I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 110: National mission to clear away the monuments

Twenty-level golden boss, Chen Mo directly improved by one level. To be honest, it could be improved by a few levels before, but now it can only be improved by one level. With double the upgrade experience required, this level is too difficult to upgrade! And Shui Shui has been upgraded to level 14, she doesn\'t need double experience to upgrade!

  I\'m a little embarrassed, not only is it robbed, but the scope of this magic roar is also a bit wide, accidentally killing a few players by the way.

  "I’m Nima? Who? Who broke the second? Three-digit damage? What the hell?"

   "Grass! Who is that special! Come out for me!"

  The group of players are stunned!

  Although at the last moment, they are all thinking of stealing the blame, but they are robbed by others, especially it seems to be robbed by someone behind. That is really very unpleasant! Grass!

Behind a tree, Chen Mo gently patted Shui Shui’s small head, and then said something in her ear, and then Shui Shui walked out beautifully, and many people’s attention was focused on her. In his body, many people knew Xiaoyuan, but they didn\'t know Shui Shui, so they didn\'t recognize it.

  Many players watched the golden artifact but couldn’t pick it up. This is worth millions! My sweet girl!

  At this time, Shui Shui walked into the crowd timidly, and then held a piece of gold in his hand.

  "Goodbye, big brother!"

  Then she ran away with a pretty sentence.

   "Let me go! What a beautiful little loli, her voice is still sweet, what if you want to commit a crime?"

   "It seems to be a nc."

   "Nc, your sister! She took the equipment away!"

  Then the group of players saw Shui Shui running to a tree, and then three people slipped straight away.

   "Quickly chase it! That\'s the b grabbing monster!"

  For a time, dozens of players chased Chen Mo and the others, but Chen Mo didn\'t spend much time throwing them off, and silently came to the top of the mountain from another direction!

   "Ding...you get the ultimate magic roar."

Seeing the blood of a strange demon wolf, Chen Mo silently snatched a monster with the roar of magic power. With the same operation, Shui Shui ran over timidly, and said hello to bring the equipment back. Water has also reached level 16, Chen Mo is still at level 18, but he has already earned blood! The feeling of robbing... is a bit comfortable! Especially when they scolded and knew that these people were from the Prosperity Dynasty, it would be more comfortable!

  The experience of prostituting two golden bosses, and also prostituting two golden tools, also caused the mentality of these players to burst. I really hope that there will be more opportunities like this.

Originally, Chen Mo wanted to continue. When he came up from the third direction for the third time, he found that the battle was over and the monster wolves had been killed. But it seemed that basically every golden weapon exploded. The burst rate is still very low, as for Chen Mo...100 burst rate is not a display.

   "But this is a good place. There may be a lot of golden bosses. Even if you can\'t get anything, it\'s a good place to spawn monsters!"

Chen Mo groaned slightly, and then continued to walk up with the two little loli. Because the players came from several directions, Chen Mo made a circle, and now he was following players from other cities. As for Chen Mo before. The two batches of robbing are on the other side, and will not be encountered for the time being.

  About ten minutes later, Chen Mo\'s Shura killed pupil finally saw Ni Duan!

   "There really is a teleportation array!"

  There are a lot of players around, they are all stunned, especially when I heard that other players have encountered the golden boss, then I am envious of them, and they have not found them!


  Suddenly, the black light in front of them flashed by, and then they saw a black six-pointed star array appeared in front of them!

   "Someone suddenly disappeared just now!"

   "That\'s a teleportation formation! It is estimated that it was heading to the ancient site of sealing demons, everyone hurry over!"


   "Ding...you have come to the ancient site of sealing demons!"

  A system prompt came, and Chen Mo opened his eyes.


  The two little loli exclaimed!

   "It turns out that this is the ancient site of sealing demons, but was it actually a city sealed here many years ago?"

They are at a high place and halfway up the mountain. They can be seen from top to bottom. There is a huge city below, and even above the city in the distance, there are some black flying monsters roaming around, but they don’t seem to be able to get out. What is the situation, it is not clear.

  "Ding...You have triggered the National Hidden Quest to clear away the ancient ruins of Sealing Demons. Reputation +10000."

  A system prompt came suddenly.

  "Hidden mission for all people?"

  "Ding...Because you have triggered the National Hidden Mission, the system will issue a system announcement to all players in the nearest five cities, whether it is hidden..."

  "Ding...Players, please note that the player Chenmo (stress) triggers the task of clearing the demon-closing monuments. All players are requested to quickly go to the demon-closing monuments and prepare to clear them."

  "Ding...Players, please pay attention..."

  This system...sensible!

  Now, those players who heard the system\'s prompts couldn\'t help it after watching the triggered missions. No matter how big things are, they are coming here quickly!

  Swipe it----

  Behind Chen Mo, players appeared one by one, and they were naturally shocked by the grandeur when they came here.

  Chen Mo looked at the task.

The difficulty system for the task of clearing the demon-closing monuments is assessed by the sss. Many years ago, a city was occupied by the demons, and there were countless monsters in it. After the flower saint, the city was sealed and became a demon-closing monument. Nowadays, there are cracks in the seal of the demon-closing monuments. Regardless of whether you ask, hundreds of thousands of monsters will break through the seal and endanger the mainland. The mission period is one day, and there is no mission penalty. The more the mission rewards for killing monsters, the extra experience and gold coin rewards. The value of the reward is unknown. The top ten players will get the Golden Tool 1, and the top 100 will get the Silver Tool. One thousand can obtain the bronze artifact, and up to one hundred thousand players can enter the magical monument. The current remaining number is 9817 (note that you are the player who triggered the task, so if the task is successfully completed, you will get the magic orb clue~www. novelhall.com~The magic orb is the source of magic energy here.)

  Chen Mo "……"

In fact, this task is not very effective for the mass players. Additional gold coins are awarded. The experience is estimated to be only for the top rankings, but the top ten are rewarded with golden tools. This is the reason that really attracts all players. , This is one of them, the players saw hundreds of thousands of monsters, they understand, here is simply a large-scale brushed copy! This kind of place can be encountered but not sought, one by one, I simply fall in love with "Chenmo", but there is a premise that players must reach a high number, otherwise they will die!

  But it’s easy for the five cities to break 100,000 players!

However, for Chen Mo, he is the trigger. If he completes the task, he alone will get clues to the magic energy orb. The magic energy orb is the source of the magic energy here. At the same time, it has a greater effect, which is the ancient site of magic sealing. The abnormality of this task! As long as Chen Mo takes the mana orb to the city lord of Linfeng City, Chen Mo is equivalent to completing this task! Because this is also the root of the task! Then he can get a random condition within the city\'s main power!

  In fact, it seems to be a place to level up. How about hundreds of thousands of monsters, but hundreds of thousands of players? On average, a player kills a monster, is this still a level? Not counting!

  But...it’s interesting!

  (Look at your recommendation ticket again, do you have any more, and some voted easily.-Love your handsome ratio)