Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 902: Brain disability strategy?

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The kingdom of Sardinia still exists in theory, and the international influence of the "Ossar Agreement" is naturally limited.

In addition to the publication of newspapers of several member states of the Anti-French League, the international media showed very cold.

No, there is no need to pull international opinion at this time.

There are so many European countries. Including Montenegro and Greece, which have been pulled together, the anti-French alliance has accounted for half.

Among the remaining neutral countries, there is also an anti-French alliance. Compared with France, which is fighting alone, the anti-French alliance has won without a fight in political propaganda.

Public opinion does not care about the "Ossa Agreement", the main reason is that the political show is too obvious, which is precisely what the intellectuals hate most.

These people are the main force of subscribing to newspapers. Newspapers will not work with customers. Since it is news that customers do not like, then filter it out.

Even if it was mentioned, it was also taken in one stroke. Now both Central and Southern Europe are caught in the flames of war. Everyone has some news reports.

The media does not care, it does not mean that politicians do not care either. People with different identities have very different perspectives.

The "Ossa Agreement" seems to be nourishment, but it actually shows the Austrian political position to the outside world that it will not annex the Italian region.

Ordinary people may think that the European War is still going on, and it is too early to talk about these issues at this time. In case the anti-French alliance loses the war, it's a joke.

But politicians don't think so. The Vienna government made it clear that it is not seeking expansion in Italy, which is good news for many countries.

In particular, the neutral countries that tend to oppose the anti-French alliance can put their suspended hearts back in their stomachs and boldly pull the hind legs for the French.



It was already prepared, and Napoleon IV was stunned by the bad international situation. The British, who had high hopes, did not play their due role.

After stabilizing Switzerland and Spain, the British government started to watch from the sidelines, waiting for the fight between France and Austria.

Even London has sprayed more French media than anti-French alliances, and the British government has not helped channel public opinion.

After losing the "Ossa Accord" in his hand, Napoleon IV roared: "How did Vittorio Emanuele III get to Vienna, what did the British want to do?"

If he is not angry, there may be nearly a quarter of Italian soldiers in the French army. Vittorio Emanuele III fell into the hands of Austria as a time bomb.

It is important to know that Britain and France are agreed in advance. The British government promised to detain high-level Italian independent organizations to ensure that they are not allowed to come out of chaos.

Napoleon IV also knew that the British were unreliable, and that promises amounted to nonsense. But he thinks that even if the British government repents, it will have to wait for the victory in the European War.

If France wins, or has the upper hand, it is normal to release Vittorio Emanuele III to add chaos to them for European balance.

The problem is that the European War is only just beginning. Although the French army is beating the two countries in China and Europe, but in terms of the overall situation, the Austrian reinforcements are still on the way, and France has not prevailed.

In a sense, France is still at a disadvantage. The front line was unable to make a breakthrough, and when the Austrian reinforcements arrived, it was the anti-French alliance that had the advantage of strength.

Anyone with common military knowledge knows that France ’s advantage lies in the army ’s combat effectiveness. If it cannot be broken through earlier, the war becomes a war of attrition, and it is a replica of the Russian-Russian war.

Against the backdrop of population, industry, and economy in an all-round disadvantage, there is no chance to win in the early stage, and there will be no chance in the future.

Of course, there is still a chance to make another comeback like Napoleon.

At this time, the British released Vittorio Emanuele III to increase the power of the anti-French alliance.

In case the Italian soldiers in the French army are bewitched and passively idle on the battlefield, how can this war be fought?

"Your Majesty, the British government explained that this was an accident. Vittorio Emanuele III left secretly, and they discovered it was too late.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has confirmed that the British did restrict the exit of Vittorio Emanuele III, but the responsible officials dereliction of duty and let him slip away. "

When he said this, Foreign Minister Karel Kadletz was embarrassed. It is important to know that persuading the British to restrict the exit of Italian independent organizations is one of the achievements advertised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Fortunately, the British teammates did not help, and the chain fell at a critical moment. The Italian independent organization was indeed left, but the big fish of Vittorio Emanuele III missed the net.

