Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 885: Preparation for Austria

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When the folks are in trouble, the whole world knows what the French want to do. The two countries started preparing for war, and the other neighbors were not idle.

Switzerland recruited 50,000 militiamen for half a year of military training; Spain expanded its five infantry divisions and announced it to suppress colonial rebellion.

The Austrian government announced that the retired officers and soldiers will be delayed for half a year this year, while conducting anti-invasion drills nationwide.

Although not explicitly stated, everyone knows that this is for the French. The situation in continental Europe suddenly became tense, and the French government at the center of the storm was embarrassed.


It was getting darker and darker, even though it was known that the French's goals were mostly from the two countries, but everyone was still vigilant, fearing that the French would play dark.

Affected by the tension in Europe, the Austrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs became lively. European countries have expressed their positions one after another, hoping that Austria can check and balance France's ambitions.

Franz never had a cold for the same diplomatic rhetoric. After turning it over, he frowned and asked, "Is there any substance?"

This kind of meaningless spiritual support can only be taken out to fool children, which has no meaning to us. "

The specific support was not mentioned. Anyway, they are supporting the confrontation between the Austrians and the French. It is best that France and Austria fight both sides.

There is naturally no content in the diplomatic note, but Franz will also make up his mind, and he will do the same in other European countries.

Meaningless support is better than nothing. At least it proves that Austria's popularity is not bad and has not been isolated by everyone.

When necessary, it can also be used to encourage morale, increase your own justice, and gain an advantage in public opinion.

Foreign Minister Weissenberg: "Yes! The Principality of Baden invites us to garrison to jointly defend against the invasion of the French army; Belgium proposes a military exercise by the three countries to deter the French ambitions."

Since ancient times, inviting foreign troops to station has been a matter of great political risk.

Baden bypassed the central government and invited the Austrian garrison. Franz was still slightly surprised. However, considering the complicated relationship between the two countries, he was not surprised.

Although the Holy Roman Empire collapsed for decades, the sign did not fall, especially after the rise of nationalism, the Holy Roman Empire was the legal basis of the great German thought.

Generally speaking, the main force opposing the entry of foreign troops is nationalism, but in the eyes of Baden ’s nationalism, it is also a member of the German nation, and Austria is also its own.

The internal hidden dangers are gone. The external German federal government has no right to interfere in Baden ’s internal affairs. If the central government is dissatisfied, it will send troops to guard the border.

The Imperial Parliament is still in progress. The states are arguing over the distribution of troops. Hanover, as the central government, is under pressure to defend the Rhineland region. It is really awkward to increase aid to Baden.

In addition to these factors, the core element of the Baden government's daring to invite the Austrian garrison is due to the in-law relationship between the two countries.

It is impossible for Austria to swallow anyone, and it is impossible for it to swallow Baden, otherwise the Habsburg dynasty would not be able to mix in the aristocracy.

After a little thought, Franz shook his head: "These two proposals are unrealistic. At this time, garrisoning Baden will not only stimulate the French, but also worsen our relationship with the German Federation.

Once the French advance east, the German Confederation is the best meat shield. What we have to do now is to encourage them to die with the French as much as possible, instead of carrying the French pressure for them.

The Belgian exercise plan is even more unreliable. The troops involved in the exercise are too costly. After all, the French have not fought, and they have no courage to take the initiative to look for the French's guts.

The lack of troops involved not only cannot deter the French, but it may also inspire the French ambitions. It is possible that the French government will start to be strong first and directly kill the troops participating in the exercise. "

There is no doubt that these are excuses. In the final analysis, there is only one real reason. Franz is unwilling to be the head of grievances and rushes to the front line of the resistance.

Human nature can't stand the test. Don't look at everyone's pretty words now. If you defeat the French, your defense will become Austria.

Rather than flattering your efforts, it is better to sit at home and wait for the situation to develop. After the two countries were beaten by the French, the situation was very different.

Prime Minister Karl worriedly said: "The situation in France has changed too abruptly, and some people do not understand it. It always feels like someone is controlling it.

Guided by public opinion, the French have stimulated their self-esteem, and it is understandable to advocate tough measures against Germany.

But what excitement did the Italians run for? I do n’t believe that they have such a strong sense of belonging to the French government. "

It has been less than two decades since France really annexed Italy, the older generation is still alive, and the younger generation grew up in that particular era. It is a joke to talk about belonging.

The Bonaparte family is from Italy, but their foundation is too shallow, and they have little strength in the Italian region.

In addition to the influence left by the Napoleonic era, it can be said that there is nothing. Influence cannot be transformed into strength, and it cannot be done without cooperation.

The Italian capitalists who originally supported the French government, because they lost the competition with the French capital, were directly pushed to the opposite.

If it were not for the deterrent power of France, the Italian region would have started to smoke. At least the royal states of the states that were aerial, all wanted to regain power.

