Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 901: The Ossar Agreement

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In the coalition headquarters, Albrecht's eyebrows clenched as he looked at the frontline deployment plan.

"General Desmet, is your deployment in the coastal areas too weak?"

There is no way, the anti-French alliance has an advantage in all aspects, but only in the navy.

Fortunately, the front line of the Mediterranean Sea and the strength of the French and Austrian navies are close. Both countries are worried that they will be fishermen by the British.

The North Sea region is different. Both the Belgian Navy and the German Federal Navy are weak in front of the French Navy.

Even after Vittorio Emanuele III left London, the navies of the two countries did not send warships to respond.

There is no other reason because it is not dare. The French Navy has blocked the door, and the warships leave the port without going back.

The anti-French alliance lost the right to control the sea in the North Sea, and coastal defense has become a real problem that the two countries have to face.

Belgium ’s coastline is not long, only 66 kilometers, but this is not something that several security regiments can defend against.

To the knowledge of Archduke Albrecht, the several security regiments deployed in Belgium were temporarily expanded after the war.

The force structure is: a small number of retired officers and soldiers + temporarily recruited noble officers + a group of young and strong.

It is worth mentioning that the retired officers and soldiers are generally over 50 years old, and the younger ones have all gone to the main force.

Officers and soldiers are also eliminated after the main force has been screened. There is no way, even if the Belgian government is prepared, it will not change the fact that they lack manpower.

Since the beginning of the war, the Belgian government has mobilized nearly 300,000 troops. Not to mention the quality first, the proportion and speed of mobilization are the highest among the participating countries.

"My Excellency Marshal, we have deployed a large number of coastal artillery in coastal areas. The French have to pay a terrible price to land. With warships and coastal artillery against each other, no commander would be so stupid.

Moreover, the French offensive is too fierce, and our main force has been devoted to front-line operations, and we have not enough troops to deploy in coastal areas. "

Admiral Desmet is very helpless. It is not that he did not realize the danger in the coastal area. The problem is that he has insufficient troops and he must first take care of the more important battlefield.

Now we can only bet that the French are reluctant to use the warship to bomb the shore. Anyway, as long as we insist for another week, the Austrian reinforcements will arrive.

Grand Duke Albrecht shook his head: "Your Excellency, this judgment may not be a problem 20 years ago, but it is not possible now.

The French can use the warship as a decoy to expose your shore artillery fire, and then use the airship force to bomb.

The previous battle has proved that the airship force of your country is not an opponent of the French at all, and the sky temporarily belongs to the French.

Don't doubt the determination of the French government. Warships are not as valuable as you think. There are not many warships that France drags out to target each year. "

The combat effectiveness of the airship has been proven, especially when it is bombed at a fixed point, the airship can exert more power.

Because of the emergence of air defense weapons, airship bombing is mostly high altitude bombing, and the hit rate is not so good. The problem is that the coast of Belgium is so big.

Bombing two kilometers against the coastline, it is more than 100 square kilometers, equivalent to a city. Naval gun + airship, covering such a small area, is no longer a problem.

As long as the French are willing to pay a certain price, landing in the coastal areas where Belgium has weak defense is not a problem at all.

The value of warships is relative. The most advanced warships are naturally very valuable, and it is not the same if you are old and ready to retire.

Especially for Britain, France, and France, countries that often participate in the arms race, who does n’t have a bunch of warships waiting to be scrapped?

If you ca n’t sell it in the international market, you ca n’t buy so many training ships. In addition to pulling out to target, you can only dismantle and sell scrap iron.

Taking out a part of the warships as cannon fodder, there is no need to feel distressed.

In the eyes of Grand Duke Albrecht, the French did not implement the landing plan, or the commander was too stupid to see it; or the commander was indecisive and could not bear to sacrifice ...

However, these are temporary. As long as the front fails to achieve a breakthrough, the French will take this step sooner or later.

Even if the landing operation fails, the French can contain a large amount of the anti-French alliance forces and create favorable conditions for the main decisive battle.

Not to mention, after the gang of princes along the coast of the German Federation, in order to protect the safety of their hometowns, they were unable to send troops to the war.

Admiral Desmet nodded disapprovingly: "Marshal rest assured, we will pay attention.

Once the French launch the landing campaign, we will immediately send troops to reinforce. Belgium is not big, and it is completely within time.

At present, it is mainly due to the lack of military strength, and it has been completely suppressed by the French. The situation will change when your country's reinforcements arrive. "

After more than half a month of fighting, it is not without help. At least the fear of the Belgian military against the French has disappeared a lot.

