I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 107: Female Fan-One

The two braised bunnies hadn\'t been fixed yet, the two people next to them dispersed, and the young lady NPC ran away angrily!

   "Damn! Fortunately, Xiaoye, I am ice and snowy, smart, yuck, and witty, otherwise it would be nice if I received the order!"

   Be good, it\'s amazing.

  【Lord Ao Nai Wo He】 took a long sigh, and then took a cup of tea to relax.

   "No, I was meant to play, not to get married, but also to play games. I am so afraid of a hammer! Hey hey, miss sister, come here! I regret it."

   Then he ran after him.

   Chen Mo twitched the corner of his mouth.

   scum man!

   There are really not many men who are as innocent as Chen Mo in this world! Do you think he hasn\'t been in love since he couldn\'t find a girlfriend?

Do not! It\'s that he hasn\'t met the real goddess yet! That\'s right, that\'s it!

After    Chen Mo paid the money and went back silently.

   "Have you heard? Yesterday, several mercenary groups combined with dozens of people suddenly lost their whereabouts near the Sealed Demons Historic Site, and they have not returned yet."

"Well! Your news is too unclear. Some time ago, no less than a hundred people disappeared there. It is estimated that all of them have encountered accidents. Even the City Lord of Linfeng City sent people to investigate and did not come back. , It has become a forbidden area, and only those who are not afraid of death dare to pass!"

   "Do you think it\'s haunted over there? Or is there something wrong?"

"Haunting is impossible. Either it will be occupied by the monsters in the monster domain, and it will become the territory of the monsters. Our people have been killed by the monsters in the past, or the ancient monuments of demons have been opened! The monsters inside have come out! "

   "That\'s too terrible! I don\'t know if it will threaten the cities near us!"


  Chen Mo heard a lot of people talking about this ancient site of enchanting demons in the middle of the road. When buying braised rabbits, there were people nearby eating and discussing. On the way back, many people were also discussing!

   put together each other, probably Chen Mo also listened to it, but I don’t know how credible the put together version is!

The ancient ruins of sealing demons came a long time ago when a group of demons came to another continent that belonged to the demons. They had great combat power and killed unknown people. They were later sealed by a strong man named Flower Saint After living, the matter was calmed down. The Flower Saint was precisely the master of Chen Mo\'s illusion of Flower Picking, the Flower Picking Thief! But there was just being sealed, and as for what happened, I really don\'t know.

   "No wonder this flower saint has mixed praises and criticisms to him. Robbing the rich and helping the poor is a good thing in a certain way, and even done such a big benevolence for the mainland, but the flower picking thief is not justified!"

   Chen Mo rubbed his chin and then walked back. You can go and see this ancient ruins. Maybe it\'s a big map, maybe there are a lot of things, maybe there are hidden tasks! Now that he met him, and an abnormal change happened at this point in time, does it make sense not to go? And it just so happened that Chen Mo didn\'t have any hidden missions or other map targets besides leveling up for the time being. This magical monument came at the right time.

   When I went back this time, the two little girls had already gotten up, and the two little loli were lying on the window watching the endless crowd below. When they heard the door opening, they turned around at the same time, and then hugged Chen Mo together.

   "Are you hungry? Let\'s eat, I\'m going to fight when I\'m full."

   Chen Mo handed them the food.


   They must be nothing, as long as there is Chen Mo there, no matter where they go, no matter what they do.

   The two little loli are very elegant in eating, but they are very exaggerated in solving the speed, and feel very elegant in eating, but after a while, look back and look again, empty?

Chen Mo took out a map and found that the ancient site of Feng Demon was indeed not far from Linfeng City. If it was far away, the city owner of Linfeng City would not have sent someone to explore it. It was about 20 kilometers away from Linfeng City, and there were several cities nearby. The monuments of demons are not far away, but the monuments for sealing demons should be in the realm of monsters in the true sense. However, the empire sent troops to slaughter the Great Forest of Ten Thousand Monsters in the past two days, and the surrounding monsters will probably stay away for the time being. , In addition to the large number of low-level monsters or monsters that players can brush.

After eating, Chen Mo took their two little loli and walked out of the inn. It was 20 kilometers away. It would waste a lot of time if they simply hiked. So Chen Mo needed a mount. Now Shuishui can’t ride it, but in the city. There are mounts that sell them. Although they are not great, they are faster than on foot, right?

   came to the place where mounts are sold, there are really a lot of people here, most of them are even players! Are players so rich now? When Chen Mo stood next to him for a while, he understood why so many players had come to buy mounts, and they were also heading for the Demon Sealing Historic Site!

  Since you choose to buy or rent mounts, it proves that these players are richer, and since they go to seal the magic monument, it proves that these players are old players! Hearing this news, the first choice is the past! It proves that they are very sensitive. Only old players can be so sensitive. They know that if this special place is done well, they may get a lot of good things!

   "Excuse me...Are you Chenmo?"

   Next to Chen Mo, a female player named [Water Lotus Pagoda] directly recognized Chen Mo~www.novelhall.com~ Of course, she recognized Chen Mo only when she recognized Xiaoyuan!


   Chen Mo glanced at her, then turned his head decisively.

   "Boss, rent a horse."

   "Wow! Chenmo, it\'s Chenmo!"

  The [out of the water lotus] couldn\'t help but exclaim! Looks particularly excited, probably a fan of Chen Mo! just……

   Chen Mo was surprised by the quality of her female fans!

   "Chen Mo Chenmo, I am your female fan, may I ask... May I have a relationship with you?" [Out of Water Lotus] asked tenderly and shyly.

   Chen Mo; "..."

   "Don\'t talk about it!"

   Chen Mo said coldly!

   "I... I don\'t want anything, I can give you that..."

  【Water lotus】Said shyly.


   That [Lotus on Water] mentality burst directly!

   "嘁... It turns out that Chenmo is such a person, but I was blinded and fanned you!"

   then 【out of the water lotus】 ran away sadly.

  女粉-1, the remaining quantity...

   may be gone.

   "Hey, hey, he doesn\'t want you but I want you, Miss Sister, I am a little sheep, can you give me grass? If you give grass, please turn around and lead me away."

   A player suddenly called her from behind.

   "Really? They have just been abandoned by idols, are you willing to take me in? Can you take me to level up?"

  The [out of the water lotus] stopped, and the player saw her clearly...

   "No, get out!"

   (female fans, come out, wow khaka ——)