I Can Unleash Unlimited Power

Chapter 108: Ancient Ruins

This is just a small episode, but at least it also means that the id of Chenmo is already very famous. Just with some system prompts, system announcements can attract fans, which is not easy!

Really famous players have millions, tens of millions of fans, and even hundreds of millions of fans. They are not only famous because of some system announcements. They are through a series of amazing achievements, and they are seen by those people. , Videos that are widely circulated on the Internet, conquer them with their absolute strength and ability, as well as their personality charm!

For example, the id of "Gongzimo" before, he was not well-known at the beginning. Although he reached the top ten, his attention is only the top ten players, and there are not many amazing achievements, so he is not. Gao, but later in a series of virtual online games, he broke the records one by one, defeated one by one with absolute strength in the competition, he has attracted attention! Until he defeated Wang, Qingying, and the last one to fight against the top one hundred people...

  Several system announcements can only make the id of "Chen Mo" get a lot of attention and attention, but not many fans, and only these women who do not know self-love, just want to deceive Ao and Chen Mo\'s spirit!

  There are three kinds of horses here, ordinary horses, steeds and sweat-blooded BMWs. Chen Mo took a look. Even the sweat-blooded BMWs that travel five hundred miles a day are just five-tier mounts, and the price has reached 100,000 gold coins!

  "How much does it cost to rent a sweaty BMW for a day?" Chen Mo asked.

  The boss looked at Chen Mo and said, "Three hundred gold a day, one thousand gold three days."

  Chen Mo "???"

   "Come three a day."

  Chen Mo traded to nine hundred gold coins.

   "A thousand gold coins!" the boss said.

   "Three hundred a day, I want three a day, not nine hundred?"

  Boss "???"

   "It makes sense, and another one hundred thousand deposit is paid, sign this contract, and pay the horse one hand and the other three days later."

Then Chen Mo traded another 100,000 gold coins. Don’t worry about him running. After all, it’s a huge racecourse. Moreover, 100,000 yuan really doesn’t make a profit. This hard-earned BMW is also very valuable. Then Chen Mo took the lead. A sweaty BMW led Xiaoyuan and the others out of the city.

  Sweat-blooded BMW grade five mounts. The current state is unowned. It is a mount with strong blood in the horse. It can travel 500 miles a day, and can run up to 100 miles in one breath. It is faster and more docile.

  Skill Pegasus step movement speed increased by 50 for 20 seconds. The cooling time is five minutes.

"Traveling five hundred miles a day, that is 250 kilometers, about 10 kilometers an hour, but this day is a non-stop running, it is impossible to keep running for 24 hours without stopping, probably rest will occupy three minutes of the whole day One, but one hour without interruption is definitely fine, so 20 kilometers, in fact, a little more than one hour is probably enough."

  Twenty kilometers an hour is actually very satisfying for now! At least Chen Mo wouldn\'t go too far. Forty to fifty kilometers may be the limit. For the time being, he will develop wretchedly with Linfeng City as the center.

  Chen Mo first went to the mission receiving location, and he saw the mission! And it is an s-level task! For ordinary people, the s-level mission is the limit. Generally speaking, the s-level missions that a very powerful dozens of mercenary groups can take are almost the limit. As for the ss level, or sss, it is estimated that some high level is required. The warrior nc has a chance to complete, otherwise the mortality rate is too high!

The anomaly of the Demon Sealing Ancient Ruins is in the territory of the Demon Race. Not far from Linfeng City and Lin\'an City, there is a Demon Ancient Ruins. A thousand years ago, countless things of the Demon Clan were sealed by the Flower Saint. There was an anomaly, and I don’t know if the seal was loose or what happened. Many people were sent there and there was no news. Several strong people went there but found no anomalies. It was very strange. Now I ask all the brave warriors to explore the ancient monuments. Seal the abnormality of the devil\'s monuments and bring back the final source news. No mission time limit, no mission penalty, mission reward golden weapon 1, gold coin 100,000, help within the main power of Linfeng City!

Chen Mo then took the task. It is estimated that these players are crazy because of the golden artifact and the reward of one hundred thousand yuan. No matter how the golden artifact is put out for auction now, it will start with a million, that is, once this task is completed, you Will become a millionaire in an instant! So there will be many players who have to pass even if they risk hanging up! What if it\'s done for them?

  However, the real attraction is the help from the back, within the reach of the main force! Lord of the city! The right is not small, right? This is the most attractive place! At least, this is what attracts Chen Mo the most.

  Outside the city, there are actually many players galloping away in one direction! The target must be that magical monument.

  Chen Mo took the two little girls on the horse one by one, and then he leaped forward and sat at the back, with Xiaoyuan in front and Shuishi in front.


  Then the sweaty BMW galloped towards the southeast! It\'s also a coincidence that Longlin Lake is in the southeast, and the magical monuments are also in this direction!

  However, with the bumps, Chen Mo always feels something is wrong...

  It swayed up and down, sometimes it swayed back and forth, there is a small edge in front...

  It\'s okay, nothing is wrong! No more thoughts.

Along the way, the two little girls seemed very excited~www.novelhall.com~ Sitting on the horse, feeling the speed of the wind, the two little girls opened their arms and smiled happily, the sound is as clear and sweet as a wind chime, listen to this This kind of innocent laughter is really a kind of happiness, and the corners of your mouth will rise slightly unconsciously.

   "My husband, his horse is so fast."

  Chen Mo’s sweaty BMW caught up with the horses of one player after another to the southeast. After all, there are still a few players who rent a horse, and then there is a couple on a steed, the female player said uncomfortably.

  "It’s okay. They are fast and useless. What\'s the use of the first two being so small? Let\'s just slow down and try the horse war."

   "Horse war? What is horse war?"

   "Change the field to another place."


  It’s not deserted here, but because it’s close to the monster race, few people take care of it, and some places are overgrown with weeds and even grow tall!

  About an hour later, the surrounding scenes have undergone major changes, the vegetation has become less, and some vegetation even appears pale black. This is obviously abnormal!

   "Many people."

  Shui Shui exclaimed in front of him, and Chen Mo tilted his head and glanced.

  So many players?

  There are more players here than Chen Mo imagined!