I Am The Omnipotent Prince Charming

Chapter 675

The news of the great success of chentian's new project soon caused a huge sensation. The photos and videos of Su Chen's speech at the press conference occupied the headlines of the major news media.

On the Internet, those people who jumped out to deny Su Chen in order to rub against porcelain were mostly disappeared. There were also those who apologized to Su Chen. As for whether they were sincere or to continue to rub, it was not known.

As for Su Chen himself, after attending the press conference, he continued to be a shopkeeper of his own. He hid at home and did not go out at all. He gave all the things to Liu Xin, who worked hard.

Liu Xin calls every day to complain and inform him of the latest situation of some companies.

In addition to some international well-known funds and investors who want to cooperate with Smurfs, almost all of them have thrown olive branches to chentian technology, trying to invest in chentian technology.

Without exception, they were all rejected by Liu Xin, which is the intention of Su Chen, Shen Tianze and Feng Yao.

After all, chentian science and technology capital chain is very good, there is no shortage of money, Su Chen three people also do not lack money, do not need to cash out, then why sell shares.

Qin Nan is in a good mood these days. He not only gets the compensation of 200 million yuan from Fang's father and son, but also shares of the project whose value has been doubled several times. His mood is called a beauty, even a little bit floating.

This is not, Su Chen received a call from Qin Yun.

"I said what happened. She just called and said that she made a lot of money by investing in the project that chentian technology took over. She boasted how smart she was for a long time."

Qin Yun sounds speechless.

Su Chen corners of the mouth slightly twitch next, the whole story of this thing said roughly once.

"This dead girl is so brave that she dares to mortgage the shares of Qin's group. When I asked her where she got the money, she still hemmed and hawed with me."

Qin Yun clenched her teeth after hearing this, and then gratefully said, "Su Chen, thank you very much. If it wasn't for you, my sister would be in trouble this time."

"No, this project has also brought many benefits to chentian technology." Su Chen said with a smile.

"It's time for you to have lunch with Nanmeng sister. I'll have a holiday with you, little sister." Qin Yun suggested.

"Mom, let me say let me say, brother Su Chen, come to my house tomorrow and let sister Meng Meng and sister Mo come over."

Qin Keke's sweet voice came.

"Well, we'll go tomorrow." Su Chen thought that there was nothing wrong with him, so he agreed with a smile.

"Oh, oh..."

The two little guys cheered.

"That's it. Hang up first. I'm going to drive to the airport to pick up Xiao Nan. This time I have to talk about this dead girl." Qin Yun hates the way.


Su Chen laughingly agrees, in the heart for this likes to make the fourth Miss Qin three seconds of silence.

"Brother, go to coco tomorrow?" Su Mo asked with a happy face.

Su Chen nodded with a smile.

"Great. There are reporters outside these days. I'm afraid to go out now." Su Mo put a French fries into her mouth, pouted her small mouth and said wrongly.

Because of the great success of the project, Su Chen once again became the focus of the news. The reporters who couldn't stop him had to guard all the exits of the school, surrounded Su Mo and Lin Yumeng several times, and it took a lot of effort to get out.

Even now, the media reporters have dug out that they live here. Fortunately, the security measures of this splendid home are very good, and they have been keeping those reporters out of the community.

"Just wait a while." Lin Yumeng said with a smile.

"Hum, it's all due to elder brother. Don't make a big news if you're OK. You should keep a low profile." Su Mo didn't have a good breath squint at Su Chen.

"I need it for work. You think I want it!"

Su Chen gave her a pair of white eyes, put her arm around Lin Yumeng's slender waist and said, "then you can't learn from Mengmeng and understand your brother and me. If I don't make money, what can I do for you to go shopping and buy?"

"So it is." Su Mo deep thought ran nodded, a pair of magnanimous tone said: "OK, OK, don't blame you."

"Blame you. You'll pay for it next time you go shopping."

"No, brother. I'm wrong. I apologize."

"No, it's no use apologizing."

"Haha Come on, brother. I'll have a French fries. It's seafood. It's delicious. "

Lin Yumeng sits in a row with a smile and looks at his brother and sister's daily bickering with interest.


After breakfast the next day, Su Chen took her sister and Lin Yumeng out of the door and drove all the way to Qin Yun's villa.

After the video walkie talkie dials, the big iron door outside opens automatically, and then the inner door also opens. Qin Keke and Chen Xiaoyu, dressed like two little princesses, run to the three with their short legs on their arms."Slow down. Don't fall."

Qin Yun quickly followed behind and yelled.

Lin Yumeng and Su Mo rushed to meet them with a smile, and each one held one.

"Coco, do you miss me?" Su Mo has a bright smile.

"No, sister. Who are you? I don't know you." Qin Keke pretended to be puzzled.


Sommerton was black question mark.

"Well, I forgot you when I didn't come to play with us for so long." Don't overdo it.

"I'm wrong. I'm wrong. My sister apologizes to you. Don't ignore me." Su Mo this just understand come over, smile Ying Ying of approach to rub her small face.

"Will you come and play with us after that?" Qin Keke looks at her with a smile.

"Come, definitely." Su Mo nodded quickly.

"Oh, I suddenly remember that you are sister Mo Mo, aren't you?" Qin Keke screamed with surprise on his face and kissed Su Mo's forehead.

"You little playboy." Su Mo is amused and points her forehead with a smile.

Su Chen three people look at this scene, are some can not help but laugh.

"Advanced house!" Qin Yun said with a smile.

Several people entered the room and came to the living room. Qin Yun made tea for them.

"What about sister Nan? Didn't you come last night? " Su Chen asked in doubt.

"My sister-in-law, ten big lazy pigs, are still sleeping on it!" Qin Keke pointed to the floor with his fingers up, showing a lovely expression of disgust.

"Big lazy pig." Chen Xiaoyu sits on Lin Yumeng's leg and nods.

"Coco, Niuniu, go and shout your sister-in-law up. When is it still sleeping? If you don't get up, you will lift her quilt." Qin Yun hands a cup of tea to Su Chen and tells the two little guys.


Qin Keke solemnly paid a military salute, slipped down Su Mo's legs, and then ran to the stairs.

"Sister, wait for me."

Chen Xiaoyu, whose reaction arc is longer, responds and runs after him in a hurry.

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