Husband, Have Dinner

Chapter 205

There was a homicide in the capital.

Mo xingle looked down at the railing of the arch bridge with licorice in his mouth.

The Constable of Jingzhao mansion searched along the river to see if there were any remaining physical evidence.

This is close to the southwest waterway. The Xiangfang nearest to the scene is not the people's residence, but the watchtower. At the end of the line of sight is the military academy yard, where the granary is located, and ordinary people will not come here.

The constable is still repeating the description of the first person who found the body: "... That's what happened. The person who found the body was a soldier who changed his guard and went home. After the examination, he said that there was only one wound on his forehead, his cervical spine was broken, and there were no other internal injuries... It was initially judged that he landed on his head, broke his neck, died of exhaustion on the spot, and died in the middle of the night. At that time, the soldiers were still on duty, which should have nothing to do with him. "

"Alas." Mo xingle turns his head to spit out grass roots and sighs faintly.

"What did you find, my lord?" The constable asked and heard him say, "don't you feel so poor? The woman wanted to commit suicide in the river. Unexpectedly, it was dry and the riverbed was exposed. She couldn't see whether there was water in the river in the middle of the night. She jumped down foolishly and killed herself. Alas."

The constable was full of black lines. "Sir, please be serious."

"I'm serious. Where am I not serious?" Mo xingle asked“ The girl chose a remote and uninhabited place and tried to die in the middle of the night. As she said, there were no other scars on her, only one fatal wound and scar, which was consistent with the falling posture and the blood left behind, and there were no other doubts. Prove that she did kill herself, not him. I ask you, if you want to kill yourself, will you choose columns, stone statues, or high places, such as the fire tower, the cloud platform, and the East Mountain in the suburbs? "

Constable: "my subordinates don't want to die."

Mo xingle: "Hey, I'm serious with you. Be serious."

The constable pursed his mouth. "A pillar or a wall."

Mo xingle: "yes, people who want to die can be killed by looking for a harder stone wall in their yard. Even if they don't want to disturb their family, they can find a remote alley to die. But no matter how you choose, you won't choose a place with a bridge and water. It's throwing into a river, not hitting a wall. Did you find anything else? For example, may there be any letters in the sachet? "

There are bridges, water and willows. It's easy to think of the willow head on the moon after dusk.

It is located in a remote place. Few people pass by at night, creating a good place for children to meet secretly?

Mo xingle thought of it, and the constable could also think of it, "the deceased didn't have any letters, but he carried ten liang of silver..."

"Newspaper -" the constable's voice interrupted him. "A burden was found at the bottom of the bridge."

Mo xingle and the constable quickly stepped off the bridge and watched the constable open his baggage with four pairs of eyes.

The baggage is full of women's clothes. If you look carefully, there are silver hairpins and copper bracelets hidden in the clothes. Weigh them in your hand.

"Wait, and then we'll go there together."


The recent business of sun Niang's foot shop is mainly to supply set meals with various summer drinks to relieve summer heat and thirst.

It's already very hot this day. When you see hot food, you feel that the whole person is going to melt, loss of appetite, or bitter summer. On the other hand, eating cold things for a long time is bad for your body and intestines and stomach. A Yao made a new menu, which made her brain AChE.

Attract the greedy insects in the stomach with fragrance, seize the eyes with colorful colors, and work together. Diners naturally move chopsticks.

The cucumber is washed and cut into strips, poured with soy sauce, vinegar and a little shepherd's purse juice. It is fresh and sour, with a pungent taste straight to the nose and a big appetite; Stir fry radish sauce. The sauce is rich in materials. First stir fry diced meat, add fresh soup, soy sauce and diced radish, and continue to cook until it boils. Then pour boiled soybeans and fried golden tofu, simmer until the juice is collected. When the radish sauce is ready, pour a spoonful of thick radish sauce over the wheat rice, which is very delicious.

The small dish is mixed with spinach. To be more precise, it is mixed with spinach puree. The boiled spinach is chopped into mud, wrapped with tofu cloth, twisted away the juice, and put into a bowl. The spinach and sea rice in the bowl are completely different before diners eat. Half of them are red sea rice and half are green spinach puree. The sauce prepared with sesame paste, soy sauce vinegar, shepherd's purse juice, sesame oil and chopped scallion ginger is served together, When eating, pour the sauce into the spinach and mix well.

The meat is sweet and sour cherry meat, with skin streaky pork, braised with a small Ding shaped flower knife, and finally burned like cherries one by one.

Finally, with job's tears and white gourd soup.

Unexpectedly, a group of guests gathered. They were so fond of sweet and sour cherry meat that they wanted to eat three meals a day. At noon, they had to go to the store and bring their own bowls, chopsticks and food boxes. Before they left, they packed them and took them home for dinner.

"Landlady, ten flower carving drunken chickens..."

A constable came in a hurry. Without raising his head, he reported the name of the dish and ordered. She was interrupted by sun Niang: "sorry, sir, you haven't come for a long time. The shop has changed the menu for a while. At present, it only provides sweet and sour cherry meat set meal. There are fried radish sauce, photographed cucumber, mixed spinach, sweet and sour cherry meat and soup. Do you want it?"

"Ah, I changed it. Let me see..."

Looking down at Sun Niang's fingers, he suddenly turned his stomach, covered his mouth and rushed out of the store. He passed by. The guests who entered the store could still hear his heartbreaking retch.

"Are you okay?" Sun Niang looked at Guan Ye anxiously.

The constable didn't eat much and couldn't vomit anything. Just seeing the color of sweet and sour cherry meat reminded him of his men... No, I can't think any more. He waved his hand, "are there any light and delicious meat dishes, no braised meat, no braised meat, no red..."

"I have to ask..."

Sun Niang went back and forth. Finally, the constable returned with ten pieces of Hibiscus chicken to recover her life. Unfortunately, a man was not very satisfied and said, "I want to eat braised meat."

"Oh -" the poor Constable held the wall. Of course, there was nothing.

Constable: "Lord Mo, I didn't invite you to bully my diligent men, would you?"

Mo xingle and the constable squatted in the yard outside the autopsy room for dinner. After eating for a while, he still missed the braised meat and complained: "I still want to eat."

"Shut up, you don't want to."

Just as they quarreled, new clues came.

The identity of the deceased was confirmed. The family of the deceased sent a scholar to say that he was the murderer and asked the official to bring him to justice.

"Interesting." Mo xingle put down his dishes and chopsticks and said, "I'll have a look."

Constable, hurry up.

The mirror hung high in the hall of Jingzhao mansion. The family under the hall chased a scholar and pinched him. The yamen, like an old hen, stretched out his hands. The scholar hid behind him. Other yamen hugged the male master of the house. It was a mess.