I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 676

"Two little guys are so cute, too."

Su Mo looked at the two little guys running upstairs, smiling.

"When you don't see a headache." Qin Yun said jokingly.

"How are the girls? The boys have more headaches." Su Mo laughs at Su Chen and picks her eyebrows.

"When I was a little girl, I almost lost my temper, but I didn't want to take care of you so much." Su Chen didn't like to say.

"No, how can a beautiful girl like me make such a fuss? Smelly old man talks nonsense." Su Mo glared at him angrily.

Both Lin Yumeng and Qin Yun couldn't help laughing.

Before long, Qin Keke and Chen Xiaoyu left and right, pulling Qin Nan, who was wearing pajamas and was sleepy, walked downstairs.

"Su Chen, you are here. Hello, two beauties. You are su Chen's sister. How are you when we meet for the first time?" Qin Nan yawned and said hello.

"Hello, sister." Su Mo's quick response.

"Go and wash your face, brush your teeth and change your clothes. What does it look like?" Qin Yun frowned and yelled.

"It's not your fault. Last night, preaching, it was early morning." Qin Nan rolled her eyes in anger.

"Get up and get down after you've finished." Qin Yun pressed with a straight face.

"I know, I know."

Qin Nan a face impatient promise, and then went upstairs again.

"Ah, my sister-in-law is really too much to worry about." Qin Keke goes back to Su Mo and sits down. He shakes his head and sighs.

Su Chen several people are amused again.

"You're just like your sister-in-law. You don't worry." Qin Yun gave her a funny look.

"No, and the family is still a baby, mom, you are too demanding." Qin Keke retorted with a pout.

"Ha ha..."

The crowd roared with laughter.

Later, a few people chatted casually, and the two little guys were also very interesting, especially Qin Keke, who made a witty remark from time to time, which always made Su Chen laugh.

"What are you talking about? I'm so happy." Qin Nan straightened himself up and came downstairs. Hearing the laughter in the living room, he asked curiously with a smile.

"We're talking about you, sister-in-law. You're too lazy to be like a pig. You don't worry." Qin Keke a pair of small short legs dangling in the air, laughing and joking.

"Well, you little girl, dare to say that I am a pig."

Qin Nan pretended to be angry and went to sit down beside her, holding her small face and kneading various shapes.

"Well You are the pig. " Qin Keke spoke vaguely.

"I dare to say that I'll make your little face ugly." Qin Nan is adamant and adds energetically way.

"Niuniu, help..."

Qin Keke couldn't get rid of it and reached out to his sister for help.

Chen Xiaoyu blinks and blinks big eyes. He is about to rescue her sister from the devil's hand. Qin Nan looks away with a menacing glance and shakes the little girl. She decides not to look over and pretends not to see her. She reaches out and takes a sugar peel from the tea table and opens it into her mouth to suppress the shock.

"Sister Nan, how did you deal with the 100 million yuan embezzled by Fang Hui?"

Su Chen receives the little guy's look for help and asks with a smile.

Qin Nan then let Qin Keke go. He said calmly, "I'm angry when I mention this. I asked him to accompany me for 200 million yuan, which has been paid. But I'm still very upset. If the project shares can be more than doubled, we should let him pay more."

"What's the matter?" Qin Yun puzzled to ask a sentence, she did not know Qin Nan's investment money was embezzled 100 million things, Qin Nan or not good intention to say.

Su Chen said things roughly.

"You, you, let me tell you something."

After hearing this, Qin Yun immediately turned on the preaching mode, staring at Qin Nan and saying, "you are such a big man. You can make mistakes with such a big investment."

"Sister, I know I'm wrong. Don't say it. I've been talking about it all night." Qin Nan hung his head to admit his mistake.

"Don't you think I'm nagging? This time, if it wasn't for Su Chen, you'd better wait to be driven out of the house by the old man!" Qin Yun hates that iron is not steel.

"He doesn't want to see me anyway." Qin Yun murmured in a low voice.

"Talk back!" Qin Yun Mei's eyes stare, not angry but powerful.

"I'm wrong. I'm wrong." Qin Nan immediately counseled and apologized with a smile.

In the Qin family, she can not be afraid of father Qin and his two brothers, but she was afraid of this sister since childhood.

"This Fang Hui is also very brave. He dares to cheat our Qin family." Qin Yun's eyes twinkle slightly, and the female president's aura is fully open.

Su Chen doesn't care, but Lin Yumeng and Su Mo feel very deep, just like a little transparent who just entered the workplace. They are both awed and envious when they see the female president of the company angry.

"Sister, let's forget it. Fang Hui has already paid double compensation. But for him, I couldn't get the shares of this project. Now I can make a lot of money. With the shares of this project and the shares of Qin's group, I should be old enough in my life." Qin Nan said happily."It's very kind of you to say that."

Qin Yun glared at her, looked at Su Chen and said, "Su Chen, if your company wants to take over the shares of this project, I'll ask her to transfer it to you, on the original price."

Hearing this, Qin Nan is flustered and opens her mouth to say something, but she still has no good intention to speak if she is not for Su Chen's efforts to turn the tide and the consequences of his investment failure.

Su Chen smiles and shakes his head: "no, this is sister Nan's. let her keep it. If it wasn't for her, I would not have taken over the project. Moreover, shangguancong in Jiangcheng has 30% of it. Compared with Nanjie, this is nothing. It's just a project. The company doesn't plan to eat alone."

Qin Nan immediately relaxed, looking at Su Chen's eyes that called a gratitude.

"Well, this is a big favor from you." Qin Yun saw that he had said so, and did not insist on it. She just wrote down the favor in her heart.

"Mom, brother Su Chen, I can't understand what you're talking about."

Qin Keke was a little impatient to see that he couldn't get in a word.

"Well, don't say that." Su Chen laughed and said to Qin Keke, "I'll make you delicious food later?"

"Good, good!" Qin Keke immediately clapped his hands and nodded.

"I want meat." Chen Xiaoyu a pair of big eyes is also shining, biting fingers soft cute looking at Su Chen.

"You can't always let you cook. We'll eat out later." Qin Yun said with a smile.

"Mom, it's not as good as brother Su Chen's Qin Keke said with a small mouth.

Chen Xiaoyu's little chicken pecked rice and nodded.

"that's not good. We'll go to a Michelin 3-star restaurant later. It's delicious. Let's go to Sue's brother brother's house again." Qin Yun said in an unquestionable tone.

"All right."

The two little guys couldn't resist, so they had to accept it.

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