Because of the relationship between local operations, the two sides have been fighting on the battlefield. At the disadvantage, it is just a shortage of troops, and the gap in combat effectiveness between the two sides is not as wide as expected.

Looking out the window, Grand Duke Albrecht did not continue to intervene. The Austrian reinforcements are coming soon, but they are not here to sell their lives for the Belgians.

The Vienna government's attitude is very clear. First, it encouraged the two countries to fight with the French and waited until the fight was almost completed, and then the main decisive battle.

Don't ask why, anyway, it is the strategy formulated by the emperor, and the implementation is correct.

Against this background, the movement of Austrian reinforcements is naturally not fast.

Of course, Franz still has a temperament, not too much.

The Austrian troops still advance at a speed of 30 to 40 kilometers per day, depending on the road conditions and the weather.

There is nothing to say. Everyone has been marching at a slow pace these days, and can advance 30 to 40 kilometers a day. This is already an elite standard.

It's not that you can't get up, the problem is that it is difficult to continue. Perhaps in the case of a light train, one day you can march in a hurry and walk up to seventy or eighty kilometers in one breath.

But such a speed cannot be sustained. Soldiers are also human beings. When you are exhausted, don't expect combat effectiveness.

In fact, because of the speed of the march, the cases of the collapse of the troops are not uncommon in military history.


At the Vienna Palace, Franz is holding a welcome banquet for the arrival of Vittorio Emanuele III.

In the past, the relationship between France and Austria was passable. Although Austria recognized Vittorio Emanuele III as King Sardinia, it was only in private.

On the bright side, the Vienna government, like all European countries, is silent, as if it knows nothing.

It is different now. Both France and Austria are fighting. Naturally, there is no need to worry about the feelings of the French.

In order to build momentum for Vittorio Emanuele III, and to convince the Italian people that Austria was to liberate them, Franz had to attend the welcome banquet in person to show that the Austrian government supports the Kingdom of Sardinia to regain its independence political standpoint.

In addition to some non-nutritious clichés, there was no substantive content at the banquet, and Franz left in a hurry.

The emperor left, and the banquet continued. The task of receiving Vittorio Emanuele III fell to Wesenberg, which was the responsibility of the Minister of Foreign Affairs.

Vittorio Emanuele III was very concerned and asked: "His Excellency, where has your country been in the Italian region and when will I be able to lead the Italian independence movement on the front line."

There is no way. Vittorio Emanuele III has been a little stimulated recently, especially under house arrest in Britain, and even stimulated him.

There is no time when there is such an urgent need for reinstatement. If it was n’t for Franz to leave too fast, without giving him the opportunity to speak, the question now is ...

"Your Majesty, don't worry. First arrived in Vienna, you should go and enjoy the beautiful scenery here.

Believe me, Vienna will not disappoint you. This is the most beautiful city in the world. "

After that, Weisenberg picked up a glass of red wine and took a small sip. Looking at the anxious Vittorio Emanuele III, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There is no free lunch in the world. If you want Austria to help reinstate your country, Vittorio Emanuele III will naturally pay a price.

If so many people are qualified to restore the Kingdom of Sardinia, why should the Vienna government support him?

With Vittorio Emanuele III most orthodox now?

Regrettably, now that it is the end of the 19th century, Orthodox also has to make concessions for interests.

The Bonaparte dynasty is an example. The European countries did not send troops to interfere in the restoration of Napoleon III for the sake of an orthodox name.

Of course, in the case of small interest gaps, the Vienna government is still more willing to support the orthodox monarch. After all, the Habsburg dynasty is now advocating orthodoxy and working hard to unify the German region.

"Your Excellency, the famous name of Vienna has been spread all over the world. I am also fascinated for a long time, and I have long wanted to take a good tour.

But now the people of Sardinia are still suffering under the enslavement of the French. As their kings, I have no ability to rescue them. I am ashamed that I have no face to do anything else. "

Putting down the body to flatter, there is no pressure on Vittorio Emanuele III.

Unlike other monarchs, Vittorio Emanuele III grew up in an environment under the fence of mankind from an early age, and arrogance could not be brought up at all.

Although he didn't feel very cold about Vittorio Emanuele III's thoughts, Weisenberg gave him a high look.

As a king, not only can he lay down his body, but also has a keen judgment. After discovering that something was impossible, he decisively reduced the Italian region to the Kingdom of Sardinia, implying that he had no ambitions.