Napoleon IV sneered and sneered: "Accident?"

"There are no accidents in the morning, no accidents in the evening, but accidents happen at a critical moment. What attention do the British have to pay, do they need to say?"

The key to maintaining the relationship of allies is trust, but the most lacking between Britain and France is trust. Fortunately, if there are no problems, the alliance will crack immediately.

After hearing the emperor's words, Karel Kadletz's face became more ugly. Seeking help from colleagues with eyes, we are greeted by asking for more blessings.

Forced by frustration, Karel Kadletz can only explain daringly: "Your Majesty, the British are indeed unreliable, and we have never hoped for them.

In the final analysis, the current disadvantage is that our army has not made any breakthrough on the battlefield. As long as the anti-French alliance is defeated, everything will be reversed. "

Dead friends do not die poorly, in order not to be unlucky, Karel Kadletz decisively chose to dump the pot.

Encountered by the indiscriminate disaster, Army Secretary Luskinia immediately glared and sneered: "Please rest assured, the French Army will not think about what some guys do, they will only shirk their responsibilities.

We have worked out a perfect plan. If it were not for Vittorio Emanuele III who suddenly appeared, it has now started.

But this is only a minor problem, and this opportunity was used to clean up the two-hearted guy in the military center. "

Speaking lightly, in fact, Luskinia has already started cursing people.

Because of politics, after annexing the Italian region, in order to show France's mind, the army inevitably received Italian soldiers.

Fortunately at first, the proportion of Italian soldiers was very low, and there was no big wave.

It was different after the outbreak of the European War. After seeing the expansion of the anti-French alliance, France could only keep up.

There is no way. After entering the 19th century, the fertility of the French people was not. There are only more than 37 million people until now.

Compared with the anti-French alliance, this figure is less than one third.

Austria announced that it would expand its military by 5 million, and the two countries will add 1.5 million in total. With the previous troops of each country, the total strength will soon exceed 8 million.

The classic case of ants biting elephants has already appeared in the last anti-French war. In order to avoid repeating the same mistakes, the French government had to use the manpower of the Italian region, so as to avoid a large gap in military strength.

Since Napoleon IV approved the 5 million military expansion plan, a large number of Italian soldiers have appeared in the French military battle sequence. At this time, no one can ignore the feelings of the Italians.

What is the appeal of Vittorio Emanuele III? In fact, it is also a mystery. It has never been performed, and no one knows how big it is.

But because of the pride of the soldiers, Luskinia is not allowed to flinch now.


In the south, in order to welcome the arrival of Vittorio Emanuele III, Admiral Moores deliberately launched a winter offensive.

From the topographical point of view, Austria occupies the most elite area of ​​the Po River Plain, and the rest of Italy has many mountains and hills.

In the development of the economy in a peaceful era, it has benefited a lot, but in the era of war, the situation is reversed.

Within the headquarters

Admiral Moores was waving his baton and facing the sand table: "This is a topographic map of the Italian region. You have read it many times, and you should have counted it in your mind.

From the Lombard region, we have only three ways to attack, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.

First, use the Dolary Paria River O and Po River west to enter Turin;

Second, attack the Monferrato along the Tanaro River;

Third, the seizure of Bologna and San Marino was initiated south along the Sekia and Po rivers.

There is no doubt that seizing the best interests of Turin, once occupied here, the Kingdom of Sardinia can be re-established, which will cause a fatal blow to the French rule in Italy.

But the benefits are the biggest and the risks are the biggest. The French have deployed a large amount of troops in the Turin region, and it is difficult for us to make breakthroughs in a short time.

The central part rushed to capture Monferrato, and its strategic core was similar to that of West Turin.

The next step in occupying Monferrato was to liberate Genaya, divide the Italian region into two, and crack down on French rule in the Italian region.

However, with this strategy, we must not only defeat the frontal enemies, but also expose our wings to the range of the French attack. The greatest military risk we must bear.

The last advantage of the southern route is that the biggest advantage is the ability to get help from the navy. The Adriatic Sea is our site, so do n’t worry about logistical issues.

