Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 966: "Draft for Disposal of Laws"

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After a series of bargaining, on December 17, 1891, the Anti-French Alliance finally reached an agreement and signed the "Draft of Dealing with the Law."

At this point, the spoils sharing meeting is almost complete. Just let the French sign at the Vienna Peace Conference to confirm its legality.

Although the anti-French alliance countries have agreed in advance, being able to reach a preliminary agreement in less than two months is still a manifestation of efficiency.

After receiving the signed treaty, Franz very doubted that everyone was so fast to go home for Christmas as soon as possible.

The "draft" is indeed a "draft." Except for the agreement on the general framework, the specific details are basically blank, and even many clauses are ambiguous.

For example: the territories of France to be slaughtered have only one place name, and the specific boundary line is not reflected in the treaty.

It seems clear, but in fact there is a huge gap. In Europe's thousands of years of history, the area governed by the same place name is not static. The specific period shall prevail, and there is no clear agreement in the treaty.

As a vested interest, this is obviously a good thing for Austria. There is no clear agreement, which means that there can be more room for maneuver, and it is not a problem to shift the boundary line slightly.

The boundary is not clear, and the amount of compensation is also not fixed, but the distribution ratio of each country is agreed, and the specific details can be discussed.

In any case, I have to leave something for the Vienna Peace Conference, and listen to the opinions of other countries by the way. Otherwise, there will be no way to perform the next scene.

The content of the treaty is as follows:

Territorial aspect

Austria reclaimed part of the Duchy of Lorraine, Alsace, and the Kingdom of Burgundy (Franche-Comté region), totaling approximately 47,000 square kilometers;

The Flanders and Atois (the northern part of the Strait of Calais) are assigned to Belgium, covering an area of ​​approximately 12,000 square kilometers;

The Principality of Savoie (Haute-Savoie and Savoie) was allocated to Switzerland, covering an area of ​​approximately 10,300 square kilometers;

Part of Provence was allocated to the Kingdom of Sardinia, covering an area of ​​about 30,000 square kilometers;

Corsica is zoned to Tuscany, covering an area of ​​about 8682 square kilometers;

Spain reclaims the Roussillon area, covering an area of ​​approximately 24,000 square kilometers;

Andorra became independent (468 square kilometers) and Monaco restored its original territory (20 square kilometers).

War reparations

Austria 33.4%, Russian Empire 20%, German Federation 25.5%, Belgium 15.5%, Spain 0.3%, Switzerland 0.2%, all the states of Italy 4.5%, Montenegro, Greece, and Armenia each get 0.2%.

France needs to pay a total of 50 to 80 billion Aegis in war indemnities (the specific figures will be determined at the Vienna Conference), and the various countries have established a joint bank to provide loans to the French government to pay indemnities. The monthly interest is five thousandths, and the principal and interest are repaid in 99 years .


Although Austria has worked hard, it has not been able to completely separate France. Even driving the French out of the Mediterranean was not able to do so.

It is not that it cannot be done, but that it cannot be done. It's okay to cede land after a defeat, but there are limits to land cede, and it is better to have a legal basis.

As a substantial European hegemon, Austria has become the biggest beneficiary under the rule system, so it is natural to maintain the rules of the game.

In this context, the partition of France and Austria is in the name of regaining lost land, and the land acquired is also the homeland of the former Shenra.

This argument is indeed a bit far-fetched, but it is better to have a legal basis than nothing. In addition, the fist is big enough to be considered legal.

In contrast, the land allocated to allies is not so particular. Except for Spain's reluctance to find historical support, everything else can be considered defeated.

It's not that Franz is unwilling to give more. The problem is that the size of the allies is limited, and if you force them to them, they might be choked to death.

Moreover, the distribution of benefits must also be fair and must be able to convince the public. If it crosses the line, the prestige that Austria has finally established will be gone.

A closer look at the benefit distribution plan will reveal that the treaty is full of compromises. Except for the compensation of the Russians, which was agreed in advance, the rest were based on their respective contributions.

For example: Spain used soy sauce on the battlefield. In addition to regaining lost ground as agreed in advance, the war reparations received are only symbolic.

Because of the heavy losses in the war, Belgium has made a lot of contributions, and received a lot of territory and compensation.

The Confederation of Germany, which also made a significant contribution, received a share of war reparations second only to Austria because it did not receive territorial compensation.

The Kingdom of Sardinia seems to have acquired a lot of territory, but in fact it is also based on the premise that the Principality of Savoie is allocated to Switzerland, which has a compensation nature.

Moreover, these benefits are not something their family can eat, and they must be shared with other Italian states.

This is the result of Austria's deliberate care. Otherwise, the Italian states, which have limited contributions in the anti-French war, can be independent.

This can be regarded as imitating the British tactics of burying the nails. It is estimated that the relationship between the Kingdom of Sardinia and Switzerland will not be good in the future, and the relationship with other states will probably not be good.

Putting aside the text of the treaty, Franz asked doubtfully: "Why is there no content about the distribution of colonies?"

It's not that Franz made a fuss. As the world's third colonial empire, there are many French colonies, many of which are high-quality assets. Logically speaking, it should be something that everyone is fighting for, but it is not mentioned in the draft.

Weissenberg explained: "Your Majesty, the colony issue has indeed been discussed, but everyone has more than enough energy.

Belgium is busy rebuilding after the war and has no extra energy to manage the colony; Spain is also going to fight the Philippine War, and ignore the fight for colony.

