Holy Roman Empire

Chapter 884: South or east?

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As public opinion became more hostile to the two countries than Germany and Germany, there were also massive demonstrations and demonstrations among the people.

From Paris to Rome, any city in France with a population of more than 50,000 people has erupted.

All kinds of messy slogans are endless, anti-coal profiteering, anti-unemployment, demands for higher wages, and the government to further liberalize the right to vote ... etc., regardless of whether related or unrelated social groups have jumped out.

For a time all over Europe, the voices of the French people were heard. It's just that the call is a little messy, a little bit confusing.

Palace of Versailles, listening to the tears of the people outside, Napoleon IV was angry.

public opinion?

There is no Internet this year. If no one manipulates it, the news will naturally spread, and it may not be able to spread throughout the country in three to five months, nor will it be possible for major cities across the country to erupt together in demonstrations.

"The police department checked it to see who was behind it!"

No emperor is willing to be manipulated, and Napoleon IV is no exception. Even if it is to implement the China-EU strategy, it will be carried out under his leadership, rather than being driven by the ducks.

Police Minister Adonis replied anxiously: "Your Majesty, there are many participants this time, including capitalists, students, nobles, military, government officials and other groups.

According to the information held by the Police Department, the first action was taken by the domestic industry and commerce industry, which quickly spread. "

The ultimate behind-the-scenes arsenal is unknown to the police department. This kind of clear news can still be found.

Adonis's political mind is still very brilliant. Since the outbreak of public opinion, he has begun to think about countermeasures, and now it is naturally within reach.

Law does not blame the public, this is the biggest feature of France. Even the participants of the last revolution, Napoleon IV, could not liquidate them all, let alone now.

Knowing that it was useless by the industry and commerce industry, there was no way to lock in the original culprit.

When he snapped the table fiercely, Napoleon IV said fiercely: "Damn the consortium, don't think that you can get through it."

Since the industry and commerce industry dominates, it is natural that the consortium will work hard to keep this account on the consortium without any problems.

In fact, the relationship between the Bonaparte family and the French consortium has not been very good, because the interests of the two sides have not been in conflict.

Especially during the Paris Revolution, the consortium's promotion and robbery took place, which intensified the contradiction between the two sides.

Don't look at Napoleon IV's concession and compromise, but the grievances in his heart have accumulated. In order to curb the growth of the consortium, Napoleon IV did no less.

From a development perspective, this is an inevitable result. The power of the consortium is constantly expanding, and the cake of France has not grown, and the expansion of emerging forces will inevitably collide with vested interest groups.

The Bonaparte family was successfully restored with the support of the peasant class and the noble class. Napoleon IV must represent the interests of these two classes.

The French consortium is rich in financial resources and influential, but politics and military are shortcomings. In the face of the nobles who control political power, they are obviously not opponents.

If you want to continue to grow, you can only find a way to make a big cake.

Promoting the China-Europe strategy is the best way. It not only solves the shortcomings of domestic industrial and commercial development, but also promotes the development of the capitalist economy and further strengthens the power of the consortium.

Foreign Minister Karel Kadletz reminded: "Your Majesty, we can take the time to track down the problem of the black hand behind the scenes.

Recently, European countries are constantly asking us questions about the China-EU strategy. The troubles of the domestic people have aroused the vigilance of all parties.

Just last week, the Belgian government decided to expand a reserve army. Once the plan is completed, Belgium ’s total strength will reach 154,000.

The German Confederation also convened a meeting of states, and George I proposed to follow Austria's implementation of the national reserve system, and then train 1.5 million reserves.

And with the existing main force unchanged, the standing army increased by 300,000 reserve forces, and now they are busy discussing the issue of the distribution of troops in each state.

If the Germans' plan is completed, their actual standing army will exceed 500,000. Under extreme mobilization, the two countries will add up to a total strength of two million. "

There is no doubt that the two countries are frightened by the internal changes in France and are doing their best to expand their armaments.

If the two countries have completed the plan and armed all the young and strong in the country, whether France's China-Europe strategy can be implemented is subject to negotiation.

"They openly want to tear up the arms agreement, are they not afraid of being sanctioned by the international community?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Napoleon IV meant that he had lost his word. Looking at the war is about to break out, who will think so much.

With European countries being wary of France ’s habit, most of them will open their eyes and even close their eyes on the expansion of the German and German military expansions, and will even be happy to see their success.

This unrestrained behavior of pulling the deflector is very unfriendly to France.

After a pause, Napoleon IV said slowly: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs must find ways to undermine the expansion of the two countries, and if necessary, make a security guarantee."

Regardless of whether or not to implement the China-EU strategy, the French government must interrupt the expansion plans of the two countries, otherwise France will not threaten others, but will be threatened.

No way, who makes their enemies more! What if Austria persuaded the two countries and then took Switzerland and Spain together to siege France?

