Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 983: Prelude to restoration

The chaos in Paris is still going on. It is still unknown who wins and who loses. Franz has already begun to worry about the candidates for the new French king.

The candidates must come from the three royal families, there is no doubt about this. Except for these three, no one else could live up to the place.

The Bonaparte family is the first to get out. Although they have the most support in the army, who made Napoleon IV the leader of the French resistance?

Facts have proved that throwing the pot is not a simple task. The political slogans were not screaming indiscriminately. Napoleon IV was unwilling to bear the responsibility of defeating and traitorous. He played the banner of "punishing the country within, defending sovereignty outside", and he could only carry the banner of resistance to the end.

If you want to compromise, even if Napoleon IV is willing to change his position, the Anti-French Alliance will not agree!

Regardless of whether the Bonaparte dynasty ruled France for a long time, except for the short-lived Napoleon II who did nothing, the remaining three emperors were not fuel-efficient lamps.

The lessons of history are still vivid, and no one wants another war against France. In this context, the restless Bonaparte dynasty naturally became the first to be excluded.

The scope has been reduced by one-third, but the difficulty of selection has not decreased at all. In theory, the Bourbon dynasty and the Orleans dynasty are similar, but the reality is that Franz must support orthodoxy, at least on the face of it. This is determined by the position under the ass.

If France is calm and the waves are calm, just pick a rubber stamp to stabilize the situation, Franz will not have a headache, just push one up and it's done.

It is a pity that the current French throne is a hot potato, and ordinary people can't help but scream when they go up. Not to mention the talents, at least the master of internal struggle.

History did not tell him, who among the two royal families of France has this capability. They are all in exile. It is estimated that the emperor's academic horse has long been broken. Unless it's talented and self-taught, it won't change at all.

Regardless of identity, in Franz's opinion, Napoleon IV is the most appropriate. Despite being a loser, his talent for internal fighting is strong!

From the beginning of the pro-government seizure of power, to the suppression of the domestic revolution, to the attack on domestic interest groups, and to get out of the pot in time before the final battle, these operations are sufficient to prove the personal ability of Napoleon IV.

If it's a translocation, Franz doesn't think he can do better. After all, the special circumstances of France did not give Napoleon IV the opportunity to establish prestige, and political struggles depended solely on tactics.

Unfortunately, the most capable person happens to be the least suitable master.

Europe is a world that pays attention to legality. The two dynasties of Bourbon and Orleans seem to have many members, but they are really qualified to inherit the throne, but they are in single digits. If you want to choose a "qualified monarch" from these few people, there is really a chance It's too slim.

If time is pushed forward by twenty years, Franz can also push Henry V of the Bourbon dynasty. Yes, it was the Lord who gave up the throne because of a piece of "rag".

Aside from other things, at least they are smart enough. After a simple test, I knew that the throne was a hot potato, and decided to give up.

Regrettably, this wise Lord has already seen God. What is even more tragic is that even a descendant is not left behind, and the closest bourbon bloodline is actually the Spanish royal family.

This does not mean that the Spanish royal family has a chance. In order to obtain the support of France when the Spanish royal family was restored, they had a deal with Napoleon III and voluntarily gave up the right to inherit the French throne.

Although the French orthodoxy believed that this was announced under the persecution of the Bonaparte dynasty and had no legal effect; but other political factions did not agree!

The original situation was tense in time and space. Both the Bourbon and Orleans dynasties were eager to restore. The two political factions reached a compromise and jointly supported Henry V.

The current situation is different. Smart people can see that it is unable to win the support of the European Union, and the revolutionary party that dances the most will definitely be finished. The Bonaparte dynasty was out early again, leaving the two of them to fight.

The Orleans faction insisted that the Spanish royal family had renounced the right of inheritance. The other heirs of the Bourbon dynasty were distant branches and wanted to support Philip the Count of Paris of the Orleans dynasty.

The French themselves are confused about a right to the throne, and Franz is even more confused. The problem now is: you can’t get elected by election; if you have many supporters, you can’t get elected either.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs put pressure on the French to make the royalist party reach a compromise as soon as possible and introduce a king. Otherwise, the revolutionary party will become bigger and they will cry."

If you can't choose, then simply let the French play freely. Anyway, it has reached the present stage, no matter how bad it is.

Foreign Secretary Weissenberg explained: "Your Majesty, I am afraid that the Revolutionary Party will not be able to scare them.

In addition, they control the army again, even if all the Republican forces added together, they are not their opponents, let alone the Revolutionary Party is still fighting. "

The fundamental reason for the power of the royalist party is that the French people are not ready to accept the Republic. The main reason is naturally that "there is no worst, only worse."

With the poor performance of the Parisian revolutionary government, even if all French people are supporters of the Republicans, they will now become kings.

"The country is not mine. If you have enough money, you will leave. After I leave, I will take care of it."

Less than a year in power, the revolutionary government completed the transformation from revolution to bureaucracy. The worse the situation, the more ruthless the bureaucrats will make money, because they know that there is no chance if they don't work hard.

