Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 204

Xue Liu's smile deepened.

Originally, she planned to suffer a loss and be ridiculed by Xue 12, but first the tea with lotus fragrance, lotus crisp, and then the lotus bean curd bowl. The ingredients are simple, but the effect is amazing. She feels good about the invited cook. As long as there is no mistake in the follow-up, she can also reward her with a cloud brocade.

Liu Chengxin's eyes are inseparable from this bowl of lotus pod tofu. Judging from the name and shape, he knows that tofu is the main material. It tastes light and easy to digest, and it is easy to cooperate with other ingredients to give different flavors. Moreover, it has a unique shape. A bowl of lotus pod can feel the smell of summer indoors. The wind moves and the leaves swing slightly. It is pleasing to the eyes. The old ancestors at home must like it, If it's a vegetarian dish, it's served in front of the Buddha. The Buddha should like it.

So she asked Lvping, "is this dish exquisite?"

Before serving, ah Yao mentioned it a little, and Lvping couldn't answer: "it's made of tofu and mushroom soup. It's stuffed with mushrooms and shrimp paste, and the sea rice of Ulva is used as the base, with tofu and lotus pods. The cook mentioned that this dish also has the practice of vegetarianism."

Liu Cheng thought for a moment and mentioned to Xue Liu that she wanted to buy a vegetarian recipe from the cook and take it home to her ancestors. Xue Liu didn't stop her, but she also thought from Liu Cheng's words that she could also give it to the two ancestors of the Xue family. Unfortunately, in front of Xue 12, she couldn't tell Lvping to write it down, and her eyebrows and eyes were a little annoyed.

"Go and ask if you can buy her a vegetarian dish of lotus seed bean curd?"


After watching the dishes, the dishes are served like running water, crab powder omelet, sea cucumbers, Lotus House fish bag, shredded chicken stewed chrysanthemum and jade belt soup.

The colors are different. Before you have a full meal, your vision will be satisfied first.

The most eye-catching is holding a lotus leaf.

"Is this for the occasion?" Xue twelve looked at several green lotus pods on the lotus leaves. The lotus seeds were white, the lotus flowers were in full bloom, and the petals were hung with water dew. There was a faint fragrance. It seemed that they had just been picked from the lotus pond. It was not fake, it was too real.

"This is a Lotus House fish bag. Take out the lotus seeds from the lotus pod that has just fallen petals, and steam them in the pot instead of lotus seeds. " Lu Ping said.

Xue Liu and Liu Chengxin gently took out the small fish balls. They can still feel the elasticity of the fish balls through chopsticks. They are not the imagined delicate fish meat.

Xue Shi looked suspiciously at the small fish balls, the size of lotus seed rice, and then threw them into his mouth. His teeth touched the fish balls and bit out a small path of fresh soup. Then the light aroma enriched his mouth and rushed straight to his nose. The fish balls flicked their teeth. You can eat them. This is a fish ball made of mandarin fish, and there are no small fish bones in his mouth. The dish is small, and the cook's heart is completely concentrated in this small fish ball.

Where did she get the cook?

Chopsticks could not help but clip the crab egg roll. The golden egg skin was wrapped with golden and white minced meat. She stared.

Here is

Bald butter? Crab meat?

Where did Xue Liu find the treasure!

I don't blame Xue twelve for his madness. Now it is approaching the good season to eat crabs, but the weather has been hot in recent days. It is said that the lakes in some places are dry, and the prices of fish, shrimp and crabs are rising sharply. She heard from her sister that the price of crabs is high, a thousand dollars. It is very face-saving for her family to cook crab dishes to entertain guests. Xue Liu's monthly example invited a cook and gave several liang of silver to add food. He invited a friend. It is estimated that when he is short of money, he can't afford to buy bald butter. Bald butter is to remove crab paste and crab yolk, add lard and ginger and scallion to explode incense. There are many materials and complex methods. The purpose of spending a lot of money is just to preserve the fresh taste of crab and try it in the season without crab.

