Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 967: Flexible diplomacy

The end of the European War not only means that Austria has won European hegemony, but more importantly, the sword hanging over Austria no longer exists.

Looking at the "Draft Dealing with the Law", you can see that Austria is feeding its allies this time, and it is also full of hatred.

It is conceivable how bad the relationship between France and Austria will be. But these are all minor issues, and there are many countries that share high hatred values.

You can't spit out the meat you eat. At this point, the French want to make a comeback. They must first ask the neighbors if they can agree.

Today is different. Before the war, the French could despise these neighbors, and the situation after the war was completely different.

Although the declining Spain is not strong, it is big! Now that the rich Roussillon region has been recovered, the strength will be further developed.

The Kingdom of Sardinia, which has just been restored, cannot be counted on for the time being, but its development potential is not small. It has the support of the Italian states on the issue of anti-law. After having an unpleasant experience, you certainly don't want to come a second time.

Belgium, whose vitality is badly damaged, is not so strong, it can be as deep as the sea, and it is the vanguard of the anti-French.

Switzerland, a mountain country, although its national strength is not good, everyone knows that the famous Swiss mercenaries are definitely hard to gnaw.

France wants to make a comeback, no matter which direction it makes a breakthrough, it will be as difficult as the sky. In particular, Austria is still staring at it, a little bit more dynamic, another anti-French war.

According to the analysis of the think tank, after the war, the combined national strength of the four countries of West, Switzerland, Belgium, and Saskatchewan can be as good as France. As long as the French are not allowed to break them individually, the blockade is unbreakable.

The threat of the Western Front no longer exists, and the European continent will be at peace. As long as Austria does not take the initiative to do things, no one can afford to do things.

As a pacifist, Franz decided to go out to toss less in the years to come, and just stay at home and farm.

Well, these are all fools. The truth is that Austria is struggling and needs to stop and digest.

The war is a gold swallowing beast. Even if Austria won this time, it seems easy. In fact, the Vienna government is also heavily in debt.

In order to support this war, Austria not only emptied the national treasury, but also borrowed 800 million Aegis from the bank, and successively issued three war bonds to the people, totaling 760 million Aegis.

If it is just an increase of more than a billion in debt, it is not worth worrying about Franz. After all, the Vienna government is in a good financial position and there is no pressure to bear this debt.

The problem is that the German-Austrian merger has begun. Other regions do not need much support from Austria, but the reconstruction costs of the Rhineland region are indispensable.

On this issue, don't expect the German Federal Government to pay for it. They have long been in debt.

Not long ago, due to wage arrears, there was a general strike of public officials, and the rubber stamp emperor of Hanover had already let go.

According to the previous agreement, after the Vienna Peace Conference, King George I will announce the dissolution of the Federation and then abandon the throne. Anyway, it has nothing to do with me, it is naturally broken.

In the end, Franz couldn't see it, and supported a sum of money to allow the government to function normally.

It is the creditors of the German Federal Government who are really unlucky. The debtors are gone, and there is no heir to bear the debts, so the creditor's rights will naturally disappear.

The governments of the following states will not admit it, and Franz will not admit the debt. No matter where the lawsuit is fought, no one can say that the Holy Roman Empire is the heir to the German Confederation.

The debt may not be inherited, but the territory must be accepted. The Rhineland region is a municipality of the German Federal Government and does not belong to any state. After the merger, it will naturally become a municipality of the Vienna Government.

Needless to say, since it is a municipality directly under the central government, it will naturally be funded by the central government for reconstruction. The following states have the most humanitarian support, and they are not legally responsible.

The resettlement of millions of people in their hometowns, from food, clothing, housing and transportation to work, needs the Vienna government to solve it. Thinking about it, it makes the scalp numb.

In contrast, the construction of the newly occupied area is nothing. Although the overhead is huge, there is no requirement for time!

Once the locals are repatriated, it becomes a no-man’s land. The Vienna government can develop it whenever it wants.

In addition to these expenses, there is a huge hole to fill. The Austrian army has also paid a heavy price since the war, and the number of casualties is an astronomical figure.

So far, the Vienna government has issued a total of 460 million Aegis pensions. This is not the end. It is only a matter of time before the cost exceeds 1 billion.

Now it depends on how much the military field can cover. If the soldiers choose to take cash, it is estimated that the Vienna government is not far from bankruptcy.

Add all the expenses together. Because of this war, the final expenses the Vienna government needs to spend will definitely not be less than 5 billion Aegis.

The direct economic loss caused by the war is as high as 7 billion Aegis, and the indirect economy even exceeds 15 billion Aegis.

Simply calculating the economic account and making the French lose tens of billions of Aegis is really not wrong at all.

However, the reality is very cruel. No matter how many requests are made, people who have no money will have no money. Regardless of how high the compensation amount is set, it is only in people's pockets that you can get it in the end.

If it had not harvested a large number of colonies, cleared the obstacles to the unification of the German region, and established Austria's European hegemony, the Vienna government would have lost its pants in this war.

In this respect, Franz has to thank the French for their wealth. Comparing the first battle in the original time and space, we know that Britain and France, as the victorious countries, lost their pants.

With this unpleasant experience, Franz finally understood why Britain and France had adopted the appeasement policy before World War II. It's not that politicians don't know the risks, but they can't afford it.

"Peace is made." The meaning of this sentence can be said to be reflected in the true sense here.

No matter what others think, Austria can't afford it anyway. Fortunately, this war only lasted one year. If it lasts for three to five years, it will really shake the foundation.

Thinking of this, Franz admired the tsarist government. The Near East War, the Russian-Prussian War, the Anglo-Russian War...Since Franz succeeded to the throne, the Russian Empire has never been peaceful, and it will come almost every ten years.

