Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 973: Farce-Back to the President

The auction is over, but the impact of the auction continues. The warship trade has never been inseparable from politics, and this time is no exception.

The temporary compromise between Britain and Austria is naturally the highlight. The active participation of other countries in the auction is also a political signal that shows the outside world's recognition of Austrian hegemony.

It is human nature to tend to pros and cons. Now that the dust has settled, showing goodwill may not make the Vienna government look at it differently, but failing to show it will definitely be "looked differently".

In this context, the representatives of various countries have bid prices at least once, regardless of whether they need to purchase warships or not. The atmosphere is absolutely fiery.

Of course, mainly because of the split auction, the lowest starting price is only 200,000 Aegis, and everyone still has the ability to bid. If it were all large fleets, it wouldn't be so lively.

Who dares to make a random offer if there is no money, what if a deal is made? The confiscation of the deposit is a small matter, and it is considered to be deliberately causing trouble, then it is a big trouble.

The world’s second navy fleet, together with shipbuilding technology + engineers, had a total transaction price of only 130 million Aegis. Among them, more than 30 million Aegis was deducted from the insider trading of the anti-French alliance countries. It just fell to the floor. The price of cabbage.

However, Franz was satisfied. Unlike the local tyrants of later generations everywhere, there are too few countries with purchasing power these days.

Except for France, which was defeated in the war, only Britain, Austria, and Russia had revenues of more than 100 million Aegis, and there were fewer than ten countries with revenues of more than 20 million Aegis.

After excluding the 60 million British people, they can get nearly 40 million in income from other countries, even if they are not satisfied.

"After the settlement is complete, distribute the compensation to allies in proportion to the compensation. They are all waiting for the flour to make bread!"

Dividing money is a must, and Austria has never been the one who eats alone. On the issue of sharing, the Vienna government has always done a good job, which is also an important reason why Austria has a good international reputation.


Foreign Secretary Weissenberg: "I met with Spanish representatives yesterday afternoon. The Spanish hope that we will honor our previous commitments and support them in the Philippine war that follows.

Taking into account the need to rebuild the international order, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs recommends fulfilling the agreement and supporting Spain in cutting off the tentacles of the Japanese going deep into the Southeast Asia. "

Verbal promises are naturally not binding. If it is normal times, the Japanese robbed the Philippine Islands, and Austria would not mind if they were able to make it through.

After all, the Vienna government is also coveting the Philippine Islands, but it is unable to start due to political influence.

If it falls into the hands of the Japanese, this pressure will cease to exist. Austria can wait for Spain to abandon the Philippines and find another excuse to beat up the Japanese and take away the Philippine Islands by the way.

I don’t know if I should say that the Japanese are lucky or bad. Early or late is not coming, but it happened in time for Austria to rebuild the international order.

The Anti-French Alliance has not yet dissolved. Once Spain takes the Philippine war to Vienna and discussed it at the meeting, Austria will definitely help the pros and then help.

The tragedy is that the Japanese do not account for either. Do not say that the Vienna government will not support them. It is estimated that European countries will not support them.

The only hope that the Japanese government can win may be the French. It is a pity that France, which was defeated in the war, has no right to speak.

Once the Vienna Peace Conference makes a resolution, as a rule-maker and a vested interest, the Austrian government will definitely support Spain to maintain the authority of the Peace Conference.

Seeing that the duck in his hand flew, Franz said angrily: "Tell the Spaniards that it is okay to support them, but we will not go to war.

Let them do more of their preparations, play the prestige of the European world, and don't learn from the shame of the French in Vietnam. "

There is no doubt that the Spaniards have also calculated Austria's position, and rushed to support it without a word. As long as he promises some benefits, Franz's reminder will be more subtle.


On April 2, 1892, the Vienna Peace Conference officially kicked off at the Royal Austrian Opera.

There were no flowers, no applause, and no so-called opening ceremony. There is only a large icy round table, plus a few rows of chairs.

There is no doubt that not everyone is qualified to be at the negotiating table. In addition to the anti-French alliance countries, at least significant regional powers can appear on the negotiating table.

"I invite you to come here this time mainly to ask everyone to be a witness to deal with the follow-up affairs of the anti-French war and establish a new international order.

We are discussing the issue of order slowly, and now we should first deal with the aftermath of the anti-French war. "

Weissenberg bit the word "witness" very seriously, and the meaning to be expressed is very obvious: you should not mix up the aftermath of the anti-French war. Our anti-French alliance can do it by itself. If there is a problem, we will establish an international Pull slowly when it is in order.

This kind of naked statement undoubtedly hurt many representatives. At any rate, I also participated in an international conference and refused to let us express our opinions. It was simply...

Without waiting for everyone to react, the Belgian representative, who was prepared for a long time, opened a complaint against the atrocities in France.

A large amount of evidence was brought to the table, and even the disappearance and killing of the soldier that the French used as an excuse to declare war has now been reinterpreted.

The Belgian representative finished speaking, the German Federal representative followed, and then the Italian states took turns to complain.

