Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 984: See also the guillotine

The biggest characteristic of the French Revolution is its speed. Once an uprising is launched, it either succeeds or fails immediately. There has never been a protracted war.

This time is no exception. As soon as the European countries received the news, the two vigorous revolutions came to an end.

Without any accident, the Parisian revolutionary government, which had long lost its popularity, withdrew from the stage of history, and radicals seized power.

As the leader of this revolution, Danielle is right now and enlightened. He does have a reason to be proud, and has taken control of a country at the age of less than thirty.

"Mr. Danielle, we caught the traitor Robert. When do you think he will be executed?"

The tree fell and the monkey sun scattered. The revolutionary government of Paris collapsed, and politicians who realized the danger were long gone. In this regard, the Revolutionaries are all professional, except for the unfortunate one who has hindsight-Robert.

As a scapegoat for everyone, Robert did one thing during his presidency, which is to go to Vienna to sign an armistice treaty.

Once the treaty came into effect, the political life of the hapless president ended. Robert, who bore the reputation of a traitor and lost his position as president, was naturally indifferent, and he was not even informed.

Not all high-level government officials successfully ran away, and he was left with the unlucky one who realized it later and fell into the hands of the new government.

"Andrew, don't worry. People are in our hands and can't run away.

In any case, Robert was also the president of France, the revolutionary father to overthrow the Bonaparte dynasty, and the necessary respect is required.

Send someone to take care of him first to avoid accidents. After the public trial, he will be sent on the road. "

Others don't know why Robert, the revolutionary father, suddenly became a traitor, but Danielle, as one of the participants, knew it all.

But knowing that Gui knows that people still have to kill. Summarizing the failed lessons of previous revolutions, Danielle came to the conclusion that the revolution must shed blood.

No bloodshed is not enough for civilians to be angry, and no bloodshed is not enough to shock people. Robert, a big figure with a bad reputation, happens to be the best person to stand up for.

The same is killing, and different killing methods have completely different effects. Killing Robert directly would be refreshing for the radicals, but it was not shocking.

The situation in Paris is very complicated. As the leader of the Second Revolution, Danielle knows exactly what the revolutionary army looks like. If the nobles in the city cannot be deterred, the nascent second revolutionary regime may be subverted at any time.

In fact, the weight of Robert, the former president, is still a little lighter, and the final object of prestige is to pull out a few big nobles and wipe it away.

However, Danielle thinks about this kind of thing at best. Not to mention whether the Russian army stationed outside the city will interfere, the private armies of the light nobles are a hard bone.

If the fight really started, maybe Wei didn't stand up, but instead buried himself first.


On March 11, 1893, it was a sunny day. The golden sun gleamed on the earth, and the new shoots from the grass were imprinted. The whole world was full of vitality.

The square of Versailles Palace is full of voices at this moment. The French people coming from all directions are anxiously awaiting the execution of the traitor-former and former...President Robert.

Looking at the scene in front of him, General Yevgeny, who was watching the excitement, shook his head and thought to himself: "The guillotine is already online, but I don't know if it was the one who executed Louis XVI back then. Time has passed too long. I have experienced restoration in the middle, so I think it should not be."

The president is different from the monarch. This thing is not welcome in the age of the monarch. The international community will have no opinion on **** the French. Naturally, General Yevgeny does not mind watching the show.

With the sound of the creaking of the wheels, everyone's eyes gathered together. The French soldiers who had been prepared hurriedly took action and forcibly separated a road for prisoners in the crowd.

Rotten vegetable leaves and rotten eggs naturally do not exist. The French people are so hungry that they are about to eat soil. How can they waste precious food on a "traitor" who is about to guillotine?

Without rotten vegetable leaves or rotten eggs, Robert still did not escape the hidden weapon attack. A group of unruly people still threw out the "hidden weapon" that was prepared long ago.

Because of the distance, Yevgeny didn't see exactly what it was. In short, it would not be a good thing.