People of insight among the Republicans launched a second revolution, but they were actually forced to do nothing. The Revolutionary Government of Paris is rotten, and the royalist party may be restored at any time. It is too late to make improvements from within. They can only overthrow and rebuild.

Thinking of the performance of the French Royal Party, Franz now only feels "heart tired". It's just a group of pig teammates. I really think that the King of France is so good. Anyone can stand it?

The millions of refugees outside are still waiting to be fed. The domestic economy is in the process of collapse. The entire France is a powder keg, and a spark can explode.

Had it not been for the anti-French alliance to detain a large number of prisoners of war, it is estimated that the smoke of the civil war would have risen long ago. Now a large group of children still have the mind to fight endlessly for the heir.


After a cold drink, Franz said fiercely: "Tell them, no matter what, they must establish an heir during the year, or just wait to be hungry!"

If he changed another object, Franz would definitely not play that way. To threaten people with food is to force them to be self-reliant, or to find new food exporting countries to replace them, even if the cost is high.

But France is different. If it weren't for the war, people's food itself would be enough. Even if the territory shrinks, feeding the existing population is not a problem.

This means that France is only a short-term customer. Regardless of whether food security is threatened or not, people will be self-sufficient in food in the future, and offend will be offended.

If the royalists really don't know what it is, then they will provoke the French civil war, let them fight darkly, and finally come out to clean up the mess.


It is not only Vienna that pays attention to the situation in France, but European countries are closely following the situation in Paris. It is already very surprising that the Allied forces did not intervene in the first place.

Although everyone does not think that the French will be able to make a comeback at this time, once the revolutionary government of Paris falls, if the new government fails to fulfill the treaty, I am afraid it will be another storm.

Downing Street, London.

Unlike the past, the situation in Paris is turbulent this time, and the British government has been particularly indifferent, as if it is not related to them.

In fact, the same is true. Even if the British government wants to intervene, it does not know who it should support and who it can support.

To put it bluntly, even if they are willing to help, the French dare not ask for it. The Allied forces were stationed outside Paris, and whoever hooked up with the British would be the first to die.

Failure to intervene does not mean that you are not prepared. The government in exile led by Napoleon IV is now the biggest **** in the hands of the British government. It's just that this chess piece is a bit too smart, and simply fooling around won't work.

You know, Napoleon IV was also a master with successful restoration experience, and he successfully extinguished a great revolution that year. Had it not been for the Allied forces had not completely withdrawn, he would have killed him long ago, and the revolutionary party alone could not stop him.

Prime Minister Gladstone: "The Bonapartist dynasty shows no signs of action. Napoleon IV is more calm than we thought.

Now it depends on whether the revolutionary party is enough to be up for it. If the second revolution succeeds and the domestic kingly party is hit hard, then we still have a chance. "

The Anti-French League did not like the Bonaparte dynasty, but they did not like the Republican government even more. If the situation cannot be resolved, the Bonapartist dynasty wants to restore everyone can only pinch their noses to recognize it, that was how the restoration of Napoleon III was done.

Once the Bonaparte dynasty was restored, Britain's nails on the European continent were buried again. Although it cannot play a role in the short-term, the competition between countries is not overnight, but decades or even hundreds of years.

"Prime Minister, I think it's better to shelve this issue first. Vienna is putting pressure on the royalists to reach a compromise as soon as possible to determine the king.

Although the French royal party is divided into three, its interests are still the same when facing the Republicans. Once a compromise was reached under the help of Vienna, the Bonapartist dynasty would have no chance.

In this context, I am not suitable to take the lead in advance. In case of a mistake in judgment, the already bad relationship between Britain and France will become even more irreconcilable. "

It's not that George made a fuss. The main reason is that France is the most likely to oppose Austria on the European continent, or France is the only country that will oppose Austria.

The remaining countries, not to mention their strengths, have insufficient "motivation" to oppose Austria. There is neither hatred support nor sufficiently large conflicts of interest. For no reason, who is full and runs to the overlord?

Repairing Anglo-French relations is almost the first and most important step for Britain to return to Europe. If you stand on the wrong team when you succeed to the throne, don't even think about taking this first step for decades.

"It's really not the time to blend. But not being able to interfere in the open does not mean that you can't operate in the dark.

There are a lot of people in France who are unhappy with Vienna. They first send someone to contact them in secret and choose some of them to invest, purely as a game of chess.

As long as the seeds of hatred continue, sooner or later they will take root. Maybe at any time, it will be able to play a key role. "

Deep down, Gladstone didn't want to toss like this either. But there is no way, Britain needs to protect itself.

Looking at the Holy Roman Empire as the sun is in the sky, the days of the empire will not be easy if the sun never sets. If the layout is not carried out, the "sun setting" will be staged.

Although this kind of thing is the next term, or the trouble of the next term, or even the trouble of the next...; but as a qualified prime minister, Gladstone still wants to extend Britain's hegemony longer. .