Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 57

"They're over there!"

Ah Yao, hiding in the jagged rocks, looked at Pei Shuo as if she had been named by the teacher. She stretched herself and asked for help: "what should we do? He found us. Shall we withdraw? Which way? "

"Don't panic, wait and see what happens." Pei Shuo was determined by the old God to comfort ah Yao and let Pei Bo see if anyone passed by outside the wall. "According to my experience, nine times out of ten Taoists are just looking for someone to divert their attention. We are the darkest place in the front yard. Any wind and grass can talk nonsense, and it is predictable to point out."

Your experience

Yao Yao wants to Tucao, but now is not a good time to make complaints about the children who are being detained in the backyard.

"Taoist priest, are you kidding? How can my family sneak in outsiders! " LV Yuanwai put away his smiling face and quickly looked at the magistrate next to him. The magistrate only lazily raised his eyelids at the moment the Taoist said, and soon bowed his head to eat vegetables. He didn't mean to intervene.

"Amitabha, I don't know if someone really sneaked in." The middle-aged monk said, "why don't you send someone to check it out? Adults are the parents of a county. It's important to be careful about safety. "

The eminent monk and the Taoist priest invited to Renguang Temple suggested that there must be a problem, so LV called someone to explore the rocks.

The Taoist arched at the middle-aged monk with an expressionless face. He would smile with an ambiguous meaning.

People practicing martial arts have sensitive ears. Pei Bo and Pei Yang pull their ears. When the yard guard approaches the rocks with lanterns, they each take one with them and fly over the wall on the rocks.

At the back foot, the guard went to the foot of the stepping stone, raised the lantern, and cleaned around with a long stick, not sparing any corner.

People stared and bowed to the ground, without letting go of any clues, while Pei Shuo and a Yao walked straight ahead with Pei Boyang, estimated that they reached the firewood room after passing through the kitchen, and jumped over the wall.

Such as entering and leaving no one's land.

"The LV family's yard guard is no better than you." Pei Shuo didn't feel the strength of the LV family's yard guard. He said, "we're all here. Hurry and save the children."

They were not far away from the house where the children were held. Pei Shuo looked at no one around. After climbing over the Wall twice, he didn't think much of the LV family's defense. Since they were all here, he released people to complete this boundless merit and virtue, and immediately threw his original idea behind his head.

"With so many children, what should we do once a child cries? I took them out. It's not as late as the day. How can I arrange them? " A Yao was startled, took Pei Shuo and subconsciously thought of the following problems.

Pei Shuo said, "but it's not safe here. Their lives are in danger at any time!"

More than thirty children

A Yao has the experience of taking children. As long as there are one or two naughty children in a class of 20 children, the class can't be quiet. It's too risky to take more than 30 children to the side door. Peibo and Peiyang are just two people. If peishuo has to save people, he is bound to choose to jump off the wall and take them out.

Can their physical strength bear it?

Somehow, the shadow of uneasiness always hung over her head, like a big stone hanging. The hemp rope could break at any time and hit her heart heavily.

"Don't wait for Pei to come back? We have made small bows and arrows, and we can also dig pits and make traps nearby to delay time... "

Pei Bo, Pei Yang quietly knocked out the doormen and carried them to the corner. Pei Shuo waved her hand: "what do you know? Now is the time. Your daughter's family is timid. I'll tell you later."


A Yao couldn't stop Pei Shuo and stamped his feet angrily. "Now it's better to wait for Pei to wear them back and expose them in front of his parents and villagers. The child's affairs can be settled. A big child, two adult men have to look after more than 30 children at night. How can they be busy? If something happens outside, it will be a great crime!"

She complained, but she was so cruel that she ignored Pei Shuo and the children and trotted over with her skirt. Sure enough, she was not close to "wow" from inside to outside.

At first, Pei Shuo patiently explained to them that these children were also very defensive. They all looked at him warily, and the timid simply shrank away.

He thought of the scene where his father frightened him and had to obey the instructions of the founding marquis. He drew a gourd and said to a group of half big diced beans: "the owner is going to fatten you up, and then sharpen his knife and kill you. Come with me."

This move really worked, and the diced beans reacted immediately——

Wow, I cried.

Disorderly description of the noise crying, Pei Shuo's head was big, "don't cry, don't cry!"

Pei Bo and Pei Yang are good at fighting. They let their brothers break through the mountains, fires and Shura hell. They can coax children. God knows how to coax them!

In response to him, there were endless cries, ups and downs of each other.

"Look, what's this?"

A Yao arrived and found the little boy who cried the loudest. He twisted his right hand. If he picked up the item out of thin air, at first glance, he waved a small bow and arrow in front of him to attract his attention.

The little boy stopped crying, burped and looked at the small bow and arrow in her hand, "I know it, and I can do it, but it's a little different from yours. You can hit a sparrow with a small stone, which is sure!"

I knew he was one of the bear children.

Ah Yao's mouth twitched.

"Give it to me and I'll see it." He reached for it.

She hid behind her back: "I can give it to you, but you have to do me a favor first, and I'll give it to you."

The servants in the front yard returned in vain. They didn't expect that the people who stole in had gone around to the place where the children were detained, brought them out and quietly began to smuggle them.

"Bang bang! Open the door! Open the door! "

The door outside LV was slapped vigorously. Every time a sound was made, the door panel bent inward. It can be seen that the clapper had great strength. It seemed that if he didn't open the door again, he couldn't kick with his foot!

"Coming, coming."

The porter was frightened. He hadn't seen such a thing for many years. He moved the wooden bolt and opened the small gap. He saw the torch illuminate the faces of the surging villagers. Everyone was angry, broom, pot shovel, iron pot kitchen knife, chopping block brick and copied a lot of guys!

With one look, the porter slammed the door shut and his hands trembled and bolted, "uncles and uncles, have a good time to say, don't get excited. What are you going to do?"

"Open the door and let your master hand over the thief! Hand it over! " They quarreled.

The concierge didn't understand the cause and effect, and rushed into the front hall: "master, it's bad. There are a lot of people outside the door. They copied the guy and threatened to let us hand him over! Or we'll smash the LV family! "