The Foreign Minister Weisenberg explained: "The problems in the Italian region have been clarified by the embassy in Rome.

Behind the shadow of the Italian independent organization, they participated in order to provoke the European War and create opportunities for the independence of the Italian region.

From the point of view of the source of funding for the event, the signs directly point to the British. Combined with the current international situation, the British government does have an incentive to provoke the European War. "

It is best to check the funds for the activities. There are two major gold awards for independent Italian organizations. If the Austrian government does not pay, it must be paid by the British government.

Other countries have no guts even if they are intentional. In case the news is leaked and the pan-European war is slammed down, it can kill people.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Mark Leo von Joseph: "The truth is no longer important. The key is whether war can be avoided?

If possible, finally push the time back another ten years, even five years, and then we will be able to kill the French in one go. "

Solving the French at one time is the most ideal state. None of the anti-French wars can really solve France, which is enough to explain many problems.

On the European continent, defeating a country is easy, and it is necessary to completely solve a country's difficulty. Regardless of the price to be paid on the battlefield, the key is international interference.

If a large European country such as France, if it cannot be resolved at once, it will leave endless troubles.

Austria has not ignored the strength of European intervention, which means that after a battle with the French, there will be one more enemy in the west.

Otherwise, as early as during the Paris Revolution, Austria had fallen on the French and did not have to wait until now.

Weissenberg shook his head: "I'm afraid this question will be asked of the French. If they are to implement the China-EU strategy, this war cannot be avoided.

Judging from the current situation, we must prepare for the worst. Just shocking, I am afraid that the French ambition cannot be dispelled. "

Austria ’s development plan for the Near East has already revealed its true features. Ordinary people do not feel deeply, but they ca n’t hide the shrewd politicians.

The tsarist government was fooled into Central Asia, partly because it was to recapture Central Asia, and shame before washing it; the other half was forced to help.

Looking at Austria as a neighbor growing stronger, the Russian Empire is getting worse, and anyone will feel the pressure.

If there is no choice, then Russia and Austria will definitely part ways, and finally come to the opposite because of strategic conflict.

As a result, the British came to the door at this time. The tsarist government, which had originally planned to stop after recovering Central Asia, saw the British military waste and did not resist the temptation of India.

Strategically, the tsarist government's decision is not wrong. Beating the British on land is definitely better than winning Austria; the gain from defeating the British is also greater than the gain from defeating Austria.

Anyway, as long as India is annexed, the shortcomings of the Russian empire will be made up, so naturally there is no need to fear Austria.

The Russians took the initiative to attack, the British responded passively, and France and Austria were left in the big countries with leisure time.

After the outbreak of the capacity crisis, the British provoked the heavy loss of French interest groups and ambitions.

The problem was pointed out, and politicians would n’t want to be ostriches. Without completing the China-EU strategy, France will always be at a disadvantage in the future international competition.

Franz, who had been silent for a long time, slowly said: "No need to look forward. At this stage, the French government has no choice.

Unless the French government is a group of people who have no ambitions and just want to eat and die, otherwise war will break out sooner or later.

From now on, China has entered a three-level alert state. All military industrial enterprises must be operational from now on.

Governments in various regions register the retired officers and soldiers in their jurisdictions. The government should ensure that within one week after the outbreak of war, 500,000 reserve forces can be mobilized.

Ordered the Governor of the Middle East and the Governor of East Africa to prepare for first-level preparations. Once the French invaded Central Europe, they would seize the Suez Canal and Egypt.

Inform the governments of various states to hold an imperial meeting on the 11th of next month to discuss the issue of resisting the invasion of the French army. "

No matter where the French attacked, Franz decided to pay attention to the Suez Canal anyway.

As for the rest of Africa, Franz is not interested in strategic areas and blocked by deserts.

For the Vienna government, this upcoming war is both a disaster and an opportunity.

Prior to this, the Vienna government had only received the right to issue banknotes and customs duties, the military command was the emperor's, and the central government had no right to intervene.

Although the judicial system is unified, in order to protect judicial justice from outside interference, the judicial system of the New Holy Roman Empire is independent of the government, including the courts, anti-corruption bureaus and other judicial departments, only to be accountable to the emperor.

In this context, the central government is naturally powerless to the highly autonomous state government.

Apart from being influenced by economic means, the Vienna government has never issued a formal administrative order to the state government.

Theoretically, if the government of the country is angry and angry, the central government can also intervene.

It is a pity that I have enjoyed the dividend of expansion. In recent years, Austria's overall economic development has been good, the reputation of the governments of various states has been good, and the central government has no opportunity to intervene.

It is different now, once the war breaks out. There is no way for the state government to refuse the unification of the central government, especially in the front-line state, they cannot withstand the support of the central government.

How to do it specifically is a problem between the cabinet and the state government. Power struggles are always contested, and no one will come to the door if they stay in place.

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