Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 972: Take what you need


"3.1 million!"


"3.75 million!"

"3.75 million Aegis, is there a higher bid?"

"The world's most advanced cruiser formation comes with a full set of shipbuilding technology and 20 professional and technical personnel. The highest price is now 3.75 million. It is absolutely value for money. Is there anyone else bidding?"

"Well, congratulations to the Chilean representative for successfully winning the third cruiser formation."

The host West felt hard.

In order to be able to sell these warships at a high price, the French second-hand cruiser fleet has become the most advanced fleet in the world in Wester's mouth.

If you only look at warships, the Chileans must have lost a lot of money. However, there are exceptions to everything. With a complete set of shipbuilding technology and engineers, the sale is instantly cheap.

Even though there seems to be no technological blockade these years, it seems that everything can be bought with money, but that is only the technology for ordinary bad streets.

Warship manufacturing technology has always been the treasure of major shipyards. Even if it is two or three generations behind, it will cost a lot to buy it.

As the second naval power in the world, the French shipbuilding technology is naturally world-class. If it weren't for the split auction, many copies of the technology had been copied, and these technologies alone would not be available for 3.75 million.

After another deal was concluded, Waiters had lost his initial excitement. I picked up the cup, drank a sip of water to moisturize my throat, and continued to shout:

"The following auction of the Group A battleship formation will also come with a full set of shipbuilding technology, plus 100 shipbuilding engineers. The fleet includes 3 10,000-ton class new battleships, 4 cruisers, 6 destroyers, 2 shore defense ships...

The starting price of 5.8 million Aegis is still the old rule, and each increase shall not be less than 10,000 Aegis. If the price is arbitrarily bid, the deposit will be confiscated directly, and the Anti-French Alliance reserves the right to pursue accountability. "

As soon as the speech fell, the Spanish representative immediately became energetic. There is no doubt that this carefully selected fleet is their goal this time.


"6.3 million!"

Seeing the Spanish offer, Ito Hirobumi not far away decisively chose to keep up. Although he knew that the Spaniards would engage in black-box operations, he was still unwilling to give up the last effort.

Before the start of the auction, delegations from various countries sent people to visit the French warships. It can be said that every group of warships put out for auction now is well known to everyone.

Whether there is a black box operation, just look at the composition of the warship. All fleets are provisionally determined by the Anti-French Alliance. Generally speaking, high-quality warships and junk warships are mixed and sold together.

The group A battleship formation in front of them is different. The warships inside are all high-quality goods, which can not be solved by a coincidence.

"6.5 million!"

The representatives of Japan are not the only ones with a fluke mentality. Not to mention the most advanced battleship formation with moving interests.

The key lies in the full set of shipbuilding technology and shipbuilding engineers. With these, they can almost replicate the French Navy. For countries interested in developing navy, these are invaluable.


"8.5 million!"


Looking at the constantly refreshing offers, the atmosphere of the Japanese delegation suddenly became tense. The plan has not changed quickly, and there is no other reason that the money is not enough.

Xixiang Congdao said anxiously: "Prime Minister, warships are not required, but the shipbuilding technology must be obtained. With these technologies, we can fight for 30 years less."

It's not an exaggeration at all. With Japan's current shipbuilding technology, it's okay to play with sailing warships. Don't say that tens of thousands of tons of battleships have been built, and you can't even find a dock.

The world has 20,000 tons of docks, and the former dreadnought ships were built in Britain, France, and Austria. The rest of the world are still exploring.

The same is true for Americans, affected by the butterfly effect, the economic development of the United States after the split is far worse than the original time and space. The government has no money in its pocket, and naturally has no resources to smash the navy.

Ito Bowen nodded: "The competition is too fierce now. We don't have much money in our hands. Let's wait for the next batch!"

The plan hasn't changed quickly. I didn't expect to gain something at the warship auction conference. Now, shocked by the big hands of the Anti-French Alliance, Ito Hirobumi can only grit his teeth to keep up.

There is no way, there are not many opportunities to obtain the most advanced shipbuilding technology. If this opportunity is missed, the price to be paid for obtaining these technologies in the future is absolutely unimaginable.

Anyway, warships may be detained by the anti-French alliance in the name of neutrality, but the shipbuilding technology will never be detained. The Spaniards still don't have that great face, so everyone doesn't even want their international reputation for them.

In a sense, the value of taking down these shipbuilding technologies is no less than occupying the Philippine Islands.


In the box upstairs, the British delegation was not calm. Originally thought that the Austrians were just taking some backward shipbuilding technology as a lead, but didn't expect that the opponent would not play cards according to the routine, which meant that they would ruin the shipbuilding technology.

"The Austrians must be crazy. Once these technologies spread, they will cause us big trouble in the future!"

A navy officer exclaimed.

"We" also include Austria, as a member of the colonial empire, and the proliferation of shipbuilding technology also impacted Austria. Other than the sale of warship exports, I'm afraid it will be difficult to make such a huge profit now.

It is technical data and engineers, and then the Austrians will sell the French shipyards, and George will not be surprised.

With so many things, a country with a little financial resources can eat it and create its own warship.