It's really delicious. I'll see what the cook is.

Well, I have to eat more. It's delicious.

Xue Shier's chopsticks speed up a little and his eyes turned to another plate of shredded chicken stewed chrysanthemum. There was a crab egg roll and the famous shanhaidou in front of her. She should not have noticed that the light was a gimmick. It was just an ordinary shredded chicken dish. However, there was always a chrysanthemum fragrance seducing her, leaving her hands out of control and turning a corner in front of shanhaidou, Run to stewed chrysanthemum with shredded chicken.

The sauce is as white as snow, and the taste of shredded chicken is as she thought. It has no success, but the Juxiang lingering on the tip of the nose gives this dish a fresh feeling.

On a year-on-year basis, she couldn't remember the dishes she ate at the poetry and painting meeting. There was nothing surprising except that the materials were more expensive than theirs.

"Shanhaidou, how did you come up with this name?" Liu Chengxin asked.

Xue shi'er's eyes were also attracted. Among these dishes, lotus pod tofu and Lotus House fish bag are pleasing. In terms of name, she likes shanhaidou and Yudai soup, although Yudai soup is actually Brassica Lactuca soup, and shanhaidou is fried fern bamboo shoots with fish and shrimp.

"The Cook said that the fern shoots were born in the mountains, and the fish and shrimp came from the lake and sea. They gathered in a pot and met landscape friends, so they were called shanhaidou."

The name of shanhaidou comes from the Qinggong of Shanjia. The author believes that it is rare for food materials from mountains, lakes and seas to meet unexpectedly, so it is named. The elegance and talent of scholars can be seen in the dishes.

"What a good name."

Bamboo shoots are spread on the bottom of the dish, absorbing fish and shrimp, and the taste of Pteridophyte. The essence of the lake is that the lake is delicious and the wild vegetables are complementary to each other.

At the end of the meal, the sweet and waxy lotus root flour balls were presented. Liu Cheng was full of joy and took a Yao's copy of the recipe to leave.

Xue shi'er used to watch jokes. He didn't see them. His face hurt to death and his stomach was round. As soon as Liu Chengxin said she wanted to leave, she also sent Liu Chengxin to eat and slip back to her yard.

Xue Nianzhi watched them leave at the door. When their figure completely disappeared in sight, Lvping said, "girl, I asked the cook to write two recipes, one for Miss Liu and the other to stay." Then he took out the recipe from his arms and handed it to Xue Nianzhi.

She silently recited the above words and said, "well done. Give it to grandparents tomorrow morning. They must like it." After a meeting, he asked, "where's the cook?"

"She was very happy to accept Miss Liu's money. Seeing that the maid made her own decision and didn't mention the reward, she sent the man away." Green Ping replied.

"Forget it."

A Yao took the unexpected money and earned 30 Liang silver for a recipe. She was in a good mood.

Gaomen Qianjin bought a recipe from her, hoping to use it to please her elders or anyone. This dish is not difficult. When people with sensitive taste eat it, they may have guessed the method half blindfolded. They just do it according to the circumstances, and they can get more money.

Wearing the sunset glow and dusk, she got on the carriage and only walked a few steps. There was a lot of noise outside. Ah Yao was curious to open the curtain. She had already walked to another door of Xue's house. There were a lot of cars and horses in front of the door. Many young Heroes came out. The cultural banquet just ended now.

There's nothing to see——


A Yao Yu Guang swept one of them.

Standing at the door of Xue's house, a scholar in green shirt, elegant and tall, bowed his hands to the guests.

The carriage gradually went away. At the last glance, she saw the green shirt scholar return to Xue's house, and the door closed.

"Meng Qianxiu." A Yao whispered out the name.

She will never forget Meng Qianxiu, but how did he appear in the capital and in Xue's house?

She was invited to Xue's residence by chance or someone did it on purpose.