I don't know if it was because of intentional or poor accuracy. As the protagonist, Robert was not hit many times, but the people and soldiers on both sides were even more unlucky.

If it were not for the escorting officer to order to stop it in time, it is estimated that a "civil war" among the people might break out among the onlookers.

As the supreme commander of the Allied forces in Paris, Admiral Yevgeny naturally knew what was going on. Paris has not been peaceful for some time recently. After the success of the Second Revolution, the new government immediately carried out a major purge of Paris.

Countless people are executed every day, either for crimes, politics, or bad luck. In short, the atmosphere in Paris is very tense.

Sometimes Yevgeny even suspected that the new government was trying to reduce food consumption, deliberately using political struggle to reduce the population in order to survive the food crisis.

This is not aimless. Although the war is over, there is still not much food flowing into France. Especially after the Vienna government reduced food exports to France, the food crisis in Paris became more serious.

Preliminary estimates are that the food gap in France in 1893 will be as high as 6 million tons. Imports and smuggling can solve about 3.2 million tons. There is still a gap of 2.8 million tons that cannot be filled.

Theoretically, there is insufficient food at this point. The whole people tighten their belts together, such as reducing livestock and pets, and stopping extravagance and waste, and the crisis is almost over.

However, the reality is very cruel. The rich are still rich in food, extravagant and wasteful, occupying a large amount of food, exacerbating the food crisis, and only the low-level civilians are hungry.

At present, the French government wants to survive the crisis on its own. In addition to letting the nobles, farmers, and capitalists hand over the excess food, it can only reduce the population.

Yevgeny admitted that he was thinking too darkly. According to the current situation in France, if you really survive the crisis by reducing the population, you will not die, but millions will die.

If the crisis were not serious, it is estimated that the French government would not engage in such extreme internal cleansing. It seems to be pursuing dissidents, but in fact it is more trying to get through the crisis.

At least the food merchants who had been hoarding in Paris were all taken away, and the confiscated food was used to help refugees.

Compared with the previous revolutionary government, the current French government is clearly doing better. Through a series of measures, the Paris order was restored in the shortest time.

Throughout the execution process, President Robert did not speak from beginning to end, which disappointed Admiral Yevgeny who wanted to see the excitement.

Obviously, this is a show. As for the hapless Robert who was sent to the guillotine, he had been tampered with, and he didn't even have the chance to complain.

Putting down the telescope in his hand, Yevgeny: "Let's go, Andrew. There is no excitement to watch now!"

Lieutenant General Andrew shook his head: "Your Excellency Commander, there should be a lot of fun to be exact, but we can't see it anymore.

The new French government is playing so big, and the nobles of France may not be able to sleep tonight. If you let it go, maybe the butcher knife will fall on them one day.

You must know that this has a criminal record. In history, the French Revolutionary Party has cut off the head of the king, and the nobles killed are not a few. Now this scene cannot help but they do not associate.

The next step is to see how the two of them fight, but unfortunately the Allied forces forbid us to interfere. Otherwise, how can there be so many bad things now that make us..."

Yevgeny interrupted: "Okay, Andrew! These issues are things that politicians worry about. You and I are both soldiers and you shouldn't mix too much.

Moreover, Danielle is not a simple stuff. Being able to restore order in such a short time and temporarily frighten the nobles in the city is definitely a difficult master. If we really send troops to intervene, it will not be easy. "

It is easy to defeat the Revolutionary Army. The question is how to deal with the aftermath after defeating the Revolutionary Army.

It is not that General Yevgeny is boasting. If the Russian army is really allowed to sweep the city of Paris, it is estimated that the French will not only worry about the current food problem, but also consider whether it is necessary to move the capital.

In order to clean up the military discipline of the Russian army, General Yevgeny has been working hard since taking office. For example, by vigorously developing the sideline business of smuggling, the money earned not only increases the income of the officers, but also subsidizes the meals of the Russian soldiers.

