Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 216

Ah Yao considered this for several days.

It took several days just to pull himself out of the endless tangle of "I'm there, who I am, what I'm doing, and whether father Pei knows what he's talking about" - the main thing is really shock.

She has always believed that there is an insurmountable identity gap between her and Pei Shuo. If there is no accident, Pei Shuo will become the next founding Duke, and she is an ordinary cook, waiting for the opportunity to clear up her grievances for her master. Even though they have the fetters of previous and present lives and can not be settled, in this society's universal values, bamboo door is matched with bamboo door, and wooden door with wooden door, That's right.

It is almost impossible for a sparrow to fly to the branches and become a Phoenix.

So when Pei's father told her that she could marry into the Marquis as long as she wanted, the whole person was stunned by Tianjiang pie.

There is no need to worry about whether they are worthy or not. She just needs to figure out if she would like to spend her life with Pei Shuo?

Of course

The candlelight on the table was like beans, jumping. She fell on the table and thought deeply. If there was a bird's nest or looking at the moon, she could not help laughing from time to time and completely immersed in her own world. She couldn't help teasing her. Their watery cabbage was finally taken away by someone.

A Yao recalled what Pei's father said that day again, trying to remember what Pei Shuo looked like on the side.

She couldn't remember Pei Shuo's expression at that time, but in the process of recalling, she thought of Pei dad's words that made her care very much.

He said: "but one thing I hope you know is that Pei Shuo will never succeed to the founding marquis."

No way!

How is that possible?

Yao Teng stood up: "no, Pei Shuo was also present. He must be very sad to hear his father say so! "

After such a long time, I don't know how Pei Shuo will be sad. No, she has to find Pei Shuo.

On the other side, Princess Chang's mansion.

"... the founding Marquis solved the difficulties in the capital, captured all the main troublemakers, and imprisoned all the priests, worshippers, fairies and fairies of good Dharma in the prison. The mastermind Meng Qianxiu was captured by Pei Shuo, the eldest son of the founding Hou. " Holding a book, the eldest princess distracted herself from listening to the supervisor report the recent events one by one“ Under the pretext of preaching, the good Dharma sect recruited people under the banner of immortals coming to earth to save the world. In the previous locust disaster, they used special means to create a number of miracles to disperse locusts, which attracted many fools to follow. The fairy headed by the good Dharma sect claimed that she was a princess of the previous dynasty and returned with the life of the Phoenix. "

"Oh?" The eldest princess raised her head from the book and looked at the manager.

The manager understood and then said, "she insisted that she was the legacy of the previous dynasty and the daughter of Princess Xue, and took out the Royal keepsake. Now, the Ministry of punishment has transferred the case to Dali temple and zongrenfu, and is verifying her identity. It's strange that Princess Xue died more than ten years ago. "

He still remembered the imperial concubine. For more than ten years, he followed the eldest princess and witnessed major changes in the court. After that, the concubines in the palace changed places to live. Not long later, an insignificant event occurred - the poisoning of the imperial chef.

In this case, Princess Xue died.

"Princess Xue......" the eldest princess also remembered that there was such a thing in her memory.

Plop, the kneeling voice interrupted the thoughts of the long Princess and the manager. The manager looked along the voice, frowned and said unhappily, "coral, what's your discretion?"

The remaining light of the long Princess aimed at the bird's nest kneeling down next to her.

The bird's nest kowtowed. As soon as she heard the words Xue Guifei spit out from the manager's mouth, she could no longer restrain herself.

She originally thought that she might wait for the opportunity to overturn the case for a long time. She waited for her white hair for a long time. Maybe she couldn't wait for this opportunity all her life. From the day she entered the long princess's house, she prepared for the worst.

The moon goes south to live in Fuhai, and those who are destined will get married; A Yao goes north, but he is accompanied by Pei Shuo, the eldest son of the founding Hou. According to the character of the little wolf cub, a Yao won't have much problem. As for her, she's all alone.

I didn't expect that the opportunity would get so fast. Maybe God's kindness is willing to leak care from her fingers. She will seize this opportunity anyway!

She knows what she is doing, even if she gambles her life!

Bird's nest's eyes were full of firmness: "twenty years ago, Wu Yuchu was falsely accused of poisoning and murdering Princess Xue, which led to the death of Princess Xue. The Royal chef, Shangyi and Shangshi Bureau were implicated and exiled to North Xinjiang and Nanling. If the person claiming to be the princess of the former dynasty was true, Princess Xue escaped by pretending to be dead and someone helped her get out of her shell! I beg the eldest princess to investigate the old case again! "

The long princess took up the tea lamp, looked at it for a few eyes, put it down, and twisted a piece of almond crisp sugar. The crisp sugar has a strong milk aroma and is sweet. There is an almond embedded in it. When chewing, her lips and teeth not only have the sweetness and viscosity of cheese crisp sugar, but also have the unique aroma and crispness of nuts.

The manager said, "that's why you try to be top."

"From the moment when she took out the keepsake and entered the princess Chang's house, the slave and maid never hid it."

The eldest princess chewed almond candy one by one with a cup of tea. After eating, she left. From beginning to end, she kept silent.

Until the long Princess walked away, the bird's nest was still kneeling there. Only when the long Princess set out to cross her, she looked sad, but she was never disappointed. As long as she didn't die, she would never give up.



"So, the jade pendant is true, and the princess... Is also true?" Mo xingle looked at the jade pendant confiscated from Xue Nianzhi. The jade pendant was transparent. It was made of high-quality lanolin white jade. The lines were soft and carved with four divine beasts. There was a pattern in the middle of the four divine beasts. They guarded the pattern in the middle.

The former dynasty is only more than 20 years away from now. There are still officials left in the former dynasty and are familiar with the genealogies of the emperors of the two dynasties. Since they just got the jade pendant, they recognized at a glance that the jade pendant belonged to the children of the last emperor of the previous dynasty. Only the children of the emperor, their jade pendant was the four divine beasts. If they were princes and kings, the pattern of the jade pendant representing their identity was one of the nine sons of dragon.

The strange thing is also here. The jade pendant is true, but the genealogy does not record the jade pendant and its owner. According to Xue Nianzhi's age, no new prince or princess was born more than ten years ago.

How did this man come from?

"She insisted that she was the princess of the former dynasty. She didn't ask anything else." The officials of the Zongren mansion were also helpless, "that's why we need your assistance from Dali temple. Whether the identity of the 'princess' is true and how she came here depends on you ~ "

"Oh, it's troublesome."

"My Lord." Mo xingle's subordinates came in a hurry and whispered in his ear. Then he smiled and arched his hands to the officials of the Zongren Mansion: "sorry, I have something important to deal with. I'll leave first."

"Don't send me away."

He nodded, turned and walked away. When he left the Zongren mansion, he asked in detail: "you said the long Princess mansion wanted to report?"