"Your Majesty, rest assured. God will punish the French invaders, and the Kingdom of Sardinia will eventually become independent.

Austria is different from France. We are a peace-loving country. We have no ambitions for the territory of the Italian region and will not expand in the Italian region.

Supporting the independence of the Kingdom of Sardinia is our consistent political proposition, but to drive away the French, we also need to pay a very heavy price.

You must have heard that we have formed anti-French alliances with countries such as Belgium and the German Confederation.

In order to protect everyone's interests, we have to adopt the principle of equivalent exchange. After chasing away the French, all participating nations distribute loot according to their contributions.

Based on the current situation in your country, I am afraid that it is difficult to contribute to this war. It is logically not qualified to share loot.

But looking at the traditional friendship between the two countries, we will still support the independence of the Kingdom of Sardinia, but as a price, your country must share part of the military expenditure.

The specific figures are determined according to the actual post-war expenditure. Of course, if you can make a certain contribution on the battlefield, you can also reduce the amortization accordingly. "

Hearing "Ossa Friendship", Vittorio Emanuele III looked slightly unnatural.

There is no way, if this word is passed on, it is another joke of this century.

The kingdom of Sardinia has reached the point where it is now. Austria is also very powerful, and it can even be said to have played a decisive role.

If it were not for Austria to beat them halfway, the French were not so easy to occupy Sardinia, perhaps now it is another situation.

It is a pity that history does not have anything. What is more tragic is the Osa war or the initiative of the Sardinian kingdom. This has caused the father of Vittorio Emanuele III to be infamous.

The reality is so cruel, people only remember the winners, the losers are sinners, even if they are great.

Whitewashing is impossible. The defeat of the Osage War directly led to the inability of the Kingdom of Sardinia to resist the French invasion.

Vittorio Emanuele II became synonymous with idiot, arrogance, even though he was pushed onto the battlefield by the Sardinian people.

After falling through the wind and frost, Vitorio Emmanuel III recovered immediately after a short period of discomfort, carefully pondering Weisenberg's words.

He was hesitant not because Austrian conditions were too harsh, but because they were too generous, which was so unbelievable that Vittorio Emanuele III could not believe it.

Only by sharing part of the military expenses, can you exchange for Sardinia? Where can you find such a cheap thing?

After hesitating for a while, Vittorio Emanuele III asked tentatively: "How much force did the French army put on the southern front?"

In addition to the tense battle and the urgent need for an ally, Vittorio Emanuele III had no idea of ​​the reason for such loose conditions in Austria.

Weissenberg shook his head: "Okay! The French have focused their strategy on the battlefield in Central Europe, and in the Italian region, they are mainly defensive.

Your majesty, you should know the terrain of the Italian region, which is not suitable for the decisive battle of the Corps.

The decisive battle in Italy is a replica of the Anglo-Russian-Afghan war. You can fight forever if you want.

If it were not to liberate the Italian region and help countries get rid of the French slavery, we would not be entangled with them on the southern front. "

Knowing the doubts in Vittorio Emanuele III's mind, but Weisenberg has no meaning to explain.

It ’s not that the Austrian government wants to give preferential treatment to the Kingdom of Sardinia, but it really does n’t know what to do now.


There is no shortage of Austria, and the most elite region of Italy is in Austria, and the rest is bad.

Continuing to expand has no value other than increasing trouble.

Including Sicily, which now seems to have a very important strategic position, it has no value to Austria after the war.

No way, the current Sardinian kingdom only exists in theory. Vittorio Emanuele III has nothing but an orthodox title.

Even if you want to squeeze oil, you have to wait until the Kingdom of Sardinia becomes independent. Without a word, let Vittorio Emanuele III sign a bunch of unequal treaties. How can people live in the future?

Austria needs a stable Kingdom of Sardinia, constantly adding to the French; it is not a Kingdom of Sardinia that is in constant need of rescue.

The stuffed cakes came over, no matter whether it was poisonous or not, Vittorio Emanuele III, who was already hungry, had to eat it.


On October 21, 1890, Vittorio Emanuele III signed the "Ossa Agreement" with Wesenberg.

The content of the treaty is, of course, a big talk about the friendship between Osage. The original unpleasantness was a conspiracy deliberately created by the French to annex the Kingdom of Sardinia.

Anyway, the time has passed so long, even if the older generation is still alive, there are now even more abominable French hatreds. It is not a matter of Osa hatred.

The signing of the treaty marked the end of decades of grievances between the two countries since 1847, and the relationship between the two countries has entered a new height.

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