"

   "I have seen the deputy hall master!"

Zhang Tianlei appeared here, and many former members of the temples shouted, and they were familiar with the fact that the real guild needed a help order to be established, but they were all from the temples before, and most of them would admit that they were members of the temples. After all, tens of millions of guilds! It\'s normal.

   "Grass and mud horse!"

  Zhang Tianlei directly kicked the player who called his deputy hall master, and then killed him with a few axes!

   (there is a chapter later)