Not to mention impossible, the historical anti-French war has occurred. Now it is also possible to happen, after all, these neighboring countries have been beaten by them, and the basis for conflicts of interest and hatred is available.

Karel Kadletz replied with a bitter smile: "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has taken action, but the two countries simply do not trust us.

Moreover, there were also troubles by the Austrians. Franz sent an open letter to the governments of the two countries yesterday morning, highly praising the efforts of the two governments to maintain European stability. "

Franz has always been the best at such things. Inspiring the expansion of the military forces of the two countries will do no harm to Austria.

Once the European War broke out, the first two countries, Belgium and Germany, were the natural meat shields of Austria. Whether they wanted it or not, they stopped the French on their way to the east.

If the European War does not break out now, Austria has won the time to continue farming. Anyway, Austria ’s current plate is large enough. Once the Near East is developed, it can directly kill the enemy by comprehensive national strength.

Luskinia Hafez, the Minister of the Army: "If we cannot dispel the idea of ​​expanding the military between the two countries, we can only start the China-EU strategy in advance.

Otherwise, if we really let them complete the expansion plan of the poor soldiers, we will lose the opportunity, and it will be difficult to implement the China-EU strategy. "

Prime Minister Terrence Burgin shook his head: "The key to the problem is not between the two countries, and their expansion plan only sounds powerful, and it is actually impossible to complete.

Belgium ’s military expansion plan is theoretically achievable, but can they raise so many troops?

Not to mention the German Federation, so many small states, but not all states have conflicts of interest with us.

If war really broke out, it would be a big problem to coordinate the military forces of various states.

It is important to know that for the rulers of the states, Hanover, the central government, is also an enemy, and no one wants to easily hand over the army.

What is really troublesome is Austria. Once we implement the China-EU strategy, the probability of Austrian intervention is as high as 90%.

Judging from the current international situation, I think that in order to implement the China-EU strategy, Austria must be hit hard to prevent them from interfering in our actions. "

The French invaded the two countries, Austria is almost certain to participate in the war; but the outbreak of war between France and Austria, but the two countries are likely to be neutral.

Do n’t say anything short-sighted, once Austria defeated the French, the reunification of the German region became a foregone conclusion, and the emperor George I was embarrassed.

It is impossible for George I to do this kind of harm to others. When the central government comes forward, the following small states are also happy. The pro-Austria is just because of interests, not that they are going to sell their lives for Austria.

Without the German Confederation, Belgium is even less likely to participate. It is not possible to have a secret contract. The Kingdom of Belgium has limited strength and cannot cope with it at all.

Luskinia Hafez, the Secretary of the Army, repudiated: "Your Excellency, you are in the most ideal state, and in fact there is no semi-feasibility.

Our relationship with Austria can be maintained for so many years, not because the relationship between the two countries is friendly, not because the conflict of interests is small, the key is that no one can help anyone.

This is determined by the geographical location, and the Albis Mountains are the natural boundary. Even if we can defeat the Austrians, we will eventually stop Venetia.

Austria is not a small country, and the loss of Lombardy and Venetia has little effect on them.

The Government of Vienna cannot concede defeat, and then we have to face the endless stream of the Austrian army. One million, two million and three million have been consumed by us.

If it is just a single Austria, we still have the confidence to win the final victory.

The problem is that there are other countries on the European continent. Spain, the German Confederation, Belgium, Switzerland and other countries are likely to fall to Austria at all times.

Especially Britain and Russia, don't look at their fierce fights. However, the terrain of Afghanistan restricts their performance, and it is impossible to talk about doing their best.

Unless we can guarantee that both Britain and Russia will be defeated in Afghanistan, and the war time is delayed until the two countries are seriously injured, it is possible to avoid interference from Britain and Russia. "

The classic case of the Russian-Russian war has already made the European world understand that it is not easy to fight wars with major powers, especially those with a large number of people.

In the absence of a quick battle and a quick decision, the war between the two great powers is a suicide war. The losers will certainly lose ground, but the winners will also suffer heavy losses.

From a purely military standpoint, if the French and Austrian countries are at war, it is better to fight in Central Europe. The winners borrowed all the way from Belgium.

If the war is in the Italian region, at most it will be a partial victory. Both sides are protected by the Albis Mountains and cannot enter the core territories of the two countries.

Facing the eyes that Napoleon IV was looking forward to, Karel Kadletz shook his head: "If there is a war with Austria, before the victory or defeat, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a certain degree of confidence to keep European countries neutral.

Once we have the upper hand on the battlefield, all European countries will inevitably intervene, and the metropolis will stand against us.

Even our British ally is no exception. For the British government, anything that breaks the balance of Europe is not allowed to happen. "

There is no way, the French Empire in history is too strong, so strong that it has no friends.

European countries have always been extremely vigilant about the Bonaparte dynasty. With Napoleon's opening template, even after the Paris Revolution, France's heavy losses have not changed everyone's perception.


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