Personal evidence, historical documents, photographs, and confessions from French officers and soldiers are everything. In a sense, the Vienna Peace Conference has dragged on for so long to allow everyone to collect evidence.

With the appearance of shocking evidence, the scene is that touching, and many delegates who attended the meeting left trembling tears.

Of course, no one knows whether it is true or false. After all, there are still multiple cameras in the hall, recording this historic scene.

Listening to the accusations of the crowd, President Robert, the representative of France, kept his head very low, reducing his sense of existence as much as possible.

There is no way, the more tragic the content of the anti-French alliance's complaint and the more evidence it produces, the more disadvantaged it is for France, and it also means that the greater the price France will have to pay in the future.


Not to mention, is there a chance for him to speak. Even if he asked him to speak, he didn't know where to start.

As a revolutionary, Robert's knowledge of this war is limited to the information left by the previous government and domestic media reports.

The things recorded by one's own people are naturally inevitably beautified. Many of the key details are taken in one stroke. Want to know the specific situation, they can no longer find the parties.

Robert has always thought that this was just an ordinary European hegemony war, and there have been many similar battles in history.

Judging from the scope of the war, the French army only stayed in Central Europe and Italy, far less than the Napoleonic era to fight all the way to Moscow.

In President Robert's view, the consequences are now the most serious, and the punishments are slightly heavier than last time. After a few years, he will be fine.

However, the reality is cruel. Just from the losses listed by the anti-French alliance countries, Robert knew that France was in serious trouble this time.

After the Anti-French Alliance defined the nature of war as "aggression" and "anti-aggression", Robert finally couldn't help it. He knows very well that if he doesn't speak out now, it will be more difficult to make it clear later.


"France is also a victim of this war. It was Napoleon IV who initiated the war. All the French people should not be allowed to pay for his personal mistakes.

We request the General Assembly to issue an arrest warrant to apprehend Napoleon IV, a war criminal, and give an account to the millions who died in this war..."

Before Robert had finished speaking, Wesenberg, the host of the meeting, scolded, "Shut up!"

"Mr. Robert, don't you feel ashamed if you are unwilling to take responsibility when encountering things, and throw the scapegoat on your allegiance to the emperor?

Sorry, I forgot that you have revolutionized. It is a chaotic party in itself, so naturally I don't feel ashamed.

But you can do such a shameless thing, but we can't. Wanting an emperor, even an emperor in exile, is also not allowed by the international community. "


"There is no prince!"


A series of curses were constantly playing in the meeting room. Obviously, Robert's person was wrong. Most of the delegates attending the meeting are from monarchy countries, and things like the emperor of the dumping pot are obviously "taboos."

Especially when there are camera recordings, in order to be politically correct, representatives of various countries must also stand up and express their positions.

Several representatives of the Republic, including Robert's high hopes, also joined the scolding war at this moment, spraying him with blood.

stand by?

What's a joke, for France to compete with so many monarchies, it must be tired of living.

Robert, who didn't wait to realize it, came up with a countermeasure. A cup had already flown towards him, passing him by, and then documents and pens were flooded.

It was chaotic. Since someone took the lead in using violence, followers gathered, and the scene was completely chaotic.

Obviously, there are many smart people. There is a camera recording in the back, how can such a good opportunity be missed?

Frankly speaking, if not the host of the meeting, Wesenberg wouldn't mind joining. After all, there are not many opportunities for this kind of watch loyalty, how can I miss it when it is delivered to the door.

In any case, Robert is also the President of France. In case of an accident in Vienna, Austria will be embarrassed.

"Guards, keep order!"

When everyone was pulled apart, Tie Han's Mr. Robert was already bruised and his head was blooming.

Fortunately, the wound was not deep and the medical conditions in Austria were also good. He was rescued in time, otherwise the Vienna Peace Conference would be a joke.


In the Vienna Palace, after receiving the news, Franz once suspected that the French had sent a dead soldier to deliberately rush to do things to lower the war punishment.

This speculation is valid. From the camera record, the earliest water glass was flown out from the British delegation.

In an instant, Franz made up for the Anglo-French collusion, and exchanged a dead man for the picture of preserving France's vitality.

It turns out that he was thinking too much. The French under the nose of the coalition forces have not yet been able to manipulate these things.

According to the information collected, President Robert is also an important leader of the Revolutionary Party. He has led the workers' uprising many times and played an important role in the Paris Revolution.

Except for his poor political acumen, this passionate and brave revolutionary has almost no shortcomings in life and work.

It's right to think about it. The Parisian revolutionary government has been unable to elect a president because no one wants to pick up this hot potato.

Robert, who was excluded from the center of power after the success of the revolution, was able to be elected as the president himself.

As for national interests, that is simply too much. The anti-French alliance is so strong, France has no negotiation capital at all.

Whether it is sending the most powerful diplomat in the world or sending a pig, the final result will not be substantially different.

As long as he is a little bit politically savvy, Robert will not be in danger when everyone retreats, taking on this errand that is destined to make him notorious.