Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 215

A Yao hurried away from the founding Hou's house and disappeared into the night, as if jackals and tigers were chasing after him.

"Mom, today's food is delicious, but the weight is a little less." Pei Xingde touched his stomach. The meat was delicious.

Cui mengzhang frowned. "Son, you'll get fat if you eat too much than before."

"Well... I have a long body." Pei Xingde really hesitated and wanted to give the answer.

Pei Zhengwen said: "practice martial arts with your big brother to strengthen your body and bones. No matter how much you eat, you are not afraid of being fat."

Cui mengzhang wants to stop talking. She doesn't want her son to toss like a martial artist all day, but it's even harder for her to say this.

Pei Xingde nodded as soon as his eyes lit up. His father said he would learn martial arts from his eldest brother. He turned his eyes to Pei Shuo and looked at him with bright eyes and full of expectation.

Pei Shuo didn't speak.

Just when he thought there was no hope, the light in his eyes was dim and he was so wronged that he turned his mouth and saw Pei Shuo nodding slowly“ But you will come to me at Mao o'clock tomorrow. You can't wait. "

This is agreed.

Pei Xingde cheered, said I'd go and prepare, said goodbye, and ran away, like a cat fluttering at butterflies.

Pei Suiyin was happy to see this scene of family harmony. He nodded with a smile. He had enough to eat and drink and had nothing to worry about. He might as well walk after dinner and live to 99. He stood up slowly and moved slowly to the courtyard to eat. For fear that Pei Shuo didn't find it, he glanced at him.

It's like saying, come on, ask me to satisfy your curiosity.

Pei Shuo followed him to leave. On the surface, he helped Pei Suiyin. In fact, he smeared oil on his feet, walked very fast, and soon left the side hall.

"Slow down, ouch, my bones can't support you so much." Pei Suiyin shouted in his mouth, but there was no pain on his face.

"Grandpa!" Pei Shuo pulled the man to the courtyard, "why do you... Forget it, why did you suddenly summon the cook today?" He stopped again and asked in another direction. Alas, seeing ah Yao's cautious in the hall, he was relieved when he left. I think he was frightened. So was Grandpa. He was silent and scared people to death.

Pei Suiyin: "Oh, enjoy the good taste. Young man, you can't eat alone. "

Pei Shuo doesn't believe it.

"Hey, the young eagle has grown up and has a happy girl. Should the elders look at each other?" Pei Suiyin said boldly, "not only do I want to see it, but also my son and your father, right? If he doesn't agree, are you going to elope? I've long wondered which little girl is so charming that she abducted my grandson in advance! "


"But I'm not satisfied today. I'm not full and unhappy. I'll discuss it tomorrow."


What can I do with such a childish grandfather on the stall? Cold mix.

In the other compartment, ah Yao returned to her home, sorted out the household chores, picked herself up, and was so tired that she lay in bed. She recalled the scene in the evening. Although there was still an old man who didn't speak after the founding of the country, the family had a quiet meal all the way, and didn't say the first sentence of the meal until the end, that was: the weight was not enough.

No one told her that she wanted five people's meals. Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah Yao beat the bed board. Although it was not her pot, she still conscientiously carried the pot back. It was really humiliating to be told by father Pei that the amount was not enough. She wanted to delete this memory. She must confirm it with others tomorrow and must not commit it again!

A Yao swore to herself.

The next day, a Yao confirmed with others again and again. This time, he must cook meals for five people. After asking about their appetite, a Yao rolled up her sleeves.

Cut the peeled lotus root into thin slices, blanch the water to remove the raw flavor, grind the salt, fennel, pepper, star anise, cinnamon and clove into powder, mix the five spice powder according to the proportion, put some ginger powder, and finally pour the hot and fragrant sesame oil on it. With a squeak, the white smoke and fragrance will go together. Finally, put a handful of coriander, and the cold lotus root slices will appetizer first.

A lion's head in brown sauce with a big fist is full of meat; Steamed loofah with gold and silver garlic. The loofah is cut into small sections, column by column. On the surface are raw garlic and golden garlic that has been fried in oil. Finally, the surface is poured with oyster sauce to freshen it; Don't forget that there is also a lady among the diners. She may not like big meat and meat. Make another Longjing shrimp. The shrimp is fresh and tender, and there is a little Longjing aroma. Finally, the glittering shrimp can be served on the dark Longjing and a vegetarian dish.

Balsam pear brewed with glutinous rice is actually a five treasure rice. It is not only rich in color, but also a mixture of millet, black rice, kidney beans and glutinous rice. When it is steamed, the five treasure rice fills the balsam pear. The balsam pear tastes mellow after scraping the melon pulp. There is also diced cured meat in the five treasure rice, which is saturated with oil and doesn't feel bitter at all.

A Yao also prepared a fish dish, west lake vinegar fish, which uses mandarin fish. There are not many thin bones. It is suitable for those who taste fresh fish that is not much bigger than nameless nails. People who don't like fish are not afraid to eat small fish bones no matter how they eat.

There are two key points of this dish. When the heat is high, the fish is old and does not have the delicate and tender taste. The other is its thicken juice, which is made of vinegar. It is smooth and shiny. It is thick at the beginning and will not lose its teeth due to excessive acidity, which also blocks the freshness of the fish. However, the sweetness loses the vinegar acid. At the same time, it is not good to match sweetness with fish, so we have to use good balsamic vinegar, pinch balsamic vinegar The amount of soy sauce, Shaoxing wine and soup, the sauce makes the fish famous, and the fish is fresh and tender because of the sauce.

The dessert is AI Ci, with a bitter AI Ci, stuffed with a small group of red beans.

A Yao stood in the side hall again and watched them eat. This time, she was not square at all.

At first, the old man was so angry that he put a big lion's head in his bowl, while the founding Hou calmly put a chopstick of fish into his bowl. Pei Shuo also followed suit. A Yao was almost amused.

I thought she could go home when they finished their meal this time. Unexpectedly, she served dessert. The routine was later.

The founding Hou first asked her about her previous acquaintance with Pei Shuo. A Yao answered one by one. She was in line with the rules and could not make mistakes. There were traces of what she said.

Pei Shuo became nervous. Pei Suiyin smiled and narrowed his eyes while drinking tea.

After a few questions, Pei Zhengwen suddenly said, "after observation these days, you little girl is... Simple. My son is happy with you and has repeatedly asked me to marry you. I also know that your parents are absent, your master is far away in Fuhai, and your elder martial sister is in changprincess mansion, so I'm going to ask your opinion first - what do you think of my son? "A good match?"

A heavy bomb fell and knocked ah Yao dizzy.

Wait, what happened in the middle?