The risk is the lowest, and the return is also the lowest. Except for fighting a victory and decorating the facade, it basically has little military value.

If you want to expand the results, you must cross the North Apennines. Or move forward along the peninsula to find a breakthrough.

This should be based on the fact that the French have made mistakes, otherwise we will grab some ground and let the outside world feel that we have the upper hand. "

Do n’t look at Admiral Moores ’s South Side Raiders. It ’s a tasteless thing. In fact, everyone knows that he advocates launching the South Line Raiders.

There is no other reason, just one word-stable.

Moreover, the South Line Raiders are not completely worthless. Ordinary people don't care what strategy is not strategic. In many cases, whoever has more territory will have an advantage.

Austria has sent troops under the banner of liberating Italy this time, and the occupied land can be directly handed over to independent organizations. There is no need to maintain local stability.

As long as there are more victories, the national uprisings in Italy will respond, and it is only a matter of time before a national uprising breaks out.

When the Italian region is in chaos, the French army must disperse its troops to suppress it. It simply cannot do its best to fight the anti-French alliance.

Over time, the advantage of the anti-French alliance will become greater and greater, and eventually overwhelm the French with their strength.

Steady thinking is the mainstream of the Austrian army. There is no other reason. The main reason is that the French army is too famous for its prestige.

The meaning of Moores Vittorio Emanuele III naturally understands, but the **** determines the head, no matter what strategy is not strategic, he now needs to restore the country.

"My Excellency Commander, please forgive me for interrupting me. From the current international situation, we need a victory, a victory that can break the invincibility of the French army.

Only by winning on the battlefield can we pull in neutral Switzerland and Spain and strengthen the anti-French alliance.

Of course, there is no problem in defeating the French alone with the strength of your country. But in this way, your country must pay a terrible price.

The Russian-Russian war has proved that once the war continues, it is very terrible. And the longer it is dragged, the greater the war losses that need to be borne.

If there is no accident, after this anti-French war, your country is the new continental hegemon.

Overlords need to use war to lay the ground, and the French can only crush the French. I am afraid that many people will not be convinced, such as the British and the Russians, which will add uncertainty to the future.

The best option is to step on top of the French and push the Austrian army to the altar to dispel the unrealistic fantasy in the minds of the ambitionists.

... "

Touted, touted without a bottom line.

After hearing the words of Vittorio Emanuele III, General Moores blushed a little.

Beating the French emotionally is as easy as killing a chicken. When was Austria so powerful, how could I not know?

There is no way, if this is said from the mouth of ordinary people, Admiral Moores can still laugh at it, but now from the mouth of a king, he must not be proud.

Praise is disorienting. Fortunately, Admiral Moores is in a high position and is accustomed to flattery. His consciousness does not follow.

Vittorio Emanuele III said nothing better, it was nothing more than instigating Austria to send troops to Turin to help him recover.

The credibility of European countries is not good this year, even in Austria with a good reputation, Vittorio Emanuele III did not dare to believe it.

Don't think that the two countries have started a war, and maybe they will be reconciled if they turn around. Similar operations have happened too much in European history.

To put it bluntly, the two countries declared war because of the conflict between China and Europe. After the outbreak of the war, they fought a few battles symbolically, and there was no real fire.

In the event of an accident, France and Austria suddenly extinguished the fire, and his revival movement was over.

After calming down, Admiral Moores said slowly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured. Our troops are very strong and we can launch three-line attacks at the same time."

"Three-line attack", such a brain-deficient strategy. Vittorio Emanuele III was very suspicious of his ears, if he heard them wrong.

"Sir Commander, are you ready to pretend to be a two-way attack?"

It is not impossible for the three fronts to be launched at the same time. The problem is that logistics scheduling cannot keep up, unless the Austrian army stays in place and has not achieved results.

Otherwise, as the front advances, logistical chaos is inevitable. No matter how coordinated, after all, there are only a few roads. After exceeding the carrying capacity, the chaos should be chaotic.

Admiral Moores smiled slightly and looked at a group of Italian independent organizations without explanation.

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