Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 56

God, please don't rain. I know you are good. Don't make trouble for the tiger. Even if it rains, at least wait until Pei wears them back, and another heavy rain will extinguish the fire.

A Yao folded her hands and prayed secretly. She was so anxious that she was sweating.

Please rain, Lord dragon. God, are you all asleep? It's impossible. Now that the dark cloud has come, it's clear that the spell works. The Taoist is crazy. Giving him a wall can scratch through the wall. He can't help but reflect on whether he has made a mistake and cut off the sword edge. He pinched his fingers and calculated“ Huh? " There seems to be something wrong.

"What is he doing?" Pei Yang asked his brother, Pei Bo's white eyes, "didn't you see him in the deduction?"

"I found these nearby. Pei wears Peibu and doesn't know how long it will take to come back. If the Taoist priest wants to hurt the names of those children, I can't watch them killed." Pei Shuo held the materials collected from the servant's room. "Unexpectedly, the tricks played in the thatched cottage can still be used here. Thanks to Xingzhi, I have to thank him when I go back."

A Yao moved her short legs to Pei Shuo's side and made do with the dim light, thread, scissors, branches and so on

"If they don't have black hands, it's OK. If they really plan to do things that harm nature and human life under the eyes of the county officials, I have to make the whole Jiangliu County know that their parents and their family are not good birds!"

Pei Shuo has begun to toss up. He can complete the assembly process with two hands without light.

"Let me help you. What should I do?" A Yao volunteered to help.

Pei Bo and Pei Yang looked at each other and wanted to stop talking about what Pei Shuo had done. Then they silently joined the ranks of helping, and the four people worked hard.

Pei Chuan, who left the LV family, was as busy as Peibu.

Those close to the Lu family are those who have little wealth or fame. They rank well in Jiangliu county. When they get out of the lane, they go straight to the scholar who teaches in a private school. Even the county magistrate's home is less than a tea walk from the Lu family. In short, this place is not a place where people with money, power or fame live.

Pei wear locked the rich and noble people, while Pei Bu went to the next workshop to "take care of" ordinary people.

The moon is dark and the wind is high, which is a good time for Liang Shangjun to haunt.

The two men acted separately. Before long, the aunt's high decibel voice spread through the streets: "catch the thief!"

The house closest to my aunt lights up one after another. Some people beat gongs and drums, and some people are in a bad mood. More and more people join the ranks of catching thieves, just like a snowball, more and more, just to chase the shadow running on the roof.

The shadow steps on the tiles. With each step, the tiles are overburdened, crushed or collapsed, clattering.

The rest family was awakened by the noise from their own roof, and heard the parents and villagers outside shouting to catch the thief. They put on their coats with black faces and pushed open the window. Men, women, children, old and young knocked on the gong with brooms and iron pans. The old milk with insufficient spare power was carrying a vegetable basket on crutches. The eggs in the vegetable basket smelled a lot, as well as rotten vegetable gangs and small stones, Craned his neck and panted after him.

This battle is too frightening!

Scared away when he got up, he shouted out to the young man and asked what had happened.

The young man scratched his head and closed his mouth one by one. He couldn't get back his stubble. He followed the wind and blew wheat waves to solve his doubts: "something big has happened in the county! A big thief, a nine foot man, came tonight. I can't even reach his shoulder. That leg is too long. It's not too much to stretch out three or four feet and go back and forth from the east of the county to the west of the county for a while! "

He danced and described to the other party, which made the other party stunned.

"Moreover, my seventh aunt lost her gold bracelet, and the jade bracelet of aunt Jiang er's family is missing. The most hateful and hateful thing is... He even doesn't let go of my sixteenth aunt's belly pocket! It's shameless! Why despise tofu Xishi's belly pocket and only take tofu Xishi's Earrings! Don't say anything. See if your family has lost anything. I'm going to kill the unscrupulous thief! "

The male owner listened to him blankly. When the young man left, the thief was nine feet long and his legs were at least four or five feet long?

"Madam, do you see if you have lost anything?"

"Ah, where are my shoes and earrings? Why is one missing?"

"Is our family patronized by thieves?"

Pei Bu and Pei Chuan, who were running, didn't expect to cause such a sensation. At least half of the people in Jiangliu county were shocked. They turned the corner and ran away under the eyes of the people. Peichuan, who was the best in martial arts, jumped over the wall from the road to the official granary and jumped into the LV family. He happened to be seen by the man in front of him.

"What family is this?"

"It's member Lu's outsider."

"Speaking of it, he is the richest man in Jiangliu county. I haven't heard of anything lost in their house tonight. Is it related to his family?"

"It's impossible. Their family is rich and full of gold bricks. Look down on our small money."

"Anyway, when the thieves enter their house, they have to give them an explanation."

The people who came after them talked one after another, supported the old and the young, and went back to the LV family.

The people at the rain praying banquet didn't know about it and were even impatient. Seeing that the Taoist priest didn't dance swords or burn symbols in the front yard, member Lu stood and pinched his fingers and chanted words. He quickly asked the singer and dancer to dance to cheer up, stir up the atmosphere and call people to eat vegetables. Since they all came, they can't come back empty handed.

Several village heads tried their best to reach for the bear's paw with chopsticks. You can't try anything else. How can you not try the bear's paw?

Bear's paw is divided into upper and lower grades. The upper grade is naturally the claw that shoots the honeycomb, followed by the other front claw. The lower grade is the back paw, which is rough and stiff. It is said that this grand dish takes the front paw, not the back paw used to walk and climb trees!

There are several ways to cook bear's paws. Like the flower chicken, it is fixed in the fire with soil, and the fur falls off after knocking off the mud; There is also the "bear steaming method" recorded in the book of food. Pork, bear meat and glutinous rice are steamed together.

But this dish uses other methods. Spread a thick layer of honey on the cleaned bear's paw, simmer slowly for half an hour, wash the honey, put the seasoning, and stew for two hours. The fat is tender and trembling, just like nephrite. The entrance is plump. The small muscles in the bear's paw are especially soft, fat and tender, more like eating the best fish lips.

It's worth it to have this dish~

Whether the county magistrate or the village head, the guests here are fascinated by this dish. They can't stop talking and close their eyes to enjoy it? Don't be silly. A slow pat of meat will lose a big piece! Immerse yourself in the sea of delicious food and return to the waves in the wind? Sorry, the servant girl has taken away the empty plate.

"That Taoist can really do it once or twice, but God won't help him. This should be called "injustice without help?" The middle-aged monk smiled and his eyes twinkled with calculating light.

If it can be visualized, there must be a bright light bulb above the Taoist's head, accompanied by a Ding ~.

The Taoist shouted, "I see! Member, your family broke into unidentified people. His luck blocked my communication with heaven and earth, so the rain can't come out. Where are those people! "

His hand suddenly pointed to the lower room, the rockery.

Point directly at the location of a Yao Pei Shuo!