After so many wars, the Tsarist government has not only persevered, but the ruling foundation has not been shaken, and there are even fewer domestic contradictions than in the original time and space.

Of course, the easing of domestic conflicts also comes at a price. The population of the Russian Empire is 20 million less than the same period in the original time and space, and the total amount of industry is far less than the same period in history. The only areas that exceed the original time and space are probably territory and agriculture.

The overall national strength has declined, but the regime has stabilized. It was supposed to be a joke, but it really happened.

However, if you study history carefully, you will find that similar things have happened more than once in history.

After each dynasty change, a large number of people will die, and then social contradictions will ease. As long as the ruling class does not die, a flourishing age will come.

The situation in the Russian Empire is similar. The Tsarist government has survived the most dangerous period of war and became a victor. Now it is natural to enjoy the fruits of victory.

From this point of view, the European continent often waged wars in the Middle Ages, and it was not just the noble lords who were warlike. It was not without the intention of using war to reduce population.


One wave has not settled, another wave has risen.

When the Anti-French Alliance was immersed in the victory of the Anti-French War, the British did not idle, taking advantage of the loss of the French and having no time to worry about overseas, they brazenly sent troops to invade the French Indochina Peninsula.

No, it is not certain that it is an invasion for the time being. The British came up with the colony transfer agreement signed with the Bonaparte dynasty. If the content is true, it is just an ordinary colonial transaction.

Undoubtedly, with such a terrible defeat on the European continent, the French colonial government far overseas naturally did not have the determination to resist the British.

After seeing the colony transfer agreement, whether it was true or not, each colonial government surrendered.

No, it should be said that the transfer of territory has taken place. Although the British took over the colony, the French army was not disarmed, let alone enter the prison camp.

The great progress overseas has not made the British government feel relieved. Seeing the Vienna Peace Conference approaching day by day, Gladstone's smile became less and less.

No matter how much we eat overseas, it is just some leftovers. The forces of the Anti-French Alliance could not be extended, so they picked up a bargain.

Such cheapness has no meaning to the current international situation. Britain, which was already isolated, has become even more isolated.

The former allies and brothers, now they all no longer exist. It can only be said that the advantages of the anti-French alliance are too obvious. No matter how the London government draws in, there is no European country standing with them.

Gladstone, who had planned to do things at the Vienna Peace Conference, was not interested now. The current international situation is very obvious. As long as the anti-French alliance is not dissolved, the European continent will not have their right to speak.

Foreign Secretary George: "According to the news from the Embassy in Vienna, the closed-door meeting of the Anti-French Alliance has ended. The specific content is temporarily unknown, but they have expelled the French.

Austria, Belgium, Switzerland, Spain, Sardinia and other countries have all taken actions to expel the French from border areas.

According to preliminary estimates, the Anti-French Alliance has reached an agreement to carve up France. The current expulsion is mostly to prepare for the subsequent annexation of the territory.

Because the French army has taken similar actions in the German region before, the anti-French alliance is now retaliating, and it is not good for us to condemn it morally. "

The Blessed Virgin is not popular these days, and blood debt is the mainstream of the times. The European War was a war of aggression initiated by the French, and the anti-French alliance retaliation was a matter of course.

Of course, the more important thing is that the anti-French alliance is too strong for "100 million" points. Most European countries are members of the anti-French alliance, and a few neutral countries have also followed suit.

The European continent has the same position, and Britain's transcendent status naturally no longer exists. Standing directly on the opposite side of the anti-French alliance, the London government also counseled.

Upon receiving this bad news, Gladstone's brows frowned even more tightly: "Find out the content of the treaty at all costs, and don't be too busy to state your position before that.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs continued to communicate with Russia and Spain. The too powerful Austria was not in their interests and encouraged them to fight for the spoils. "

This is a conspiracy. Every major European country has a dream of a European hegemony, and Russia and Spain are no exception.

Austria has become their biggest stumbling block on their way to the hegemony. If given the opportunity, they would definitely not mind kicking it away.

George shook his head: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, this is impossible. Spain has fallen and is still busy counterattacking the Philippines. It is just when Austria's support is needed, it is impossible to turn your face.

The Russians are indeed ambitious, but their westward road has been blocked. Without sufficient certainty, they will not turn their faces with Austria. "

"Potential" competitors are just "potential". Spain is too weak and has no capital to fight for hegemony; the Russians are strong, but the tsarist government is not stupid.

It is easy to fight for the spoils. The problem is that you have to eat it. Whether it is dividing up the French homeland or fighting for overseas colonies, a strong navy is needed to back up.

This happens to be something the Russian Empire does not possess. In order to get things unavailable and turn faces with allies, it can happen only when the brain is flooded.

Gladstone slapped the table fiercely: "If you can't do it, you have to do it. The anti-French alliance is too strong. We can't directly compete with them, we can only disintegrate from within.

If Russia and Spain cannot be persuaded to oppose Austria, then find ways to join the alliance. In short, Britain cannot be isolated by the European world. "

Join if you can't get it, this is a traditional British skill. I think that Fao was all allies back then, but after Britain joined, the two countries soon became strangers.

If there are international relations experts who study this period of history, they will find that there is an obvious turning point in the relationship between France and Austria.

Before the establishment of the three-nation alliance, the two countries can be said to be a honeymoon period; after the establishment of the three-nation alliance, the contradictions between the two countries continued to intensify, which directly led to the disintegration of the alliance.

From this point of view, Britain also played a disgraceful role in this European War, but it miscalculated the strength of the two sides, which led to the collapse of the later game.