If you can make it yourself, who wants to import it? Even if the performance is slightly behind, it is more reliable than the reduced version of the warship.

Once all countries in the world have their own shipbuilding capabilities, the good days of colonial empires will end. There is no longer a good thing to force a big country to yield with a few boats.

"It's useless. Shipbuilding technology has long spread. Since the anti-French alliance occupied France, shipbuilding technology has not been a secret.

Perhaps big countries like Spain and Russia will keep shipbuilding technology secret for their own benefit, but countries like Belgium and Sardinia with nothing can sell anything if they give money.

No one can stop a secret transaction. Anyway, technology will be proliferated, so it's better to take the opportunity to make a fortune.

Moreover, shipbuilding is a manifestation of a country's industrial strength, and it cannot be completed with a single piece of information. Even if they have a hand in shipbuilding technology, there will not be a few that are truly capable of independently building battleships. "

In the end, he was used to seeing strong winds and waves. After a brief shock, George quickly reacted.

The seemingly precious shipbuilding technology is actually a picture cake released by Austria. Most countries don't have the conditions to build battleships. Even if they get the technology, there is at most an assembly factory, and the technical components still have to be imported.

Countries that are truly capable of digesting and copying these technologies can also develop their own research and development. The greatest value is nothing but creative reference.


At noon, the auction came to an end, and the final finale merchandise also appeared. West announced loudly: "This is the last batch of this auction, and it is also the batch that everyone cares about most.

Fifteen battleships, 21 cruisers, 32 destroyers, and 157 auxiliary ships, with a total tonnage of 364,000 tons.

It is no exaggeration that this fleet is the third naval power in the world. Whoever photographs this fleet will greatly increase its strength and become an important force for maintaining world peace.

Everyone knows the importance. This auction also includes the shipbuilding technology of the aforementioned warships, plus 300 engineers. The auction is now starting, with a starting price of 45 million Aegis, and each increase must not be less than 10,000 Aegis. "

The eyes of everyone surrendered to the representatives of Britain and Austria. Everyone could tell that this was for the two big bosses. Even if other countries wanted to participate, they did not have enough funds.


Not disappointing everyone, as the host Weisenberg gave the first offer, and directly increased the price of 5 million Aegis.

This was the first round of bidding. As a representative of Britain, George would naturally not dare, and he did not hesitate to give a **** for tat price.

"30 million!"

The number has become smaller, but the amount has increased. Just because the unit behind the number has become British pounds, 30 million pounds is converted into 60 million Aegis.

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway. The auction at this moment is not only an auction, but also a confrontation between Britain and Austria for maritime hegemony.

Judging from the figures on paper, if the Austrian Navy had obtained these warships, it would have jumped up and surpassed the British in the number of capital ships and the tonnage of warships.

The doubling of the price increase is just a counterattack by George on behalf of Britain, showing that Britain is not afraid of any challenge.

As for whether to take down these warships, the London government has not discussed an accurate result so far.

After all, no one’s money was blown off by the wind. If Austria deliberately drives up prices, the British government cannot be taken advantage of.

As soon as "30 million pounds" came out, the venue was quiet. Everyone is waiting for Austria's response, and many people still show a look that the excitement is not too big, just a handful of melon seeds.

It was a good idea to bid with Aegis as the unit, but now the British don’t buy it and exchange it for pounds. As the host, Waiters only feels a lot of pressure.

Don't stop it, there is no face; stop it, the pound is also money, and the circulation attribute is not worse than that of Aegis. The customer is God, and as a seller, there seems to be no need to worry about this little issue.

It was professionalism that prevailed. Seeing that no one continued to make offers, Waiters ignored the embarrassment and declared loudly: "Is there anyone else making an offer for £30 million?

This is the core of the French navy, and if you photograph this fleet, you can immediately become a world-class naval power. "


"30 million pounds, deal! Congratulations, Mr. George, for buying a world fleet for Britain!"

The host announced the final result, and the bewildered people responded. Obviously, this is a script error.

There are three fires when new officials take office. How can the rise of the new hegemon be so quiet? Not taking the opportunity to challenge the position of the British marine hegemon is completely refreshing everyone's understanding.

Including the British Foreign Secretary George who has just become the protagonist of the auction, he is also embarrassed at the moment. It went so smoothly, completely unexpected.

"30 million pounds" seems to be a lot, it depends on where it is used. If you build it yourself, 30 million pounds is almost enough for the cost, but it is a new warship, and it is indeed a loss to buy a second-hand warship.

But according to the transaction price of warships in the international market, 30 million pounds is very cheap. Anyway, for the same price, Britain will not sell warships outside.

In addition to the warship itself, the accompanying political significance is even more extraordinary. The clash at the auction also conveyed a political signal to the representatives of the countries present that Austria has no intention of competing with the British for maritime hegemony.

This disappointed the countries who wanted to watch the excitement. The two big hooligans did not fight, and everyone wanted to fish in troubled waters without a chance.

In response, George showed a happy smile, knowing that the situation was stable.

Through an auction, Britain proved to the outside world that "your uncle is still your uncle" with actual actions. In the years to come, everyone will still have to keep their eyes open.