Originally, the Russians wanted to get French Indochina, but it was a pity that the British were eyeing them. We can't compete with the British in the Far East, let alone the Russians.

The rest of the countries are almost the same, limited by their national power. Even if the colonial interests are determined at the meeting, they have no ability to defend, so they simply put this part of the content on hold. "

There is no mention of the German Federation, because the German-Austrian merger is already in progress. Now it is only to set off the image of Austria that the German Confederation is solely involved in the distribution of benefits after the war.

Otherwise, Austria will take too much, and it will easily lead to unbalanced hearts.

In fact, there are already people who are unbalanced. Otherwise, the problem of "shelving" the distribution of colonies will not arise.

The most fertile "French Africa" ​​was swallowed by Austria in one gulp, and the remaining French colonies were scattered all over the world, all of which had their own peculiarities.

Since I can't get it, I'm not seeing it. Allies do not participate in the distribution of colonies, so Austria naturally cannot force everyone to endorse.

Franz nodded: "Since they are not willing to participate, we will solve the colony problem by ourselves.

In addition to the French Africa that we have already won, we also want to get as much as possible the French colonies overseas, as well as French America.

As for the French Indochina Peninsula, we can't take care of it for the time being. If the British want it, we can give it to them. We can't stop it anyway.

These are minor problems, and the real trouble is the debt problem of France.

The final war reparations, whether it is 50 billion or 80 billion, the French cannot afford to pay, and debt default will inevitably occur.

These issues must be considered. Once the French defaults on their debts, what measures we should take and what measures we can take should be clearly agreed in the treaty. "

If it is tens of billions of francs, it is estimated that the French government will get it all through gritted teeth. Unfortunately, the anti-French alliance wants the Aegis.

Even according to the minimum standard of 50 billion Aegis, it is 183,000 tons of gold, which may not be able to collect it after selling France.

Not only the principal is not paid, but even the interest cannot be paid. Calculated according to the monthly interest of five thousandths, the monthly interest is 250 million Aegis.

Not to mention the French, even the Austrian seal of Aegis, cannot afford this debt.

It doesn't matter if I can't afford it, Franz was not going to let the French back. With this debt under pressure, Austria has sufficient reasons to prohibit the French from developing armaments.

In fact, the original plan of the French in time and space to restrict Germany was not wrong, but there was a problem when it was implemented, but it was pitted to death.

Prime Minister Carl reminded: "Your Majesty, the amount of this debt is too large for the French to pay it back.

Even if the Paris government agrees, the French people will oppose it. Once all the French people resist, we may not only get no compensation, but we will continue to spend money on it.

For the benefit of the empire, it is better to set a compensation amount within their tolerance. It can not only limit the development of France, but also avoid public opinion pressure. "

If you can't afford it, you won't pay it back, it's not news anymore. If it is really urgent, France is likely to enter a long-term anarchy, and then there will be guerrillas all over the mountains.

This is the European continent, and many extreme measures cannot be used. If the worst happens, Austria can actually do nothing.

The so-called military management of France, in fact, the threatening component is redundant with practical meaning. The anti-French alliance is strong, but if there is no return, I am afraid that no one wants to go crazy with Austria.

Franz nodded: "The Prime Minister said rightly, the French really can't afford the compensation. If it is pressed, it is not beautiful.

However, this amount of compensation was passed by the Anti-French Alliance Conference, which means that most of our allies approve this number, and we cannot easily change it.

The Vienna Peace Conference will begin in two months. At that time, we will throw it into the meeting for discussion, and let the French find ways to persuade countries to reduce the amount of compensation.

As long as the French government is willing to disband the army and promise not to develop armaments, we will not make things difficult for them on the issue of compensation. "

Frankly speaking, Franz never thought that such a huge compensation figure could be passed at the internal meeting of the Anti-French League.

According to the advance plan, as long as the French can bear the indemnity of 3 billion Aegis, Franz will be satisfied.

It's not that there are too many, it's really meaningless. France, which has lost its overseas colonies and suffered the baptism of war in its homeland, is no longer the wealthy French empire.

The indemnity of 3 billion Aegis, monthly interest is 15 million. To collect monthly indemnities, the new French government must not only disband the army, but also save money.

The huge indemnity is in itself for the opposition of the allies. To be precise, it is to induce the Russians to oppose it and make the Russians stand on the opposite side of the countries such as West, Switzerland, Belgium, and Saskatchewan.

However, the plan has not changed fast. I don't know if the Russians discovered the plan or were lured by the huge amount of compensation. In short, the Russian representative did not jump out to object.

There is no objection, and Austria cannot oppose it on its own. Add the losses from all parties together, and then an astronomical amount of compensation will come out.

Fortunately, this is only a draft, and there is still room for amendment. If a formal treaty is signed, it is forcing the French government to play dead.

Similar cases have also occurred in the original time and space. After the First World War, the French offered compensations of 6000 to 800 billion gold marks to the Germans, and then they were cut to 132 billion gold marks all the way.

Finally, it was reluctant to find that the defeated Germans still could not afford to pay indemnities. In order to enable the Germans to pay indemnities, the Allied Powers developed a brain-disabled industrial product repayment method.

Not only has it saved the industry for the enemy, it has also allowed German manufacturing to enter the British and French colonies unhindered through indemnities. The capital consortium took the opportunity to make a fortune. The sequelae caused by the domestic economic depression is that no one invests in manufacturing.

There is such a precedent, Franz is naturally very vigilant. Always remind yourself that compensation is only a means to suppress the enemy, not the ultimate goal.

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