This is the pot of the Tsarist government, and the logistical supplies are the same as the local Russian army. What does this make the "Russian soldiers stationed in Paris" think about it?

Can't let them be the army of the victorious country, and the treatment is not as good as that of the French soldiers of the defeated country?

Dissatisfaction to dissatisfaction, the loyalty of gray animals is beyond doubt, as long as they can fill their stomachs, there will be no major problems.

It doesn't matter if you can't make money from military pay. Russian officers and soldiers are best at doing things on their own. Paris is so rich, even after the war, there is a lot of oil and water, just grab a little...

The Allied Command banned the intervention of the Russian army. In addition to exerting pressure on the French nobles, there was also concern that the Russian army would lose control after entering the city and turn Paris into a purgatory on earth.

If that happens, let alone war reparations, no one knows when the situation in France will be stabilized.

Everything has two sides, and there are disadvantages and advantages. Although the Russian military is not easy to use, but it has great deterrence!

Explicitly tell the French that a powerful time bomb is placed next to you. Just gently press the remote control and Paris will become a ruin.

As for the consequences?

The big deal is that the war reparations cannot be collected, and the Allied forces stationed in France have suffered heavy losses. These can scare most countries in the Anti-French Alliance, but they can't scare the master planner behind the scenes-Franz the Great.

As long as the current economic difficulties have passed for a few years, the war reparations will be dispensable to the Holy Roman Empire; not to mention the losses of the Allied forces, it is not that the own army has no reason to feel distressed.

It hasn't been cut down now, that's because leaving the "Sword of Damocles" has more advantages than disadvantages for the Holy Roman Empire.

Not only can the Allied forces be used to restrict the development of the French; it can also use the interests of France to unite the anti-French alliance countries and consolidate the position of the Shenluo Empire in the European Union; by the way, it also gives the Russians the confidence to go south to India.


The residence of the President of Paris was transformed from the residence of the former Prime Minister of France. I don't know if it has been cursed. Anyone who stays here will say goodbye to the comfortable days.

For the seventeenth consecutive French presidents, none of them can stay for a full month, and the worst is to go directly to the guillotine.

Danielle’s arrival undoubtedly broke this record. It is now the 34th day of his stay, but the final outcome is still unknown.

Smoking a cigar from an unknown place, President Danielle looked at his close associates and asked: "Buck, what is the reaction of those noble lords now?"

"The nobles are stepping up their connection. The Orthodox, the Orleans, and the Bonapartists have secretly held secret meetings. Our people are not enough to know what they are talking about.

Judging from the current situation, they probably haven't reached an agreement yet, or they won't be so quiet. "

The success of the second revolution still failed to change the aristocracy's control of the army. Once the three kings reached an agreement, Paris could change at any time.

Danielle nodded: "Those who inform us, don't irritate these noble lords for the time being, as long as they don't move, we shouldn't move in a hurry.

The most important thing now is to intensify the penetration of the army. If we do not control the army, our revolutionary cause will not be stable.

Don't forget to gather the prisoners released by the Allies. Don't look at these people losing battles and becoming prisoners, but that is not their responsibility either.

Once armed, they are still the most capable army in France. Now the regular army in the country used to be the second and third line troops, and they cannot be compared with these elites. "

People are good at learning. With the lessons learned from the previous Parisian revolutionary government, Danielle realized the importance of the army early on.

"Soldiers do not interfere in politics and must remain neutral in domestic political struggles." Daniel has never believed such a nonsense.

If it weren't for the control of the national army and a group of private troops in hand, could the three kingly parties have their current status?

Once the royal party reached an agreement, the originally neutral French military would immediately tear up its disguise and support a new king to restore.

There is an example of Napoleon III, and the royal party only needs to copy it once. Even now it doesn’t need to be so troublesome. The united royalist party is far stronger than that of Napoleon III, and a coup can be achieved in one step.
